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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Lack of the viability and vitality and totally well- being in life and low-level of the rural community wellbeing, could have decreased the belonging to the community and caused less participation. It also would lead to non- qualitative life and satisfaction. On the other hand, low level of the wellbeing and lack of the attractive situation put the sustainability and stability of the rural in danger. Therefore this study aimed to recognize the definition of the well-being and the life with high quality in rural regions of Shabestar. So, data of this study were gathered by qualitative method and interview and FGD techniques. The result has proved that life with high quality is the reflex of the effect of the situation and factors in three spheres which are individual, family and community. These factors in material and economic dimension include high profit/ having enough, financial independency and the living opportunities and earning money in rural region. In social dimension, social viabilities of living in community, social-demographical vitality, satisfaction of life, happiness and security are included. In health and environmental dimension, factors such as physical and mental health, air condition, peace of life and silence is considered.

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The concept of individualism in the field of sociology was introduced by the empirical scheme of one's position in society. The growing importance of the attention to this pattern affected by social changes has been rapid and rough. Cultural and social processes of modernization and modern age always create new conditions and stimulus leading to changes and verities in methods of individualization. Whether "individualism" is a distinctive characteristic of modern societies is a usual term among founders of sociology and its revision has not been stopped yet. The present article is to analyze different standpoints of founders of sociology about the relationship between an individual and society and the very concept of individualism. For founders of sociology, the question of individual-society is a completely social issue suggesting modernity along which expresses itself with more severity. All of them wish a real release from individual, but- albeit unevenly - suggest its difficulties and dangers. From Marx’s point of view, under the present alienation, the individual is linked to future, his full realization will only be done by capitalist exploitation at the end of the history. In contrast to this optimism of Marx’s, Weber’s pessimism can be easily observed: the process of rationalization causes one to be imprisoned in his iron cage. Conservatively, Durkheim and Tocqueville are more optimistic. Individualism is particularly specific to individuals, a fact that brings about a new status which cannot be opposed, but must be adjusted. In addition, its dangers towards society and individuals should be analyzed and steps must be taken to compensate. But in between, its extraordinary complexity causes Simmel’s analysis on individuality and individualism to be distinctive. He states most of different features of individualism which are clarified in contrast to previous conditions, and teach them in all classes of individual more than other things.

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This study has been conducted with the aim of surveying the barriers and challenges of research in universities from the perspective of faculty members (Islamic Azad and Payam-e Nour, Razi, Medical Sciences) in Kermanshah done. Questionnaire being used in this research is Barriers and challenges from the perspective of research at universities Retrieved from master thesis, it was based on Likert type, which Barriers divided into 6 categories include of financial barriers, academic, personal, facilities, professional and managerial. The sample size was calculated by using the Cochran formula which the number 253 was obtained. Tests being used for analyzing the achieved data include: One-sample t-test, multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA was used. Achieved result show that, except barriers facilities, other variables were considered serious obstacles in the way of research. Also none of the variables of the study were not significantly different in terms of gender, personal and managerial. In addition, financial barriers are significant differences among teachers. Thus it could be said that There are many ways to improve conditions in the production of knowledge, including: increased use of research results in universities, institutes and departments, an increased attention on ethics in research activities and most importantly increased group research work.

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This paper presents pluralism as a historical process. The term pluralism frequently appears not only in the field of political philosophy but also in social sciences. In one sense, the growing literature is stimulating and enriching, nevertheless the abundance of material attempting to explain the various interpretations of pluralist theory can be convoluted and overwhelming. Despite the constant usage of the term, its definition is much more complex. An attempt, here, is made to analyze and present some of the notable features of the pluralist debate and theoretical and methodological implications. The objective is to determine whether this phenomenon can be characterized as new, old or cyclically repeating. It is argued that aspects of pluralism, which are characteristic for pluralism in the present, appeared in remote past and they repeat in human history cyclically, and, consequently underlining that no single version of pluralism offers a wholly accurate description of the modern world. It is concluded that, for all the apparent weaknesses, pluralism has given us greater insight into the socio- political systems of modern democracies. Although no longer considered the potent display of equality as originally put forth, the pluralist stress on the role power of many pressure groups has been central to the survival of pluralism as a relevant theory for liberal democracies. Until Marxist and elitist interpretations of the sources and nature of power allow for greater influence of the multiplicity of interest groups, pluralist theory will continue to prevail as an important theory of the study of politics and socio-cultural issues in modern world.

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This study was aimed at developing a method for measuring the relationship between intellectual capital and project manager competencies. Intellectual capital consist human capital, structural capital and relational capital. Project manager competencies have been evaluated based on IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) and Project Manager Competency Development Framework (PMCDF) includes knowledge, skill, personality, and industry & organization competence. In this study, the relationship between intellectual capital and project manager competencies were investigated and a weak, yet negative correlation was observed as an outcome of this quantitative study. The results are significant because of the method is used. In addition, the study results are so stable and reliable because we use confident instrument to measure indicators.

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Globalization is a multi-dimensional process of economic, political, cultural, and ideological change. It has had a mixed impact on women’s rights. On the one hand, it has led to increasing violations of women’s economic, political, and cultural rights in large measure due to the withering away of the welfare-developmental state, the feminization of poverty, the expansion of religious fundamentalisms, and new forms of militarism and conflict. On the other hand, aspects of globalization have provided women with increasing opportunities to work in solidarity at national, regional, and international levels to demand their rights. Our objective is to advance and share knowledge about the gendered aspects of globalization and help promote mechanisms that strengthen the positive aspects and consequences of globalization, especially with respect to women’s human rights and gender equality. In my paper the role of UNO for women rights has been discussed. Then I tried to analyze the status of women in Islam. Then I discuss the rights of women given in Pakistan by different governments. In last political participation of women in Musharraf regime has been analyzed.

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The sample population was consisted of 299 male and female students of the University of Khwarizmi. Theories used in this study included Social bonding theory, differential opportunity, differential association, feeling anomie and frustration (love, and academic failure). The obtained results indicate that there is the bound variables, anomie, differential association, feeling of anomie, social status, academic failure and failure of the love and dependent variable of attitudes towards drug had significant relationship. Variables failure of love and anomie do not have direct causal impact on drug use and through other variables affect attitude towards drugs. There was not significant relationship between engagement and attitudes to drug. Differential association with correlation (0.383) and beta (0.306) has maximum correlation causal impact on positive attitudes toward drug use among college students.

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