The review article summarizes the applications of silver nanoparticles for diverse sectors. Over the decades, nanoparticles used as dignified metals such as silver exhibited distinctive characteristics basically correlatedto chemical, physical and biological property of counterparts having bulkiness. Numerous studies reportedthat Nanoparticles of about 100 nm diameter play a crucial role in widely spread industries due to uniqueproperties including the dimension of small particle, high surface area and quantum confinement and theydispersed without agglomeration. Decade of discoveries clearly established that shape, size and distributionof Silver nanoparticles strongly affect the electromagnetic, optical and catalytic properties, which are oftenan assortment of changeable synthetic methods and reducing agents with stabilizers. Generation aftergeneration the postulates come forth about properties of silver for the ancient Greeks cook from silver potsand the old adage ‘ born with a silver spoon in his mouth’ thus show that eating with a silver spoon was wellknownas uncontaminated. Impregnation of metals with silver nanoparticles is a practical way to exploitthe microbe aggressive properties of silver at very low cost. The nanoparticles help in targeted delivery ofdrugs, enhancing bioavailability, sustaining drug or gene effect in target tissues, and enhancing the stability. Implementations of silver partials in medical science and biological science have been noticed from yearsago; however alteration with nanotechnology is innovative potential. Over 23% of all nanotechnology basedproducts, diagnostic and therapeutic applications implanted with silver nanoparticles (e. g. In arthritic diseaseand wound healing, etc. ) and widely known for their antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral effect, employedin textile fabrics and added into cosmetic products as antiseptic to overcome skin problems. Thus, Silvernanoparticles (AgNPs) have been urbanized as an advanced artifact in the field of nanotechnology.