In the article entitled "Two-year prevalence of minor aphtha in Tabriz, Northwest Iran" which was published in the winter issue of the third volume of the journal, a 0.3% prevalence rate for minor recur-rent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) was reported.1 We attempted to continue studying the archives of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry until June 2008, to allow for a consecutive 15000 records. In addition, the clear influence of involved factors in minor RAS was also assessed. The same methods were used in the assessments. Since the re-sponse variable of RAS is assumed to be categorical with two response levels, Yes and No, chi-square test was used to determine statistical association of lesions prevalence with gender, age decade, familial involvement, and cigarette smoking. Furthermore, logistic regression model was adapted to investigate the aggregate relationship of RAS with four independent covariates, gender, age decade, family his-tory, and cigarette smoking using stepwise selection method by SAS software (1998, SAS institute, Inc., Cary, USA). The confounding effect of gender was analyzed later by multivariate analysis to minimize selection bias...