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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims of the Study: The objective of this study was to investigate the seed pretreatment with salicylic acid (SA) on tolerance and remediation ability of Brassica oleracea var. acephala under lead and zinc stresses. Materials and Methods: Present study was conducted to evaluate phyto-accumulative ability of Brassica oleracea var. acephala in heavy metal concentrations. After seed disinfection, the seeds were soaked in the solution of SA (0, 200 and 300 mgL-1) for 6 hours and cultured in media with different concentrations ZnSO4 and Pb(NO3) (0, 50, 100 and 200 mgL-1). Some germination indices such as the shoot to root ratio, leaf width, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll content and absorption of heavy metal by seedling were investigated, after 14 days. Results: The results showed that with increasing metal density, almost all of germination indices decreased significantly in comparison with the control. The most heavy metals accumulation was observed in seed pre-treatment with 300 mg L-1 SA and 100 mg L-1 metals treatment. By increasing the concentration of lead and zinc in the medium, the accumulation of metals was increased significantly in the plants. So, in the treatment of 100 mg L-1 of each metal, the accumulation of lead and zinc were 8500. 5 and 1085. 1 mg kg-1 in dry weight respectively. Conclusions: The results show that that ornamental Kale can be used as a hyperaccumulator plant for lead and zinc in polluted regions in this study. The Ornamental kale would be a high biomass crop that can accumulate the contaminant of lead and zinc in the soil.

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Background & Aims of the Study: The purpose of this study, was association of environmental factors of hypothyroidism in pregnant women in Abadan during 2016. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive research, 600 women were chosen according to random – stratified sampling. For this purpose at first an information form had been made then the files of pregnant women were checked to realize whether they have Hypothyroidism or not. After this they were asked to visit health centers to fill up the questionnaire at the appointed day. After filling up the questionnaire by each person, the interviewer give a code to each questionnaire related to the person and the center she visited and the information provided by each questionnaire was entered in SPSS according to the coding. Results: The results showed that approximately environmental factors are one of the most important affects in accelerating of hypothyroidism in pregnant women. According results of this study, there is a meaningful relation between hypothyroidism and factors, smoking, air pollution, allergy and radiotherapy. Conclusion: Finding this study showed that many of the environmental factors that are indicated in pregnancy references as risks for hypothyroidism were seen in Abadan pregnant women and some of the factors are more common in healthy women. As result, it’ s necessary to do examinations before pregnancy to control the situation.

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Background & Aims of the Study: Respiratory diseases are considered as the most important occupational diseases and the absence in the workplaces. Workers in the tile and ceramic industries are exposed to high concentrations of dusts. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the pulmonary reactions and pulmonary function tests associated with exposure to dust among workers of a tile industry, Yazd, Iran. Materials & Methods: This research was designed as a cross-sectional research. All workers (n=26) working in the press and spray halls were considered as exposed (case) group. Also 17 unexposed workers (control group) were selected for interview as well as respiratory symptom questionnaires were administered to them. Demographic data and lung function tests of participants were gathered and analyzed. Results: Demographic and socioeconomic variables of both groups were similar (p>0. 05). Total dust and respirable dust were measured in the exposed group equals to 29. 94± 10. 24 and 17. 69± 7. 57. Total dust and respirable dust in the control group were measured equals to 3. 94± 2. 62 and 1. 73± 4. 7 respectively. The results were different significantly (p<0. 05). The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was 11. 5-38. 5%. These symptoms in case group compared to control group, had higher prevalence of cough, phlegm. The results were significantly increased in exposed workers than unexposed workers (p<0. 05). Decrease in pulmonary function test was significantly higher in exposed workers than unexposed workers (p<0. 05). Conclusion: Our finding revealed that a clear link exists between high levels of airborne dust and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms among workers. Based on this fact and in order to reduce pulmonary complications, preventive measures plan in the factory, such as technical measures (suitable ventilation system) and training programs about the proper using of personal protective equipment should be considered.

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Background & Aims of the Study: Worker’ s behaviors, uncontrolled job stress, psycho-social factors and non-ergonomic principles, lead to risk of musculoskeletal disorders. This rsearch was done conducted to analyze relationship these factors in an auto-parts production company in Qom province, Iran in 2015. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional one conducted on all workers (n=113). To measure the ergonomic behavior, behavioral sampling checklist was used. Researcher-made demographic and Nordic questionnaire beside valid HSE job stress questionnaire were used. Data analysis was done with SPSS V20 using Poisson regression method. Results: : Age’ s average of studied workers was 26. 76± 4. 6 and work history was 3. 49± 3. 36 years. Eighty nine ones (%66. 9) experienced at least musculoskeletal pain at one part of their body. Highest rate of pain was reported in low back pain (58. 42%). Among 1792 observed behavior, 49. 61% of behaviors were ergonomic. The manual handling behavior with 76. 19% as the rate was the worst. Mean (± SD) of occupational stress score was measured 95. 72 (± 14. 25). According to Poisson regression musculoskeletal disorders among men were significantly less than women (38. 3%) (P=0. 04). With one unit, increasing in ergonomic behavior, disorders were decreased 3. 35 times (P <0. 001). Also, accompanied with increasing the demand score, we would be experienced a 50% reduction in musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusion: Based on our finding, studied workers were in high degree risk of job stress. In addition, stress and behavior were correlated with musculoskeletal disorders prevalence.

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Background & Aims of the Study: Nursing is one of the highly stressful jobs. Nurses have to provide health service, in many cases, to the patients with incurable disease. Working in such environment induces severe and permanent mental pressures, which in long-run can create fatigue and negative effects on performance of the nurses. The main objective of the present study is to survey effects of occupational fatigue and the pertinent factors on the nurses working in Kermanshah hospitals. Materials & Methods: The study is a cross-sectional study conducted on 112 nurses in Kermanshah-based hospitals in 2015. Data gathering was performed using job information and demographics questionnaire and Sweden occupational fatigue inventory (SOFI). The collected data was analyzed in SPSS-16. Results: The results showed that 67. 9% of the nurses suffered from low and moderate fatigue, 23. 2% suffered from high fatigue, and 8. 9% suffered from very high fatigue. The highest mean scores of fatigue symptoms in the nurses were obtained by burnout, inability, drowsiness, yawning, and disinterest. The results showed significant relationship between occupational fatigue and its aspects. Fatigue in men was higher than that of women and it was more evident in married participants comparing with unmarried participants. In addition, nurses with masters’ degree, those in evening and overnight shifts, nurses with a second job, and the participants who expressed dissatisfaction with their job and their colleagues showed more occupational fatigue. Conclusions: The results showed that work-related fatigue was moderate to high in the participants. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses can consider some items to manage fatigue like reducing overworking, sleeping enough, using good nutrition and enough rest to improve the work system.

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Background & Aims of the Study: Identifying and determining the dispersion boundary bioaerosols of bacterial and fungal pathogens for locating containers of municipal waste in accurate management to prevent from health damage and enhance society health is essential. The aim of this research is to identify and assess the radius of bacterial and fungal bio-aerosol emissions from municipal waste collection containers. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study in Gonabad city in which air sample prepared from around the containers from July to October 2015. Sampling was carried out by active Zefon A6 Impactor samplers at a distance of 1. 5 m from surface of earth and in several horizontal distances up to 2 m from containers. Totally, 360 samples were gathered and the bacteria and fungi were identified by microbiology tests. Also, temperature, humidity and wind speed was measured. Results: Aspergillus, yeast and Alternaria were the most dominant species of fungi in around of containers. Among bacteria, gram-positive bacilli and Staphylococcus epidermidis were dominant. Most of bio-aerosols in a distance of 25 cm from the containers (228. 00± 167. 12 CFU/m3) and the lowest were observed at a distance of 2 m of the containers (223. 86± 204. 72 CFU/m3). Conclusion: The findings indicated that municipal waste collection containers released the hazardous biological agents as Aspergillus and Staphylococcus aureus that are very pathogenic for human in environment. So the position of the garbage containers for decline the environment health effect, it should not be less than 2 m from human exposure.

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Background & Aims of the Study: Heavy metals pollution in aquatic ecosystems threats living organisms' health and environment. Hence, the present study aims to assess concentration of lead, chromium, copper, zinc and their ecological risk in the surface sediments of the Bashar River during the summer and winter seasons. Materials & Methods: This is a field study; sampling of surface sediment was done in 8 stations in 2016. The samples were digested by the composition of ratio of 1: 4 Percholoric acid and Nitric acid and then were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Statistical analysis of all data was also done using SPSS 21 and various criteria were used to fine the amount of contamination of heavy metals. Results: The results showed that the average total concentration of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cr in the summer were (48. 16, 39. 2, 14. 45 and 10. 35) and as for winter was (39. 88, 26. 93, 12. 23 and 10. 301) mg/kg respectively. In addition, evaluating geo-accumulation indexes, pollution load and pollution factor indicated the low pollution status of the area in both seasons. Conclusions: According to the results, pollution status and the RI level of heavy metals in the Bashar River is low and similar in summer and winter. Also, the sources and changes in elements concentration in different stations and seasons may be as a result of the institution of various urban and industrial contamination sources along the river, and its physical and geobiochemical changes in water flow volume entering the river, especially in winter.

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