The present study was focused on supply chain analysis of fresh guava in order to evaluate existing marketing supply chains (SC1: Producer - Consumer, SC2: Producer - Retailer - Consumer, SC3: Producer - Commission agent - Retailer - Consumer, SC4: Producer - Commission agent - Wholesaler - Retailer - Consumer) for two variety (allahabad safeda and apple guava) of guava. The gross marketing price, net marketing price and net profit of the producer were significantly higher for marketing supply chain SC1, followed by SC2, SC3 and SC4 of fresh guava. The consumer price for fresh guava was significantly lower in marketing supply chain SC1 as compared with SC2, SC3 and SC4. The total marketing cost, total marketing loss and total net marketing margin were significantly higher in marketing supply chain SC4, followed by SC3, SC2 and SC1 for fresh guava. The multiple regression results revealed that commission charges for marketing of guava was the most important factor influencing the total marketing cost. The marketing efficiency and producer's share in consumer price were significantly higher in marketing supply chain SC1, followed by SC2, SC3 and SC4. The overall results revealed that net profit of producer, marketing efficiency and producer share in consumer price decreases considerably with the increased in number of intermediaries in marketing supply chain, whereas total marketing cost, total marketing loss and total marketing margin increases considerably with increased in number of intermediaries in marketing supply chain.