Nowadays nanotechnology as a new direction of science allows us to develop therapeutic methods of the endogenous intoxication syndrome and to create a new class of biocompatible sorbents. In Ukraine first preparations of medical nanotechnology were produced and patented in 1998. These are IKBB (intracorporeal biocorrector), magnet-controlled sorbent (MCS-B), and Micromage-B. The preparations are based on colloid magnetite particles (Fe3O4) from 6 to 12 nm. Adsorption layer provides a high sorption activity to magnetite nanoparticles. Total activity of their sorption surface is 800-1200 m2/g, magnetic field intensity produced by each particle is 300-400 kA/m, V-potential is- 19 mV. Each magnetite particle is a subdomain elementary magnetite of a sphere shape. The main biological action of nanotechnology preparations is directed towards regulation of cell metabolism. Therapeutic effect of this preparation is based on the influence of adsorption process and of constant magnetic field that surrounds colloid magnetite particle on cellular and subcellular structures. Point of attack is surface proteins of cell membranes. Colloid magnetite particles modify composition of protein molecules thereby affecting the transport of substances to a cell. Using magnet-controlled sorbent the method of extracorporal hemocorrection on the whole is more effective and reliable way to activate natural processes of detoxication of organism, than that of artificial detoxication. The absence of contra-indication and incidental effects (haematic, haemodynamic, hormone, electrolytic, immune) creates real predisposition for using this method in intensive therapy of intoxication syndrome.