The need to preserve the world’s inherent assets for future generation is becoming an essential goal not only for travel and tourism but also for all other industries that used the earth’s natural resources.However, tourism, as one of the world’s fastest growing industries, has a multitude of impacts, both positive and negative, on the environment. Negative impacts will arise when the level of visitor use is superior to the environment’s ability to cope with this use. Positive impact will arise when every tourist understands the real and main concept of environment and sustainable tourism by heart, not just by word.The purpose of this paper, firstly, is to increase the knowledge about some concepts about environment and tourism, sustainable development and tourism, ecotourism, and their relationships; secondly, to create some theoretical frameworks with some overall and structural approaches that can be broadly used in practical sustainable managing of tourism; then, refer to some challenges and recommendations regarding to tourism and environment. On the whole, its main purpose is to explain tourism and environment relations.