Background: Rug weaving is an important source of income in rural areas of Kerman and hand woven rugs are considered as the most important non-petroleum export of Iran. In this study, we describe the working environment as well as the occupational risk factors of these rug weavers.Materials and Methods: This study was performed in the Golzar region including Shirinak, Chartagh and Babe Shamil villages. The workplaces were identified and the hazards of each workshop were determined using the study checklist. The workers were also screened for medical conditions.Results: The average age of the workers was 29 years. The work place evaluation showed that the floor, wall, ceiling, light, temperature and general condition of most of the workplaces was inappropriate and non-standard, and needed major changes. The average working hours were 9.1 hours a day. Medical problems such as visual disturbances, musculoskeletal problems, psychological disorders, gynecological disorders, goiter and tightness of breath were discovered in the workers.Conclusion: Many rug weavers still work in improper conditions, and need occupational health knowledge and financial support to improve the physical characteristics of their workplaces and prevent debilitating disorders.