One of the most important issues in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is sensitivity and stability region of a specific Decision Making Unit (DMU), including efficient and inefficient DMUs. In sensitivity analysis of efficient DMUs, the largest region should be found namely stability region that data variations are only for under e valuation efficient DMU and the data for the remaining DMUs are assumed fixed. Also under evaluation efficient DMU remains efficient with these variations. In sensitivity analysis of an inefficient DMU, it can obtain an efficiency score which is defined by the manager. In traditional DEA, we assume that all inputs and outputs are real amounts and consider continuous inputs and outputs. Although, there are some applications in which one or more inputs and/or outputs can only take integer quantities. In this paper, we obtain a stability region for efficient DMUs with integer data. Thus the inefficient DMU which is under evaluation can satisfy the decision maker and also it can be improved itself to gain a defined efficiency score by management, with integer data. The procedures are illustrated by numerical examples.