Mobile sensor networks rely heavily on inter-sensor connectivity for collection of data. Nodes in these networks monitor different regions of an area of interest and collectively present a global overview of some monitored activities or phenomena. A failure of a sensor leads to loss of connectivity and may cause partitioning of the network into disjoint segments.A number of approaches have been recently proposed that pursue node relocation in order to restore connectivity. DCR is a distributed partitioning detection and connectivity restoration algorithm to tolerate the failure of sensors. DCR proactively identifies sensors that are critical to the network connectivity based on local topological information, and designates appropriate, preferably non-critical, backup nodes. Upon failure detection, the backup sensor initiates a recovery process that may involve coordinated relocation of multiple sensors. Here we proposed Energy aware Distributed partitioning detection and connectivity restoration al-gorithm (EDCR) that is an improvement of DCR algorithm. Therefore reducing the message exchange overhead, lower energy consumption, and thus will increase the network lifetime.