The aim of study the 1factors prohibiting female students in Khorasgan Azad (Esfahan) University to participate in sporting activites. In the main study 498 female students were selected which 300 individuals were as participants and 198 individuals were as non-participants.
The constraint factors in this study included 9 factors which named, lack of money, lack of time, lack of facilities, transportation, social (lack of partner), lack of interest, unawarensess, skill/ abilities, health/fitness.
Data was analysed in computer software (SPSS/10) and Cronbach Alpha was used to test reliability of the instrument. The results were shown for both participants and nonparticipants were constraints in sporting activities. For the participants group, lack of facilities, social (lack of partner) and for non-participants, transportaion, unawareness, health/ fitness, and skill/ abilities were the most constraint factors.