In this paper, we propose to extend the hierarchical bivariate Hermite Interpolant to the spherical case. Let T be an arbitrary spherical triangle of the unit sphere S and let u be a function defined over the triangle T. For kϵN, we consider a Hermite spherical Interpolant problem Hk defined by some data scheme Dk (u) and which admits a unique solution pk in the space Bnk (T) of homogeneous Bernstein-Bezier polynomials of degree nk=2 k (resp. nk=2k+1) defined on T. We discuss the case when the data scheme Dr(u) are nested, i.e., Dr-1 (u) ÌDr(u) for all 1£r£k. This, give a recursive formulae to compute the polynomialpk. Moreover, this decomposition give a new basis for the space Bnk (T), which are the hierarchical structure. The method is illustrated by a simple numerical example.