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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Comparative literature is a type of interdisciplinary research that studies the relationship between the literature in different nations and examines the relationship between literature, and art and humanities. Various topics have been investigated in comparative literature, one of which is intellectual movements. Feminism is considered as one of these intellectual movements. In this essay, relying on the descriptive-analytical method, a comparative study of some feminist components in the novels Al-Khaba by Almiral Tahawi and Akhtar, Dokhtar-e Zibaye Qajari by Eli Najafifar based on the comparative literature of the American school is discussed. Women-centered novels possess a number of Feminist components inclusing; gender discrimination, forced marriage, polygamy, marriage at a young age, unquestioning obedience to the wife, divorce, the place of superstitions among women, employment of women in the home environment, and further. Followed by that, harassment of women, women against women, longing, smoking among women, trying to achieve freedom, surrendering to fate, etc are aong the other noticed elements. The result of the research has indicated that Al-Khaba and Akhtar Dokhtar-e Zaizaye Qajari mostly express the classic traditional life and the pains of women experiecned in a patriarchal and misogynistic society. It also represents desperation and despair among women and the negative view of them. Both authors end their stories in a way that confronts men with the beginning of women's activism for equal rights. Introduction:Comparative literature examines literary communication and its influence. The fields of research in comparative literature are wide and numerous. The most dominant fields in this respect are; research on loanwords, translation literature and the examination of translators as agents of transferring phenomena and literary works to other nations, research regarding the topics of transnational anthologies, the history of authors and their influence on the literature of other nations, the study of external sources of a work or an author, the study of literary schools and intellectual currents, the image of a nation in the literature of another nation (imagery), etc. Feminism is a French word meaning "advocacy of women's rights" and "women's liberation movement" and is as old as history (Moradkhani and Talebi, 2019: 5). Feminism is the belief in women's rights and the political, social, and economic equality of men and women, and it has been one of the most passionate theories of the 20th century, which has always been the field of many challenges (Gholamohseinzadeh and Hosseini, 2012: 490). For more than 150 years, the world's feminist movements and thoughtful women have been fighting to confirm the meaning of women as independent and free beings and to gain rights in public and private spaces (ibid). Today, after 150 years, the feminism movement has become a way of social thinking beyond party and ideological confrontations" (Haqdar, 1380: 103). Feminism is not a single and integrated movement, but includes various and sometimes conflicting theories and types. However, in general, all feminists agree on the principle that the society they live in is male-dominated; Because so far, men have always been dominant in the cultural, social, political, and economic fields due to supporting their traditional roles (Tysen, 1387: 151). In the contemporary period, following the acquaintance of the people of the Middle East with the culture and civilization of the West, modernist thoughts and tendencies entered these countries and led to the emergence of the exclusivist current of feminism. The flow of feminism in eastern countries, like other western countries, in addition to reaching the social, political and cultural arenas, penetrated literature in general and fiction writing in particular, and led to the emergence of feminist literature. This caused many fictional works to be written in this area; therefore, from this period onwards, analysts relied on feminist literary criticism to analyze these texts (Siyadnejad and Mortezaei, 2016: 64). This research is conducted on the basis of the comparative literature of the American school and the method of the originality of similarity approach. It also aims to investigate the similarities and commonalities in the content of the two novels. In this essay, components such as gender discrimination, forced marriage, polygamy, patriarchy, women's employment inside and outside the home, women against women and efforts to achieve freedom are analyzed and evaluated in a comparative form on two selected novels. Takes.Method:The current research, integrating a descriptive-analytical method longside a comparative approach, investigates feminist characteristics and its implicit layers in two selected novels and expresses their common features.Conclusion:It seems that both authors have been able to crystallize their thoughts about women in the form of feminism by referring to issues such as forced marriage, divorce, women's employment, polygamy, obedience to the wife and patriarchy, women against women, etc.The contemptuous view of the female sex and the superiority of the male sex over it goes back to some views arising from superstitious thoughts and some views in response to the economic and social conditions of the society.The time in the two novels, with a slight difference, is equal to the beginning of women's equality activities in Egypt and Iran. Mrs. Tahawi and Najafi have tried to reflect all the problems of women and the most basic rights of a woman in their novel. The novel Al-Khaba and Akhtar Dokhtar-e Zaibaye Qajari mostly express the traditional classical life and the pains of women in a patriarchal and misogynistic society, and also depict the desperation and despair among women and the unpleasant view of them. Both authors wrap their stories up in a way that confronts men with the beginning of women's activism for equal rights.Tahawi and Najafi Far have addressed the problems of women in their novels and have talked about both the wealthy and the poor sections of the society. Fatemeh, the narrator of the Al-Khaba novel, is from a relatively wealthy class, and Akhtar, the narrator of the novel, Akhtar, the beautiful Qajar girl, is nothing more than a fat-born. By examining the themes of both novels, it can be observed that the status of women in Iran and Egypt is not much different. The society narrated by the two authors is a society overshadowed by patriarchy. In both novels, men are domineering and look at women holding a negative perspective, and in both novels, the writers point to women's activity and industry, and depict their humiliated position. In their works, both authors have deeply urged to change the approach of men and society towards women and eliminate the institutionalized discrimination in them.Among the other problems that women in these two societies have encountered, illiteracy, drowning in the world of superstitions, severe hijab, and being captured in the lap of addiction can be addressed. All these issues are present in the two novels and they are not mentioned to prevent the increase in the volume of the article. Among the two authors, Tahawi has clearly explained the concept and content of the story by using the feminist components discussed in this research, and Najafifar, except for one case which is the attempt to achieve freedom, has been able to include other feminist elements in the novel itself. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, feministic images are counted as appropriate tools for recognizing the feministic nature of a work, its author, and the extent to which it has feminist-based mechanisms. In the meantime, the theory of four approaches of "Elinschwalter" comprising; the biological, cultural, psychoanalytical, and linguistic approaches, provides this opportunity to criticize the tradition of women's writing by relying on which, the position of women in the literary works of female writers can be determined. Having that in mind, the current rrsearch, using a descriptive-analytical method, has tried to select the two novels of Body Memory by Ahlam Mesghanami and Hars by Nasim Marashi so as to criticize women's writing and analyze it on the basis of Elaine Showalter’s cultural approach. Consequently, the image gets a better understanding of the women’s situation and their ideas and ideals. According to the results of the research and considering that the novels under discussion belong to the stage of feminism, the signs of the cultural approach about women's writing are visible in both works under investication. Finally, according to the component of examples in patriarchal rule, the rule of traditional taboos and female habits and beliefs in both works has been more reflected. Introduction:Nowadays, feministic ideas and patterns are a suitable tool for recognizing the nature of feminism in a work and getting to know its author, as well as the extent to which she carries feministic mechanisms. In the meantime, the theory of the four approaches of "Elaine Showalter", a prominent American critic and theoretician of the 20th century, includes the biological, cultural, psychoanalytic, and linguistic approaches to provide this opportunity to criticize the tradition of women's writing, and this way, the position of women can be recognised in the literary works of female and male writers.Method:This article employs the descriptive-analytical method based on the American school of comparative literature and examines the similarities and differences of two female writers having the characteristics of female writing and the degree of belonging to the traditions of female writing in the cultural component of the components of Elaine Showalter's theory.Results and Discussion:In the cultural approach, social issues and the way women are portrayed by the society have been discussed in the literary work. Women, in every society, belong to a culture and it is natural that the cultural dimension of women and everything related to women's cultural issues can be of impotance for women writers and activists in this field. In fact, in the current research, the role of society in organizing the efforts of women is discussed. These issues are reflected in different elements and sections of the work, and women draw the image of their society in different ways. How the female writer has reflected the major or minor issues and, especially, the rudimentary issues that affect their life and speech are examined blow three important components from the cultural dimension related to women's society in the discussed novels.Conclusion:With respect to Elaine Showalter's theory, it can be announced that that the novel “Memory in the Flesh” belongs to the tradition of feminism. From this point of view, even though Marashi's novel is a more updated work, the author herself are still in the feminine tradition. Regarding the reflection of female habits and beliefs, both works have a large amount of female beliefs and characteristics. Regarding the reflection of the rule of patriarchy and the rule of traditional taboos, this component is far more clear and hegemonic in Body Memory and Pruning. Regarding the reflection of the rule of patriarchy and the rule of traditional paintings in Body Memory by Ahlam and Pruning by Marashi have more clarity and hegemony. Furthermore, in terms of the amount of use, some elements of two components, such as polygamy, dependence of a woman on a man, Not having the right to marry a woman and forced marriage in the novel of Ahlam, and other elements such as men's and women's domineering, preference of male child over the female one, and violent behavior and domination of male over female have more frequency in Marashi's novel.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 54)
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Nizar Qabbani and Simin Behbahani are renkowned as famous and stylish poets in Arabic and Persian literature. These two prominent poets have utilized the states and characteristics of children as a tool to express their feelings and emotions aligned with their tendency towards romantic style. As decleared by Nizar, childhood is considerd as the key feature of his personality and literary life and, accordingly, he has expressed the joys and sweet experiences of childhood in these poems. Furthermore, he never finds himself distinguished from the states of childhood. In opposition to that, Simin has spent a bitter childhood and this bitterness is reflected in his poems, although the childhood memories of two poets, one is sweet and the other is bitter, both of them are full of the characteristics and moods of children, such as love for play and mother. They have integrated features like innocence, beauty and tenderness, honesty and hopelessness, etc. for their romantic depictions. In this article, irrespective of the exisiting distinctions between the two poets in terms of their gender and nationality, childrens' moods and traits have been used by both as a vehicle to express their romantic feelings and emotions due to their shared human feelings.Introduction:Nizar Qabbani and Simin Behbahani, the two dominant poets in the field of Arabic and Persian literature, have reflected diverse aspects of their personality and their society in their poems. It is through investigating the works of these two contemporary poets that the integration of the word child can be indicated. The child's world is filled with simplicity and, at the same time, happiness. Everything is new as the child gets surprised all the time in case he/she faces any new or unknown phenomenon. The child simply cries with the least amount of toys or sweetness and becomes happy when achieves his wish playing. He has a pure and bright heart and is free of sins, etc. The two afore-mentioned poets have created a masterful link between these attributes and childrens behavior with their intended meaning, especially romantic imagery. Nizar Qabbani has spent his childhood under the shadow of love and special attention of his parents and their boundless love. In his writings, he constantly remembers his childhood with happiness and goodness, and the world of his constant companion. He knows that the notion of childhood is an inseperable part of his life. On the other hand, Simin Behbahani's childhood was full of sadness and loneliness, the separation of her parents and her illness during her childhood, and some other factors alike has made remember her childhood bitterly which was like a swelling under her right ear. As announced; “Every single day, they put a bowl of black bitter gourd in front of me saying drink but my fever doesnt go away. Later that bitterness became one of my contemporaries.” Despite this, Simin remembers her childhood purely. The nature of childhood is so prominent for her that it is repeated throughout her poetry in multiple scenes.Method:This research, intergrating an analytical-descriptive and library approaches alongside surveying, has conducted a comparative study of the common themes of the word "child" and its moods for romantic depictions in the poems written by two poets. This comparison between the poems of Nizar Qabbani and Simin Behbahani is a step towards comparative literature, which is presented in the form of American comparative literature.Results and Discussion:A child's world is a beautiful world filled with joy and happiness. The child does not worry about his past and future, he experiences life in the present and enjoys simple and small things and feels satisfied with the life he has. He/she does not find life bitter unlike adults and may be very happy with a simple event and never considers it impossible to fulfill his wishes. A child's life is full of happiness and the joys of pure childhood. In a child’s life, everything is beautiful like a story. The child’s relationship with gaming has stopped the human mind from making a distinction between these two words (child and game). Due to their kind heart and gentle spirit, children have a fragile and weak spirit against evil and ugliness. They possess a pure and bright heart and are innocent. They are never found to carry unpleasant characteristics such as stubbornness and anger. Making excuses and crying is frequently observed in them which is considered necessary for childhood. The word "child" and its states and attributes are frequently noticed in the poetry of Nizar Qabbani and Simin Behbahani. In their poems, both poets used the word child and its attributes and states to express their romances and, furthermore, the attributes and states of the lover and the beloved. Nizar Qabbani is more successful in creating an emotional atmosphere and expressing romantic images, using the moods and attributes of a child, rather than Simin Behbahani. After reading the poems of these two prominent poets, the reader can learn about many boundaries and angles of private life and personal relationships between the poet and his family members and some of the bitter and sweet currents of their lives. Both poets have mentioned their private lives and their families in many cases, and by putting them together, a clear picture of their personal lives can be obtained.Conclusion:As presented by the current research, the role of child in the poetry of two prominent contemporary poets, Nizar Qabbani (the Syrian poet) and Simin Behbahani (the Iranian poet) has been taken into account. From different angles, they have used childrens’ moods and traits as a tool to express their romantic imagery and purposes alike. Nizar Qabbani and Simin Behbahani had experienced two distinct childhood periods. The bitterness of Simin's childhood and the sweetness of Nizar's childhood are clearly reflected in their poems. Even though these two poets are of opposing genders, nationalities, and cultures, both of them carry shared understanding of childrens’ moods and characteristics, and they use many of these characteristics in the form of similes and allegories to depict their romantic moods in the post-modern era. They have been working since childhood. This comparison of the good qualities of children shows that the sweetness of Nizar’s childhood has made him remember it throughout his life and refers to these these unforgettable and everlasting images in his poems much more than Simin. Considering this comparison in the form of American comparative school, it can be demonstrated that people have common feelings and human emotions despite their apparent differences. Sense, emotion, and precision in the poems of Nizar Qabbani and Simin Behbahani have created romantic images using the attributes and moods of children. By examining and comparing the poems of the two poets, we find that nizar’s romantic depictions using the moods and attributes of children are more clear than simin’s poetry. Furthermore, the examination of the poems by these poets in this context shows that Nizar’s poetry, due to the positive view of childhood, is better than that of Simin's and also in the creation and expression of romantic images, using childrens attributes and moods. This is a proof of Nizar's artistry and high precision in creating emotional images. In the meantime, Nizar's romantic depictions are more expressive and clear by using children's moods and characteristics, and use these moods and characteristics to express the characteristics of love or the moods and characteristics of the lover and the beloved. Simin, similar to Nizar, has made use of the notion of child and the moods and attributes of children to express love, the notions of the lover and the beloved.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hosseini Farsani Seyedeh Mahboobeh | Esmaeili Taheri Ehsan | Najafi Ivaki Ali

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    2 (پیاپی 54)
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Fariduddin Attar (540 AD), the well-known Iranian poet and Hassan Amrani (1949 AD), the famous Moroccan poet, are two prominent poets in world literature. In their works, both of them invoked and intervened a mystic character referred to as Sheikh Sanaan and each of them depicted the great value of love and affection through that old character. In the current research, two texts with two different languages and the same themes and topics are analyzed. The first text is the story of Sheikh Sanaan by Fariduddin Attar, and the second text is the story of Sheikh Sanaan by Hassan Al-Amrani. Due to the significance of the aforementioend issue, the present research, which is based on the French school in the field of comparative literature and is formed in a descriptive and analytical way, seeks to compare and analyze these two work and attempts to present some similarities and differences according to the essence of the original work. The findings of the research indicate that the predominant similarity between these two works is the purposeful choice of the signifier of Sheikh Sanaan's story which is placed in the title of the two poems, the plurality of worship, and disciples of Sheikh Sanaan. Among the differences, the way of dreaming and the quality of love, the advice of disciples and the difference in structural analysis can be noticed. Introduction:To date, Arabic and Persian languages and their literature have been addressed to have the highest level boundry with each other and both have been highly influenced by each other. One of the important subsets of this interaction and influence is the use of symbolic stories. The story of Sheikh Sanan Attar and Marani are referred to as the examples of this exchange in Persian and Arabic poetry.Among the Persian language poets, Attar is one of the prominent poles of mysticism and sufism, and his works are among the most significant literary works of the 6th and 7th centuries. Mantegh Al-Tayr is addressed as the most famous among all his works. This is because he has collected the consequence of his mystical thoughts and has underpinned all of the Iranian mystic schools of thought in this book. In this way, the works of this mystic have met with a great reception in the world, so it have been translated into many different languages of the world. Mantegh Al-Tayr of Attar, with the exception of Jalal Al-din Maulvi's Masnavi, can be matched with no other work in the literature of mystical poems in the Islamic world. This book has anecdotes, the longest and most famous of which is Sheikh SananAmrani is one of the contemporary poets of Maghreb country and one of the poets whose poetic achievements are associated with Sufi experiences. Precisely, one of the most obvious attributes of his poetry is the mystical tendency. Among Amrani's poetry collections, "Saatik Balsif Valaqhavan" is considered to be his most valuable poetry collection. This is because he was able to present valuable meanings in his poetry. One of the most prominent poetic poems of Amrani, which was influenced by the famous poem of the story of Sheikh Sanaan Attar, is “The Story of Sheikh Sanaan and We Live with Sayyidah Al- Qasr” in 1994.Amrani divided Sanaan's story into six cycles. In the first and second sections, he has drawn the traits of Sheikh Sanaan’s character, and in the third section, Sanaan's great fear of sedition and his mournings because of his longing for heaven have been discussed. In the other parts, from the dream of Sanaan’s drowning in blood to the dream of cloak in the desert and the star that he replaced these dreams alongside the dream of Sanaan Attar, who was prostrating a Christian girl, has been mentioned. He expressed this dream and what he meant was drowning in blood is facing the seditions of this world. Finally, he talked about the dream of Ghazaleh, which caused him to get rid of rust and dirt and reach the high levels of mysticism.Method:The presence of Sheikh Sanan's name in the titleBy looking at it from this point of view of an imperative poem "Hakaya Al-Sheikh Sanaan wama Jari Le Ma Seyida Al-Qasr", explicit connection with the story of Sheikh Sanaan Attar will be noticed. Therefore, the audience is facing a text whose structure is based on the ancient mystical, since the mentioned title has an inductive feature and indicates the connection between the new and old texts.Being a disciple of SheikhSheikh Sanan had a high position in mysticism and had many followers and students. He had spent fifty years of his life in worship and austerity. Through this asceticism and worship, he gathered four hundred pupils around him and guided them. Everyone who entered the circle of his devotion did not rest from austerity and worship, and when he dreamed that he was prostrating on the lap of the beautiful person, he lost his peace and aims and, followed by that, the disciples all decided to travel with him from the Kaaba to Rome.Amrani also mentioned that there were many disciples for Sheikh Sanan who all followed his path and obeyed him. Sheikh also guided his disciples and taught them the wisdom of igniting in the holy essence of God. The comparison of the mentioned examples is indicative of the claim that Amrani also paid attention to the influence of Sheikh Sanan Attar on this topic and was also influenced by him in this respect.Attention to the topic of repentanceIt is clear that the theme of repentance in both poetic texts is not to leave a sin. In Attar's poem, the disciples, after observing sheikh’s condition (who was fallen in love while he had not yet committed any sin), ordered him to do penance. In Amrani's poem, Sanaan was afraid of sedition (sedition is the symbol of a woman - from God) He asks to cover him with the repentance, while he had not committed any sin.Attention to the conversationThere are two types of Conversation in Amrani's story. In a part of Amrani's story, there is a dialogue that includes the words of Sanaan with his disciples, and in another part the monologue, it appears in the form of hadis-e nafs. This occurs up to a level that the reader get doubtful whether the words are from the poet or they are from Sheikh Sanaan. Therefore, it can be concluded that Amrani was also influenced by Attar's way of speaking in his Poems.Results and Discussion:A comparative study of two anecdotes testifies to this principle that Amrani had access to the original poems by Attar and tried to compose it in Arabic. However, it must be stated that his work has more of an imitation rather than innovation. Sheikh Sanan's character follows the same path that he followed with Attar a few centuries ago. He experiences whatever he experienced in Attar's poem. However, in the new dimension, new features have been found which are worthy of consideration.The comparison of the two stories indicates that Amrani order of calling Sheikh Sanaan and applying his story to themes such as multiplicity of worship, many disciples, love, repentance, the symbol of women, etc., has benefited from Attar. One of the most important and main elements that appear in the story of Sheikh Sanan of these two poets is love and affection. Both stories revolve around love and drowning in it. Attar and Amrani have brought the story of Sheikh Sanan to express the value of love and its superiority over disbelief and faith. This is because love is an alchemy that causes purity and refinement of the soul and opens the eyes of the truth leads to freedom from self-view and self-worship.Differences can also be observed in the two stories, such as the Sheikh's dream, the quality of love, and the advice of disciples; In Attar's poem, Sanaan dreams of a Christian girl and falls deeply in love with her to the point where he loses his faith and becomes an unbeliever, and in Amrani's poem, Sanaan dreams of a deer, which leads to reaching levels of mysticism.Conclusion:According to the above-mentioned information, it can be concluded that literature is not formed in a vacuum and any text can imitate and rewrite the previous texts. This principle also applies to the story of Sheikh Sanan Amrani. Since Amrani, after the passage of several centuries, rewrote the story and recreated the character of Sheikh Sanan of Attar Nishabouri, his influence is included in the field of comparative literature and the subset of the French school of thought.

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Feminist ideas first appeared in literary criticism in the late twentieth century. The primary objective of feministic schools is gender equality in society. Feminist criticism tries to draw the attention of its readers to gender inequalities in society, encourage a different interpretation, and motivate them to take action in this regard. The novels Cinderella of Muscat (Arabic: Sindrella Al Muscat) by Huda Hamed and The Acrid Taste of Persimmon (Ta'am-e gas-e khormalu) by Zoya Pirzad focus on women and their issues. Given the deeply ingrained patriarchal beliefs and behaviors in Arab and Iranian societies, both authors have been influenced by violations of women's rights in their societies and have attempted to reflect these beliefs. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method and the American comparative literature school presumptions to analyze and examine the common feminist concepts in the aforementioned works. The concepts of patriarchy, emotional violence, women against women, and women’s effort to please men were found to be reflected in the works of both authors, and both of them, despite differences in nationality and language, were concerned about women and criticized patriarchal society. The findings indicate that the women in Pirzad's narrative are active and modify their living conditions, whereas the women in Hamed's narrative are passive, though aware of their condition. Introduction:Feminist criticism seeks to highlight the gender inequalities present in society and establish equal rights between men and women. Analyzing and examining novels that emphasize the gender-based dimensions of women and their mistreatment can be effective in eliminating discrimination against this gender.Simone de Beauvoir, one of the most significant theorists of feminist criticism, in her book "The Second Sex", believes that women are in a society run by men and that to free themselves from this male dominance, they must unite. She believes that it is the women themselves who have caused their own deprivation because they cannot use the masculine logic. Women should see themselves as responsible in society and be less dependent (cf. Beauvoir, 2000: 504-507).Feminist criticism emerged following the feminist movement and aims to uncover the oppressions, deprivations, and mistreatment against women. For the first time, Tillie Olsen published an article titled "Silences" in 1972, in which she spoke of the sensory experiences and perceptions of women that are not heard. In this article, she invited writers to write "what should be addressed in feminism" and wrote about women's freedom and gender equality. Virginia Wolf, one of the pioneers of feminist criticism, pointed out the problems created by publishers in dealing with female writers and women (cf. Eagleton, 2016: 12-13).Oppression and injustice against women exist both in text and in the reality of society. Since literature reflects these realities, this oppression and injustice are also reflected in literary genres such as poetry, novels, etc. This criticism, in fact, seeks to end this oppression and to express the various aspects of this gender-based humiliation in literature, indirectly. It can be declared that feminist criticism theorists believe in their theories that women are under the domination of men's thinking and must free themselves from these shackles.The two novels Cinderella of Muscat by Huda Hamed and The Bitter Taste of Persimmon by Zoya Pirzad contain a series of interconnected stories about women and their family lives. The main subjects of these two novels are women, their concerns, and how men deal with them. A comparative study of these two novels, considering the common feminist elements, can take a step toward combating misogynistic and patriarchal thoughts in society by raising awareness among the audience and thus holds significant importance. In light of the importance of the issue, this research aims to compare the feminist elements in these two novels and analyze and examine their various dimensions.Method:This research employs a descriptive-analytical method, relying on the American comparative school, to examine and analyze the common feminist concepts in the two novels Cinderella of Muscat by Huda Hamed and The Bitter Taste of Persimmon by Zoya Pirzad, which contain a series of interconnected stories about women and their family lives.Results and Discussion:The common feminist concepts in both novels manifest in the forms of patriarchy, emotional violence against women, women against women, and women's efforts to gain men's approval. Among these, the concept of patriarchy is more extensive than the others and has a high frequency in both novels. Patriarchy in these two novels is expressed in the components of decision-making for women and imposing opinions about women's appearances. In emotional violence, indifference, betrayal, and humiliation of women also emerge.The narratives of women in The Bitter Taste of Persimmon have a tangible and realistic aspect, however, in Hamed's work, there is no change in the living conditions of the women in the narrative, regardless of the critical aspect. This means that most of the women in Pirzad's narrative are active, whereas the women in Hamed's narrative are passive, but aware of their situation. Nonetheless, the concern of both female writers is shared, and both have criticized their patriarchal societies. Hamed and Pirzad, due to their gender and similarity with the female characters in their narratives, have better understood and reflected the concerns of women.The two novels Cinderella of Muscat by Huda Hamed and The Bitter Taste of Persimmon by Zoya Pirzad, an Iranian writer, examine and seek to expose the patriarchal ideology. Their fight against patriarchy in their works is not through direct methods or victimizing the female gender, but rather both writers, due to their similar gender experiences and understanding of the female gender, have aligned themselves with the feminine world and mentioned their concerns in the form of similar family and marital narratives. However, the female gender in Hamed's narrative and the fate of her female characters are portrayed more conservatively and statically. In contrast, the female characters in Pirzad's narrative are more dynamic and capable of changing their circumstances. Both writers have embedded shared women-centered concepts and a fight against patriarchal ideology in these two works.Conclusion:Overall, both writers have acted similarly in raising awareness to combat the notion of women as the "second sex", and both pursue the fight against the dominance of patriarchal thought. Hamed and Pirzad have both endeavored to provide a foundation of peace and psychological security for women in their families and societies through their narratives. The writers seek to show their audience that the proper way to treat women begins in the marital and family environment and can give them more confidence to play a useful role in society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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By examining the works of poets and writers throughout history, we come across writers and poets who are disgusted with the current state of their society in various fields. These critics cannot easily ignore these anomalies due to their critical spirit; therefore, they criticize the shortcomings and deviations in various ways depending on the prevailing conditions of the society in order to inform the people and correct these anomalies. In this connection, Abul Alaa Maari and Obaid Zakani are two great writers in Arabic and Persian literature who expressed the moral and social anomalies of their time in the form of social criticism. Therefore, in this research, based on the "comparative method", the criticism in each of these two poets on the social conditions of their time, and the common social contexts in the poems of these two poets has been examined. Finally, it is found that both of their poems have used the title as a winning weapon to express social issues so that they can criticize anomalies such as injustice and oppression of the ruling classes, trickery and deception, hypocritical asceticism, ignorance and simplicity of people and other deviations in their society.Introduction:Mouse and Cat is a work of poetry by Nizamuddin Obaidullah Zakani (700-772 AH/ 1300-1371), a poet and satirical writer of the 8th century of Hijri. This poem is a 90-verse ode describing the trickery and hypocrisy of a cat from Kerman which has repented after years of tearing at rats. Cat and Mouse is a political satire. If we evaluate this poem with a comprehensive view of the era in which the poet has lived, we will find that every point of it is a critical, admonishing, and ironic speech.However, the divan of Lazumiat or Lazum ma la yalzam which is the actual case in this  article, includes wisdom, social criticism, the views of scholars of philosophy and religion, the status of scholars, rulers and other existing classes of society. In this book, Al-Maʿarri criticized the society in various fields including: political, economic, religious, social, and literary.Correctional etiquette is one of the literary subjects whose purpose is to correct political and social disadvantages by using various literary methods, the most significant of which is "criticism". Criticism is provided in various ways, one of which is satire. Satire is an expression that the poet uses to humiliate his target or to reduce his value. Therefore, in this research, the meaning of reform literature is to examine the critical poems of each of the two prominent poets in the field of Arabic and Persian literature on the injustice and oppression of the ruling class, hypocritical asceticism, trickery and deception, and the ignorance and simplicity of the people.Method:It has also been tried to express the common themes of social criticism by al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani, as well as the motivations that made each of these two poets turn to this type of literature. Although our intention is not to express the influence of these two poets on each other, it becomes clear that how and to what extent they are similar or different in the criticisms they have presented by the cited evidence from each of them. Finally yet importantly, the two following research questions are responded;- What are the common themes of social criticism by al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani?- What are the uses of politeness in the Lazumiat of al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani's Cat and Mouse?As it has been claimed, each of the mentioned works has a special importance and position, However, in this article, the purpose is showing the reform literature with regards to the common themes in the social criticism of the two poets based on the comparative method in literature. It has also been attempted to express the similarities and differences of the opinions of these two regarding the current situation of their society.Results and Discussion:Al-Maʿarri has shown a lot of courage in his criticisms, and in condemning social evils, he has expressed his intentions clearly and with a sarcastic expression. Also, he has spoken in such a way that the reader can easily understand his meaning. However, Obaidullah Zakani, who found deviations and shortcomings far more difficult for him, could not mention those incidents except through humor and sarcasm. Because Muhtasib kills him under the pretext of Sharia, so he made his criticism in the form of parable and in the language of cat and mouse, which shows that Abul Ala Maari has been more frank and brave than Obaid Zakani in expressing his weaknesses and Social and moral corruption.Considering the threats that poets and writers faced in these periods, Abu al-ʿAlaʾ al-Maʿarri and Obaidullah Zakani used their criticism as a weapon to eliminate corruption and shortcomings, and their goal is nothing but reforming society and eliminating shortcomings. Has not been.The last point is that, the criticism of these two poets is not merely limited to few issues that have been mentioned, and in the other works of these two poets, there are many criticisms of the society, the people, and the ruling classes. However, considering that all these contents are not included in this topic. Therefore, the criticism of these two poets and their comparison can be examined in an independent work.Conclusion:Experience has revealed that the political and social conditions governing any society have their own effects on the morals of its people whether these effects are positive or negative. So, in case the aim is to compare these two poets, it can be found that both poets have used humorous social criticism to express the social and moral corruption of their era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hemmati Mahdiye | Rone Mahsa

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    2 (پیاپی 54)
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"Women's Writing" is a significant approach in feminist criticism. This approach is a distinct female narrative element of male writing, which represents the difference in the application of emotional lexis, more use of colored phrases, oaths, principles of procrastination, losers and syntactic characteristics such as the use of prayer sentences (curses and prayers), Descriptive sentences, questional sentences appear in the form of self-esteem, and, finally, short and simplified sentences. Contents and issues such as historical affliction of self-confidence, and misandry, self-discovery, life concerns and overcoming romantic love are also from the feminine content. Nasim Marashi in Haras and Hanan al-Sheikh (the Lebanese female writer) in Beirut Blues, have different perspectives over war and human relations in the war condition and, in particular, position of women in the family and society. Using a descriptive-analytical method and a comparative approach of the female narrative of war, the effect of war on women's lives and their gender restrictions in the patriarchal society is described in this study and, furthermore, it was shown that female writers emphasized the terrible consequences of the war and expressed its affection and devotion based on their female spiritualities. They have never praised war, though. Both writers, by using emotional interpretations, of colored phrases, oaths and the emotional and praying sentences, and the simplicity and short sentences have considered contents such as historical affliction of self-confidence, and misandry, self-discovery, life concerns & overcoming of romantic love. Introduction:Women writers sometimes have different and even opposite views from men on various topics. One of the mentioned differences is the one between female and male narratives of war. Iran and Lebanon are among the countries that have faced domestic and foreign wars. War and its consequences created a special literary genre that was significantly different from the literature before the war. These changes are seen in the structure, language, and content of the literature. The literature of sacred defense is about writings and works that are related to the imposed war and its issues, and their main themes are war and its aftermath, also known as “resistance literature.” Lebanese literature, from a country that went through years of civil war and turmoil, has also become completely connected to war.Method:This research discusses the works of two female writers who have explored the theme of war in their fiction: Nasim Marashi and Hanan al-Shaykh. Marashi's novel Haras tells the story of a family whose life and destiny were affected by the eight-year long war between Iran and Iraq and its aftermath. Hanan al-Shaykh, in her novel Beirut Blues, portrays Lebanon in the civil war and the inner struggles of a patriotic character who has to choose between leaving or staying in her homeland. She shows the horrors of war, violence, exile, and destruction. Both novels present a feminine perspective on war, and the two writers have given an account full of worry and anxiety but also tinged with nostalgic love and emotion, which is remarkable. Marashi has a smooth and natural writing style, and she chooses the themes of her stories from people's concerns and social problems. Her stories are not linear. She also keeps the reader interested with captivating suspense until the last pages of the book. In Haras, the characters have a feminine spirit, and the writer, by describing their feelings, has created an engaging narrative. Hanan al-Shaykh, a feminist writer in Arabic literature, has written stories that challenge injustice and oppression, especially against women. She expresses the feminine spirit, emotions, and feelings, and uses a language that is intimate and simple without compromising the subject for formality and dryness. This research is a descriptive-analytical and comparative study. It introduces the theoretical foundations of the research, which are the components of feminine writing style. It studies the novels Haras and Beirut Blues and examines the indicators of feminine narrative from the perspective of feminine writing at three levels: lexical, syntactical, and content. It analyzes the components of feminine narrative, such as the use of feminine emotional expressions, swear words, phrases that show reasoning and emphasis, sentences that apply or request something, questions that are used as soliloquies, sentences that are incomplete or simple, and contents that reflect historical resentment, forgetfulness, hatred of men, concern for life, romantic love, and self-discovery.Results and Discussion:The female characters in “Haras” want to pursue their individual rights. But in “Beirut Blues”, the female character tries to reach her lover or free the land from war. Women describe war and their emotional perspective, which is full of sadness, sacrifice, and grief. Haras and Beirut Blues show the features of feminine storytelling in the areas of lexis, expressions, words, emotional expressions, use of words for colors, phrases that show reasoning and emphasis, sentences that ask or beg for something, swear words, and how they make sentences. Most of the words used in both works are about family, women's issues, and feminine interests. These two works reflect the emotions and feelings of the female narrator. By using simple writing, descriptive details, and questions / appeals (prayer and curse), these writers have shown how their writing differs from masculine writing. Both writers have used a variety of words to express emotions and beauty. For example, both writers are careful when using colors. Both writers' works have emotional expressions that are common in women's speech, such as using small words, curses, and prayers, and phrases that show the speaker's passion, excitement, and feelings.Many themes such as criticizing forgetfulness, dreaming and imagining, wishing, waiting, harted toward men, finding and exploring oneself, caring for life, and the dominance of romantic love, are the content features of feminine narrative. Haras has more examples of the main characters in the story using pleading sentences and swear words in their language, because the female characters have less self-confidence, while Beirut Blues shows more of the power of love. For both writers, family is the source and basis of life in the theme of caring for life. The writers mention the supportive role of men in the family. In the relationship of Asmahan, the narrator in Beirut Blues, has more examples of the theme of the dominance of romantic love. The female characters in both works try to find their identity and place in their own ways. Paying attention to home is also a noticeable topic and the women in both novels spend most of their time at home. Dreaming is also one of the concepts that the two writers use.Conclusion:In these novels, two women writers told stories of war from a feminine perspective. We found that both of them expressed their emotions and feelings clearly, using details, simple language, and questions and requests. They also used short sentences more often because they paid attention to small things. Their writing showed their passion, excitement, and feelings. In Haras, the character Rasool showed how men in a male-dominated society treated women as "the other" and did not value them as much as men in every aspect of his life, work, and family. Rasool preferred sons over daughters. Both novels also showed how women searched for themselves and their identity as women, but they did it in different ways. Both novels had themes of dreaming, imagining, and wanting a home and a family. The women in the stories used these themes to escape from the harsh reality of the world outside. The Lebanese novel focused more on the theme of romantic love, and the character Asmahan used her relationships with different people to overcome her doubts and find herself. Haras also had romance, but it was more influenced by society and the mood of the people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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