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Nonlocal vibration of double-smart nanobeam-systems (DSNBSs) under a moving nanoparticle is investigated in the present study based on Timoshenko beam model. The two smart nanobeams (SNB) are coupled by an enclosing elastic medium which is simulated by Pasternak foundation. The energy method and Hamilton's principle are used to establish the equations of motion. The detailed parametric study is conducted, focusing on the combined effects of the nonlocal parameter, elastic medium coefficients, external voltage, length of SNB and the mass of attached nanoparticle on the frequency of piezoelectric nanobeam. The results depict that the imposed external voltage is an effective controlling parameter for vibration of the piezoelectric nanobeam. Also increase in the mass of attached nanoparticle gives rise to a decrease in the natural frequency. This study might be useful for the design and smart control of nano-devices.

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In this paper, a numerical analysis of stresses and displacements in FGM thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessel under internal pressure has been presented. The elastic modulus is assumed to be varying along the longitude of the pressure vessel with an exponential function continuously. The Poisson’s ratio is assumed to be constant. Whereas most of the previous studies about FGM thick-walled pressure vessels are on the basis of changing material properties along the radial direction, in this research, elastic analysis of cylindrical pressure vessel with exponential variations of elastic modulus along the longitudinal direction, under internal pressure, have been investigated. For the analysis of the vessel, the stiffness matrix of the cylindrical pressure vessel has been extracted by the usage of Galerkin Method and the numerical solution for axisymmetric cylindrical pressure vessel under internal pressure have been presented. Following that, displacements and stress distributions depending on inhomogeneity constant of FGM vessel along the longitudinal direction of elastic modulus, are illustrated and compared with those of the homogeneous case. The values which have been used in this study are arbitrary chosen to demonstrate the effect of inhomogeneity on displacements and stress distributions. Finally, the results are compared with the findings of finite element method (FEM).

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The forming limit diagram (FLD) is probably the most common representation of sheet metal formability and can be defined as the locus of the principal planar strains where failure is most likely to occur. Low carbon steel sheets have many applications in industries, especially in automotive parts, therefore it is necessary to study the formability of these steel sheets. In this paper, FLDs, were determined experimentally for two grades of low carbon steel sheets using out-of-plane (dome) formability test. The effect of different parameters such as work hardening exponent (n), anisotropy (r) and thickness on these diagrams were studied. In addition, the out-of-plane stretching test with hemispherical punch was simulated by finite element software Abaqus. The limit strains occurred with localized necking were specified by tracing the thickness strain and its first and second derivatives versus time at the thinnest element. Good agreement was achieved between the predicted data and the experimental data.

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In this paper, a refined plate theory is applied to investigate the free vibration analysis of functionally graded nanocomposite sandwich plates reinforced by randomly oriented straight carbon nanotube (CNT). The refined shear deformation plate theory (RSDT) uses only four independent unknowns and accounts for a quadratic variation of the transverse shear strains across the thickness, and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factors. The motion equations are derived using Hamilton's energy principle and Navier's method and is applied to solve this equation. The sandwich plates are considered simply supported and resting on a Winkler/Pasternak elastic foundation. The material properties of the functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composites (FG-CNTRCs) are graded along the thickness and estimated though the Mori-Tanaka method. Effects of CNT volume fraction, geometric dimensions of sandwich plate, and elastic foundation parameters are investigated on the natural frequency of the FG-CNTRC sandwich plates.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this article, the nonlocal biaxial buckling load and bending analysis of polymeric piezoelectric nanoplate reinforced by carbon nanotube (CNT) considering the surface stress effect is presented. This plate is subjected to electro-magneto-mechanical loadings. Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka approach is used for defining the piezoelectric nanoplate material properties. Navier's type solution is employed to obtain the critical buckling load of polymeric piezoelectric nanoplate for classical plate theory (CPT) and first order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The influences of various parameters on the biaxial nonlocal critical buckling load with respect to the local critical buckling load ratio (l) of nanoplate are examined. Surface stress effects on the surface biaxial critical buckling load to the nonsurface biaxial critical buckling load ratio (g) can not be neglected. Moreover, the effect of residual surface stress constant on g is higher than the other surface stress parameters on it. g increases by applying the external voltage and magnetic fields. The nonlocal deflection to local deflection of piezoelectric nanocomposite plate ratio (h) decreases with an increase in the nonlocal parameter for both theories. And for FSDT, h decreases with an increase in residual stress constant and vice versa for CPT.

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In this paper, an upper bound approach is used to analyze the tube extrusion process through rotating conical dies with large mandrel radius. The material under deformation in the die and inside the container is divided to four deformation zones. A velocity field for each deformation zone is developed to evaluate the internal powers and the powers dissipated on all frictional and velocity discontinuity surfaces. By minimization of the total power with respect to the slippage parameter between tube and the die and equating it with the required external power, the extrusion pressure is determined. The corresponding results for rotating conical dies are also determined by using the finite element code, ABAQUS. The analytical results show a good coincidence with the results by the finite element method with a slight overestimation. Finally, the effects of various process parameters such as mandrel radius, friction factor, etc., upon the relative extrusion pressure are studied.

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Forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are calculated based on both the Marciniak and Kuczynski (M-K) model and the analysis proposed by Jones and Gillis (J-G). J-G analysis consisted of plastic deformation approximation by three deformation phases. These phases consisted of homogeneous deformation up to the maximum load (Phase I), deformation localization under constant load (phase II) and local necking with a precipitous drop in load (phase III). In the present study, case I and case II of Hill’s non-quadratic yield function were used for the first time. It is assumed that sheets obey the power-law flow rule and in-plane isotropy is satisfied. Calculated FLDs from this analysis are compared with the experimental data of aluminum alloys 3003-O, 2036-T4 and AK steel reported by other references. Calculated FLDs showed that limit strain predictions based on case I and case II of the Hill's non-quadratic yield function are fairly well correlated to experiments when J-G model is used.

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The reflection and transmission of thermoelastic plane waves at an imperfect boundary of two dissimilar fibre-reinforced transversely isotropic thermoelastic solid half-spaces under hydrostatic initial stress has been investigated. The appropriate boundary conditions are applied at the interface to obtain the reflection and transmission coefficients of various reflected and transmitted waves with incidence of quasi-longitudinal (qP), quasi-thermal (qT) & quasi- transverse (qSV) waves respectively at an imperfect boundary and deduced for normal stiffness, transverse stiffness, thermal contact conductance and welded boundaries. The reflection and transmission coefficients are functions of frequency, initial stress and angle of incidence. There amplitude ratios are computed numerically and depicted graphically for a specific model to show the effect of initial stress. Some special cases are also deduced from the present investigation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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