Evaluation an etiological model with psychosocial and occupational risk factors has applied implication for therapeutic intervention. This research was aimed to investigate psychosocial and occupational risk factors of musculoskeletal pains among computer users in Semnan Province of Iran. In this cross-sectional study, 324 computer users from governmental offices and private industrial/organizational institutes in the province were enrolled by random sampling at the age of 25 to 63 yr old. Data were collected by Demographical-Occupational and Musculoskeletal pains history Questionnaire and a set of specialist-validated questions, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Gathered data were examined via binary logistic regression analysis. The mean age was 39.76±7.77 years, 48.8% were male and 51.2% were female. Age, duration of occupation, daily computer usage, incorrect body posture, work overload, poor ergonomic knowledge, social support, alexithymia, depression and somatization were significantly associated with musculoskeletal pains (p<.000). Daily computer usage (OR=18.408 [4.306-27.519]), incorrect body posture (OR=11.786 [2.864-24.528]), work overload (OR=8.725 [2.831-13.527]), poor ergonomic knowledge (OR=12.370 [6.520-20.095]), social support (OR=1.088 [1.034-1.144]), alexithymia (OR=1.934 [.897-2.971]), depression (OR=2.894 [.836-3.956]) and somatization (OR=13.032 [3.626-.25.546]) were significant predictors of musculoskeletal pains (p<0.001). Psychosocial factors, work-related factors and lack of support or appropriate ergonomic knowledge were all important correlates of musculoskeletal pains. Thus, efficient preventive plans require addressing all these aspects.