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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources




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There are hundred thousands of deaths per annum from poisoning in the World. Accidental poisoning is most common in children and over 50 years old persons, but deliberate self-harm becomes predominant in teenage years and early adulthood. Understanding the patterns of poisoning can assist in developing suicide prevention strategies and reducing the risks of accidental poisoning. On the other hand, this could be helpful in reducing the accidental and occupational poisoning cases. In some circumstances, many of these materials can potentially induce poisoning. In excessive amounts, chemicals that are usually harmless, even apparently safe drugs can cause poisoning. To reduce the morbidity and mortality and overall burden of poisoning in the community, consideration should be given to developing education program as an effective tool and establishing poison information centers.

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The use of measurement tools in rehabilitation has an important role. For clinicians, measurements provide important information to support effective clinical reasoning. This study aimed to establish current kinesiological assessment for evaluation of children with movement disorders. A number of assessment tools including, tone measurement, functional measurement, assessment of range of motion, reflex testing, fine and gross motions and sensory testing have been proposed for evaluation of children movements. In summary, it has been discussed some important measurement tools for evaluation of pediatrics movements in the present article.

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Introduction: Beta-thalassemia major is a hemolytic anemia. If these patients are not treated, bone marrow hyperplasia will happen. Hematopoiesis in the jaw results in mandibular and/or maxillary enlargement. To our knowledge, there are few studies about frequency of malocclusion in these patients. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the frequency of malocclusion in beta-thalassemia patients and compare it to healthy control group.Materials and Methods: This research was a cross sectional study. Seventy beta-thalassemia patients and 70 healthy controls (age and sex matched) were examined for malocclusion using Angle classification, WHO malocclusion classification, determination of overjet and overbite. If crossbite, spacing, openbite, crowding and mouth breathing were observed in clinical examination they were recorded. Statistical analysis was done using Chi-square and Variants analysis.Results: Beta-thalassemia patients showed class II malocclusion (angle classification) and grade 2 (WHO classification) more than healthy control group. There were significant differences in angle & WHO malocclusion classification between two groups (P<0.05). Increased overjet and mouth breathing were seen in patients more than healthy control group. There were significant differences in overjet and mouth breathing between two groups (P<0.05). There was a positive correlation between WHO malocclusion classification and serum ferritin levels, but not between angle malocclusion classification, overjet and serum ferritin levels.Conclusion: Beta-thalassemia major is associated with increased malocclusion and these anomalies will occur if the patients are not treated early. Patients with malocclusion should be visited and followed up by a dentist for dental problems. Fortunately, as a result of new treatments these patients live longer than before. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to their functional and esthetical problems.

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    4 (24)
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Introduction: All–trans retinoic acid (ATRA) has beneficial and teratogenicity effects when used in a variety conditions. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of ATRA on the red blood cells (RBC) and platelets in rat's embryo.Materials and Methods: In this study Wistar rats were used. They were maintained on laboratory chow and tap water provided ad libitum. Adult virgin females (n=10) were mated overnight with males of the same stock. A vaginal plug and smear observed, indicated day 0 of pregnancy. Single dose of 100 mg/kg of ATRA suspended in alcohol; corn oil (1:9) mixture and was given by oral intubations on the morning of gestation day (GD) 10 to experimental group. The control group was vehicle treated. The fetuses blood (controls and ATRA treated each, n=23) were obtained directly from heart, as placental and mother circulation was continued and subsequently processed for staining (Gimsa) and followed by counting. The fetuses' blood cells were studied by light microscope and eyepiece (x40 for count, 100 for diameter.Results: The number of RBC and also and platelets were significantly lower than those of control group (P<0.0001, P<0.04, respectively). There was no significant relationship between diameter of RBC in treated and control groups.Conclusion: The present data showed that ATRA may has negative effects on proliferation and maturation of erythroid cell and platelet progenitors, without having any deleterious effects on the dime nation of cells, probably via events involving activation or suppression of specific genes.

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    4 (24)
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Introduction: Dentists are often considered at risk of mercury poisoning due to using amalgam. To investigate the plasma and whole blood mercury levels in dental students, residents and clinical teaching staff, who work with amalgam and have mercury exposure, we performed this study.Materials and Methods: We conducted a historical cohort study on fifty persons of dental group by a census of dentists in restorative department of Tehran Dental School and fifty persons of control group at Des. 2006. Data collection was carried out using questionnaire. Following taking 4cc blood by standard venojects, all samples were sent to a lab by cold box and cold vapor atomic absorption method was performed for determining blood mercury level. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS program by using t-test, chi square and logistic regression.Results: This study showed mercury blood and plasma levels were significantly more in dental group (P<0.001). Also this study demonstrated all of the persons in exposed group had mercury level under Threshold Level Value (5mg/dl) expect of 2 persons.Conclusion: Although mercury hygiene is good in dental school at present, but close monitoring of environmental mercury and physical and laboratory examination of dental workers is recommended.

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    4 (24)
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Introduction: Miscarriage is the most common problem in pregnancy. Major mechanisms responsible for abortion are not always clear. Some underlying factors have been proved. Hence, efforts are being done to determine the new factors; like chronic infection. In this study, we investigated relationship between helicobacter pylori (HP) infection and first miscarriage. Materials & Methods: In this study, 70 women with first miscarriage (case group) and 67 with normal (control group) delivery, aged 20-29 years old were studied. Interviews along with 5cc blood were taken from each case to test the specific IgG titer with ELISA method. A questionnaire was filled for each subject.Results: Mean (±SD) age of cases was 23.0±2.6 and control group was 23.8±2.7. This difference was not significant (P=0.076). 45.7% of cases with the first miscarriage and 25.4% control group suffered from HP. Relationship between HP infection and miscarriage was significant (OR=2.48, 95% CI: 1.13-5.46,  P=0.013.Conclusion: According to this study, it seems that there is an association between HP infection and first miscarriage. For determining the effect of HP infection on causing the first miscarriage, more studies are required.

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    4 (24)
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Introduction: The low back pain (LBP) is more than prevalent complaint that cause people refer to clinic and doctor’s surgery. Previous studies have shown that about 80 percent of people have referred to doctor because they reported LBP in the course of life. The aim of this study was study the prevalence and causes of LBP in personnel of Islamic Azad university semnan unit.Material and methods: This is a descriptive study that was done in 1385-86 on the 128 personnel and staff of semnan Azad University. Data was obtained using a specific questionnaire and were analyzed with software Spss.Results: The result indicated that 75.78 percent of people at least reported one time LBP in the life. The prevalence of LBP was more in male than female. LBP prevalence was more (44.32%) in third decade of life. About 50.78% people had abnormal BMI. A significant relationship was found between LBP and weight and also between LBP and exercise.Conclusion: Due to high prevalence of LBP in employers and also presence of significant relationship between weight and LPB and also exercise and LBP, it is necessary to provide an educational schedule for employers about correct standing and sitting, procedures of carrying the heavy things and also appropriate exercise to avoiding LBP.

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    4 (24)
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Introduction: The pain as the most prevalent medical problem and an unpleasant experience obliges patients to use sedatives. Recent studies have shown that anticholinergic alkaloid compounds have antinociceptive property. Regarding the presence of anticholinergic alkaloid compounds in henbane (hyoscyamus niger) and since this plant was mentioned as sedative in Iranian traditional medicine, the aim of present study was to investigate the antinociceptive effect of oral and injective administration of henbane seed on formalin-induced acute and chronic pain in rats.Materials and Methods: Male rats weighing 300-350gr from NMRI strain were chosen randomly, and alcoholic  extract of henbane seed were injected at doses of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg intraperitoneally (n=10 for each dose). Also oral henbane seed at ratio of 1.14 in standard food was given to another group of rats (n=8) for 2 weeks. Acute and chronic pain scores were assessed in control (n=8) and experimental groups by formalin test. The reactions against the pain were carried out via formalin test, based on the standard criteria assessment. In addition, the antinociceptive effect of sodium salisilate as a positive control group was examined.Results: Statistical analysis of findings showed that injection of alcoholic extract of henbane seed in all doses decreased the formalin-induced acute and chronic pain significantly (P<0.001). In addition, oral administration of henbane seed caused significant decrease of formalin-induced chronic pain (P<0.001) relative to control group.Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that henbane extract has significant antinociceptive effect on both acute and chronic phases of formalin test. In addition, oral administration of henbane seed has only antinociceptive effect on formalin-induced chronic pain. It could be resulted from different mechanisms of extract injection and oral administration henbane in acute pain.

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    4 (24)
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Introduction: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is endemic in many parts of Iran. Numerous recognized focuses of Anthroponotic and Zoonotic forms of the disease exist in our country. Damghan is one of the endemic foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran. An outbreak of the disease occurred in 1378 in this city. To determine epidemiological characteristics of the disease during 1378-1384, we planed this study.Material and Methods: In these descriptive research 3460 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis studied. Data were collected by using of patients records available at public health department of Damghan County. Demographic and clinical features such as age, sex, resident place, season and year of diagnosis, migration history, and involvement of organs evaluated.Results: Incidence rate in 2000-2006 was 1168.7, 558.8, 538.1, 525.2, 587.8, 548.5 and 312 per 100000 populations respectively. Incidence rate in the village was higher than city, and in men higher than women. Most involved organs were hands (55%) and foot (43%). Most new observed cases of disease were in autumn. These findings indicate the Zoonotic type of the disease rather than Anthroponotic type of it.Conclusion: Damghan is one of focuses of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran. Surveillance and appropriate interventions in control of disease are very important. Trend of incidence of the disease during 1378-1384 indicates that 1378 epidemic is under control.

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Introduction: To learn, read and write as the most influential aspect of human civilization, a learner needs to reach to a certain levels of conceptual and sensorial skills, memory (auditory and visual) and intelligence abilities. Verbal visual skills play an important role for learning of reading and writing. The present study was performed to assay some visual skills (discrimination & memory), which are in close relationship with speech and language development in 5-year-old children. the aims of the study were to identify the mean and 95% confidence interval in normal children with respect to in these developmental aspects. The findings of this study would help us in finding the normal ranges of these skills, which are a base for reading and writing, as well as making a screening test to diagnose, train and treat abnormal skills in 5-year-old children.Materials& Methods: In this transactional and descript ional study,  20% of qualified Kindergarteners who had healthy vision, audition and speech, and speaking in Farsi or Semnani language and  affiliated to the  education and welfare department in  Semnan city were selected randomly (total of 2256 persons). They were evaluated by Visual Skills Test.Results: In 5-year-old children who speaking in Farsi, mean levels of tested skills were as follows: visual memory= 3.25, shape visual discrimination= 2.12 and alphabet visual discrimination =1.62. In 5-5.5 year- old children, the mean levels of visual memory, shape visual discrimination and alphabet visual discrimination were 3.24, 2.20 and 1.65, respectively. Finally, these mean levels were respectively 3.27, 1.93 and 1.54 for visual memory, visual discrimination, and alphabet visual discrimination in 5.5- 6 year old children.Conclusion: 5-year-old children were more skilled in shape visual discrimination than that of alphabet visual discrimination. Since the date of birth was an effective factor on children abilities in shape visual discrimination test, the older the child the better the scores. There were no differences between girls' and boys' scores in any of tests.

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Introduction: Health of workers of a community, especially in an industry oriented country, is very important. Mental s'problem of workers in an industrialised country is the most problems, because their environment and work conditions are risk factors. The aim of this study was to determine the health statue of workers of Kuushk mine based on General Health Questionnaire to decrease problems of physical, mental and social health of workers and increase their economical efficiency.Materials and Methods:  This was a cross-sectional studuy, carried out on 262 workers of Kuushk plumb and zincs mine. Twenty eight items General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) in workers was examined. All of workers participated in the study.GHQis a measure of current mental and physical health. The most commons coving methods are bi-modal (0-0-1-1) and Likert styles (0-1-2-3). All data were transferred directly in to SPSS. For data analysis ANOVA, Pearson chi-square was used.Results: About 40% of subjects reported a history of accident. The results of GHQ showed that general health of 25.8% of participants was not good. The physical health of 24.5%, anxiety of 28/9%, social function of 43.6% and depression of 7.5% of subjects were not suitable. More than 21% of them were not satisfied from their work and their laborer. About 85% of them had a rotation shift.Conclusion: It is concluded that concluded that health status of workers in different parts of industry must be assessed and appropriate programs should be designed for improvement of health status of workers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2006

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    4 (24)
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Although there are many reports about variation of the branches of abdominal aorta, the present report is a very rare case that it has not been reported so far. The coeliac trunk is a wide ventral branch of abdominal aorta with 2.25cm long. The coeliac trunk divided into three branches: left gastric, common hepatic and splenic branch. Normally, the trunk has not any branches for small intestine after duodenum. In cudavr of a man with 65 years old who was dissected with grants method, the following variations were observed: a common trunk which is raised from common hepatic artery and divided to following branches: branches for pancreas near the neck and body of pancreas, a branch for head of pancreas, branches for duodenum, a huge branch for jejunum and ileum from right side, a huge branch for large intestine from left side, a communication branch between right gasteroepiploic and coeliac, arise cystic artery from common hepatic artery. Since the current report is a rare case, which has not been reported in any anatomical and clinical literatures so far, it may be an interesting and important case.

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