Introduction: Western Uttar Prdesh (UP), in India, is reaching the category of the unhealthiest region, due to emerging risk of a cancer river. Here, soil and water have high concentration of multi-metals, especially, contaminant like Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), and (As), which is a major risk to the individuals; therefore, numerous health problems in many villages along the banks of the river have been observed. Individuals are using contaminated water for daily life purposes as well as for crop irrigation, thus, the metal deposited successively to different tropic level. Therefore, this area immediately required an exhaustive study by a governmental and non-governmental institute to undertake with this difficult position and find marvel solutions that can remove the metal from the soil and water. Here, people suffer on a daily basis due to the above reason. Case Presentation: In this region, industry releasing its waste directly to the river without executing the proper treatment and disposal of the waste, results in water obtaining many hazardous compounds; therefore, river water becomes seriously polluted and turns to a cancer river. Major rivers running in this area are Yamuna, Kali Nadi (Krishna), Hindon, and Ganga, these rivers turn to a cancer river due to different industries that reside in this area, which are sugar industries, pulp and paper mills, as well as slaughter houses. The industrial wastewaters contain hazardous inorganic pollutants, mainly heavy metals like Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), and (As). Various types of cancer, bone deformities, and neurological disorders are few of them, which can be seen frequently in individuals in this region. Conclusions: This area emerged as a hotspot of contaminant from river water, especially with metal contaminant, and turned to a cancer river. The number of affected individuals is increasing day by day in the recent year; therefore, cancer and death become a common phenomena in this particular area. Thus, this area needs great attention of governmental and non-governmental organizations to need systematic studies and find a miracle solution to help the villagers.