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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The leisure is a new phenomenon has emerged of the industrial revolution and socio-economic developments of the current world. How the people of a society spend their leisure times could in a large extent show the cultural characteristics and lifestyle of the community. The most important aspects of the lifestyle which emerged of urban development and modernity, is the mode of spending the leisure time. The leisure time is the product of growing urbanization and mechanization. In ancient Iran the leisure time was only for the wealthy and elite class. But gradually, it was generalized to lower and middle classes. The leisure time especially in lower and middle classes of society was spent in the home and with family. It was largely informal and to be passed to companion and dialog with relatives, friends and neighbors. But gradually, as the official definition of working time, particularly for medium to high social classes who were employed in the administrative system, working time apart from leisure time. So the leisure time has been valued and even officially protected by law in the form of paid and official leave. Separation of work and leisure time, the increasing use of vehicles that have provided the possibility of population mobility and mass media like press, radio, cinema and television in particular have caused to more importance of the leisure time. The Iranian society in transition from agriculture to the modern era, gradually are familiar with the leisure phenomenon and its features. In this paper studied situation leisure time in Iran. Since the regular statistical survey has not been conducted about the issue in Iran, the longitudinal study and comprehensive plans of different ages even different age groups, is not possible. In this article tried to demonstrate how different age groups spend the leisure time in Iran, based on available statistical data which mostly limited to the specific surveys have been conducted on a national scale in the past two decades. The age has significant effect on the level of individual participation in the leisure activities, but this effect varies depending on the individual characteristics and the type of activity. The Survey of youth attitudes and values shows that there is a significant different between the average of leisure time during the week for different age groups of young people. The young people spend their leisure, can change over the time. Some studies have shown that young people spend less time with their family although this case for girls is different. However in this field there is the significant difference between different age groups. The results of survey of measuring Iranian values and attitudes (2003) shows that the main activities in the leisure time are respectively the study, the use of media (audio, video and electronics) and the rest. The survey data also show a significant difference between the activities in different age groups. So that in the age group of 15 to 29 years the use of the media has the highest portion and the religious Affairs has the lowest portion. While in the age group of 30 to 49 years the study has the highest portion and the exercise has the lowest portion and for the age group of 50 years and older, the portion increased from the exercise to the resting. Iranian society is a young society and the leisure time is one of the major facing problems in this society. The young people experience more travel in comparison with the other age groups. Moreover, the results of researches which conducted at provincial scale show the significant difference between the travel destinations of young people and the older demographic groups. It seems that the modes of spending the leisure time will change in different generations. The change in the styles of spending the leisure time hasn’t been happened only in Iran's urban population. But also this change is seen in the rural community which now covers 40 percent of the population. The survey done on the rural community shows that changing in the social and economic base of the respondents leads to changing in the favorite leisure activities. So by the promotion of this base, the tendency to pilgrimage and excursions trips will increase. However Iranian society is a young society and the leisure time is one of the major facing problems in this society. We need to production more data within longitudinal systematic surveys. That can help that researchers presented more accurate and comprehensive analysis of situation leisure time in Iran.

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The study of individual and social factors affecting the tendency to verbal violence among high school boy’s students in Bushehr city. The methodology of this study was survey and used a questionnaire. Population of this study was all high school boys’ students in the city of Bushehr and 400 persons determined as the sample size with using Lin table. The method of sampling was a multi-stage stratified random sampling. Pearson's test results show that among the dependent variable (tendency to verbal violence) and some independent variables are correlated. The value of Pearson correlation among the dependent variable and age, socialization, parental control, and excitement, as independent variables, respectively was 0.009, -0.45, 0.34, -0.34. The results show that students who have been deprived of the parent and the family always Conflict and debate has been more vulnerable and tend to be more violent. In addition, those who are equal in age and social characteristics with other person, as another factor in the socialization of the students involved. At this point, the student to gain popularity and being liked; widely Acceptance in their peer group takes its values. The results, violent behavior by students is the failure status due to the desire to have the excitement and violence And they're doing it just because of the excitement and fun And if by any means to prevent the discharge of excitement for children and adolescents, This energy is discharged in another detour and the society Will see increasing of these deviations. Stepwise regression analysis showed that socialization, social control, and excitement are the most influential factors on verbal violence. Finally path analysis test showed that the effect of parental control variable, indirect as well as direct effect on the dependent variable.

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The youth trend factors addiction to drugs was the purpose of this research. In the other words, it is attempted to answer to essential question what factors are caused to the addiction in the youth? To reach to answer the above question, it is used mainly from four theoretical perspectives namely anomaly theory, isolationism theory, labeling theory and Sutherland learning theory. The independent variables include individual, social and family factors and dependent variables addiction to the drugs. Statistical population of the research include the entire of addicted youth to the drugs (They have a drug addiction for one year and education are significant) which were examined among 90 people of them in the randomly sampling method and was survey research methods and then data is collected with using the questionnaire and were analyzed the data resulting from descriptive statistics, frequency table and chi- squared test on SPSS software. The findings indicate that individual, social, economic and family factors affect the youth addiction to the drugs.

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The subject of women occupation outside the home possible and negative effects of their own or family is including the controversial issues contemporary Iranian society. The changes due to industrialization and become smaller family caused to increase free time for the women and more opportunities to pursue education and find the occupation outside the home. The research conducted on social effects for this issue obtained different results which made difficult to extract its general extract. Therefore, the purpose of current research for the review between the occupations outside the home with its satisfaction amount is from various aspects of their lives. The research method employed was survey and data collection tools of questionnaire. Statistical population of the research includes all women and after Isfahan of which 400 people (218 people employed and 182 people housekeeper) were selected and studied as sample. The research tools have face validity and its final Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was equal to 0.88. The findings showed that average score for life satisfaction in all four its aspects (Satisfaction with living conditions, your satisfaction, family satisfaction and satisfaction with friends) and life satisfaction was generally a little higher than the average and no significant difference was found between the average scores in women employed and housekeepers.

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Social trust is an important component of social development and modern development that has special significance in social science debate today. One of the main factors of social trust is the trust in organizations that are considered as institutional trust in social researches. This type of trust is analyzed in the present study and it has been tried to determine this kind of trust in the society by using the data from the "fifth wave of the World Values Surveys" in fact, the goal is to recognize confidence in institutions in age grouping based on the sociological concept of "race". The findings of the present study show that the mean institutional trust among the people is "average" and erosion process of intergenerational comparisons (but less) can be seen, while there is a significant difference between the institutional trust of first generation (55 years or older) and third generation (15 to 29 years).

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This article wants to propose this theory that Farm Corporations are agropolitan development models in Iran. As over-concentrating investments to the urban areas did not lead to a trickledown effect to the rural areas. To the extreme, there are ideas to minimize linkages with the urban economy, and to make the rural areas pursue self-sufficiency by maximizing its potentials. However, against this idea. They argue that rural areas cannot replicate an urban economy, because population concentration is needed to justify the production of various goods and services needed to fulfill the people’s needs and wants. Instead, sustainable rural economic growth should be pursued through specializing in the commodities in which the area has comparative advantage. Only a balanced flow can contribute to a healthy rural-urban linkage. These small urban centers play a role as the provider of basic urban services and as the collectors and processors of rural produces. These small urban centers are those agropolitans. Theoretical framework of this article is based on views, theories and perspectives of Rondinelli, Freidmann, Douglass, Pradhan, Saefulhakim, Anwar, Rustiadi, de Jung and Smith. After discussion and analysis of votes, Agropolitan development objective and its criteria are reviewed and summarized. Farm corporations are discussed as a model of industrial and commercial agriculture within typology of farming system in Iran. Agricultural companies Khezri and Islamabad general and specific features, structure and organization and labor as a case study in two dimensions comprised of modern agriculture organization and urban features are discussed and defined as a model of rural-urban balanced development. methodology in this study is based on documentary and field study and element analysis of an agropolitan system.

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In This study we tried to examine the role of participatory institutions in the local development by measuring the effect of social capital on the promotion of performance. Our research sample was Dehong's (a village in south of Iran) Islamic Council. On the other hand it tries to evaluate effect of social capital on local development. The result of the study showed that some of social capital factors such as social trust, social integration and social participation play a fundamental role on the improvement of performance of Islamic council. The main research method of the study was survey. Also we used observation, interview and FGD to increase the accuracy of the results.

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