The data of this study was collected from 252 teachers, principals and vice-principals of females’ high schools in district one through one researcher-administered questionnaire, and was then analyzed. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by seven university professors. Cronbach’s alpha was used in order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire. The total calculated alpha was 0.81, and it was 0.79 for the component of using sustainable resources, 0.71 for the component of using healthy food, 0.79 for the component of school’s distance from toxic substances available around it, and 0.72 for the component of using green education method. Onesample t-test showed that all of the four components are below the average in the study sample. The results from Friedman test in assessment of sustainable school indicators revealed that the four components had different rankings which should be considered by the principals in terms of importance. This ranking was as follows: school’s distance from toxic substances available around it with the mean of 1.26 is in the first rank, using green education method with the mean of 2.30 in the second rank, using sustainable resources with mean of 2.76 is ranked third, and finally, using healthy food with the mean of 3.68 is ranked fourth in terms of importance. The study concluded that the measures taken with respect to sustainable schools’ standards were not sufficient and further measures have to be taken in order to achieve these indicators.