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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Biosynthesis of nanoparticles has attracted the attention of the scientific community in nanotechnology and biotechnology due to their extensive application in the area of material sciences and medicine. Nowadays, despite a various application of nanomaterial’s, there is a little information about their impact on human health. In this study, we investigated the comparative study on cytotoxicity effect of biological and commercial synthesized nanosilver on human gastric carcinoma (AGS) and normal lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cell lines.Methods: The current experimental study was carried out in Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, from April to November 2014. The biological synthesis of nanosilver was obtained from Eucalyptus plant extract as a reducing agent. Further to more analysis, morphological study on size and shape of developed biological nanosilver was characterized by performing scanning electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. AGS and MCR-5 cell lines were treated with various concentration of nanosilver for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Finally, the cell viability was evaluated by using MTT assay.Results: The results show that the nanosilver exerts a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on viability of cells. At 100μg/mL of commercial and biological synthesized nanosilver, the viability of AGS was reduced to 7.47±0.002% (P=0.002) and 3.65±0.01% (P=0.003) after 72 hours, respectively. In addition, the viability of MRC-5 at the same condition was reduced to 10.27±0.19% (P=0.001) and 9.16±1.53% (P=0.002), respectively.Conclusion: Based on a thorough literature surveys, the present study is the first research about biosynthesis of nanosilver using Eucalyptus plant extract. This ecofriendly and cost effective method can be used for large scale production of silver nanoparticle. In addition, based on the current obtained data, commercial and biological synthesized nanosilver can more inhibitory effect on cancer cells compared to the normal cells. Hence, silver nanoparticles might be used as a new strategy for treating many human cancers. However, further studies are necessary to ascertain their potential as anticancer agents.

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Background: The major issue to address in endometriosis etiology is to identify the genetic changes in the disease and their occurrence in different populations. Uncovering these genetic changes may be important in developing potential biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis of endometriosis. Among all endometriosis susceptibility genes studied before, convincing association has been found with variants in the estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) gene and this disease; however, the contributions of these genetic variants in different populations and ethnic groups are not similar. Accordingly, this study was carried out to replicate the previous findings to assess whether this polymorphism is associated with endometriosis in Iranian women.Methods: A case-control study was designed to determine the possible association between ESR1-351A>G variant and occurrence of endometriosis. The study group consisted of 100 subjects diagnosed with endometriosis as case group and 100 fertile women without endometriosis as controls recruited from subjects referred to the Tehran Women’s General Hospital between January to September 2013. All subjects were genotyped for this marker using amplification refractory mutation system- polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR). Association of risk allele (G) with endometriosis was assessed using PLINK software after age adjustment.Results: The results showed that the genotype frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) in both case (F=0.04, P: 0.67) and control (F=0.02, P: 0.83) groups.In addition, there were no significant differences between case and control groups in terms of genotype frequencies (P=0.17). Moreover, the results indicated that the presence of risk allele (G) did not significantly increase risk of endometriosis (OR: 1.43, 95%CI: 0.96-2.13, P=0.07).Conclusion: The results do not support the previous findings of an association between -351A>G genetic polymorphism in ESR1 gene and endometriosis. Therefore, comprehensive genetic approaches including linkage analyses and family-based tests, together with a number of replication studies with large sample size, are needed to make conclusive claims about the role of this genetic polymorphism in susceptibility to endometriosis.

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Background: In Nov 2013, the instruction for controlling high cholesterol has been released by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) which need to be assessed in the different communities.Methods: Of total 6275 individual aged 40-75 years who entered at the Tehran Lipids and Glucose Study from March 1999 to 20 March 2010 in first examination cycle, 5153 with the median follow-up of more than ten years were eligible to enter in this study. The 10-year risk of hard cardiovascular disease (Hard CVD) for Statin therapy based on ACC/AHA clinical guideline was calculated and this risk was calculated for each subgroup of the guideline who recommended for statin therapy comparing to the risk in individuals with prevalent CVD.Results: Of nearly 6.5 million urban population of Iran (according to the 1996 census) about 4 million individuals (2.55 million men and 1.4 million women) were eligible for statin therapy. With respect to the urban population growth from the 1996 to the 2011 census (about 2.5 percent increases) the number of individuals for receiving statin increased by 50% (5 million men and 3 million women). Also, the risk in non-diabetic men with calculated risk of 5-7.5% and diabetic women with calculated risk of<5% for hard CVD was lower than 0.2. By removing these people from total eligible population, the burden of statin therapy will reduced about 8% which is about 540.752 persons, according to the Census 1996 and 1.155.079 individuals based on the census 2011.Conclusion: The new guideline of ACC/AHA for statin therapy is relatively reasonable except for some subgroups. To reduce the burden of medical expenses, statin prescription can be ignored by physicians in these subgroups. Of course further research is required to calculate the net benefit for estimating the clinical usefulness of statin therapy in recommended guideline subgroups.

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Background: Sacrococcygel region is the most common site for pilonidal sinus and surgery is the most common treatment for it. Numerous operative techniques have been described for management of this disease; but a technique with low recurrence and complication rates is the best treatment option. Karydakis has been introduced as a method with less recurrence rate, but it seems that surgeons debate on complications and it is not a common technique in our country. In this article, we will discuss Karydakis procedure and its results after a prospective follow-up in our patients.Methods: This is a prospective single cohort study on the patients with sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease. Cases evaluated in this study included patients underwent Karydakis procedure for their pilonidal sinus from 23 September 2006 to 22 September 2013. Patients were followed-up prospectively after their discharge within the first week, first month and third month for early complications and then annually for recurrence. The length of follow-up ranged from 3 to 77 months (median 36 months).Results: Of 141 patients, 119 (84.4%) were male and mean operating time was 55.52 (35-120) minutes. Mean time to healing wound with no need to dressing was 15.92 (range: 2-120) days and mean time to return to work was 14.44 (range, 1-35) days. Overall rate of early post-operative complications was 21.3% that most of them treated conservatively. Wound breakdown within the caudal part was the most common complication detected in 12.1% of patients and infection was detected in 5.8%. Hematoma, seroma and complete wound breakdown were seen in one patient each. The mean score of patient's satisfaction after one year was 4.91 out of 5. Recurrence was appeared in 1.42% of patients.Conclusion: Karydakis procedure for sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease is associated with low complications, short healing time and return to work, and reasonable recurrence rate.

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Background: Maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered as one of most effective determinant of delivery rout, by increase in this index, risk factor of cesarean section enhanced. Based on high prevalence of obesity in women, this study designed to assess the relationship between admission BMI and type of delivery.Methods: Five hundred and forty pregnant women in third trimester of pregnancy (≥37weeks) were studied within 1 year (from June 2012 to June 2013), at Sayad Shirazi Referral Hospital, Gorgan, Iran, through a analytic cross-sectional study. BMI was calculated for each mother at the time of labor admission. Height and weight were measured, and were categorized into 3 groups according to their BMI which included of underweight and normal (BMI<25), overweight (BMI=25-29.9) and obese (BMI≥30). And in each group route of delivery (cesarean or natural delivery) were assessed. Pregnant women with the previous cesarean delivery, history of diabetes type 1, 2 or gestational diabetes, hypertension, twin pregnancy and unwilling to participate in study were excluded from study.Results: Mean of age and mean of gestational age were 25.8±5.4 years and 38.2±2.6 week, respectively.50.6% of mothers were undergone cesarean delivery and there was a significant relationship between BMI and type of delivery (P<0.0001). For each unit increase in BMI, risk of cesarean section rose 1.08 times (CI95%=1.04-1.13, P<0.0001) and the risk of cesarean delivery in obese pregnant women was 2.8 (CI95%=1.7-4.4, P<0.0001) times higher than those with underweight and normal weight.Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between maternal BMI at the time of labor admission and type of delivery and increasing of BMI is associated with increasing of cesarean section rate. Thus, keeping the BMI in normal range during pregnancy is suggested to pregnant women to reduce the pregnancy complications.

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View 825

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Background: Polymorphisms of the upstream transcription factor 1 (USF1) have been associated with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL), type 2 diabetes and coronary heart diseases (CHD). In the current investigation, the association of USF1s2 variant of human USF1 gene with premature coronary artery disease (PCAD) was evaluated in a population from southern Iran. USF1s2 has the best potential as a functional the USF1 gene.Methods: In a case-control study USF1s2 variant of human USF1 gene was determined by polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique using BsiHKA I restriction enzyme for 186 women under 55 years of age and 135 men less than 50 years of age who underwent diagnostic coronary angiography in Saadi, Nemazee and Kowsar Hospitals of Shiraz, between July 2009 and March 2012. Data on the history of familial myocardial infarction or other heart diseases, hypertension, and smoking habit were collected by a simple questionnaire. Blood sugar level and serum lipid profile of all participants were also obtained by measuring the levels of fasting blood sugar (FBS), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).Results: Frequencies of the major (G) and minor (A) alleles of usf1s2 gene variant were 0.74 and 0.26 in the whole population, respectively. Meanwhile, the prevalence of the minor allele was significantly higher in PCAD patients compared with control subjects. This difference remained significant even after adjustment for confounding parameters. Indeed, subjects with mutant homozygous genotype (AA) were about 5 times more likely to suffer from early-onset CAD than those with wild-type homozygous genotype (GG). Moreover, the baseline characteristics of the control subjects and patients were statistically similar for almost all parameters except for the number of male individuals; there was no significant difference among various genotypes in the patient group for any of these investigated variables.Conclusion: It appears that the usf1s2 variant in upstream transcription factor 1 gene is an independent predictor of premature coronary artery disease in our population and applies its effects without affecting blood sugar and lipid levels.

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Background: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) culture for distinction between aseptic and bacterial meningitis can be difficult and long-term, and other diagnostic methods are under studying. This study aimed to assess the diagnostic value for the levels of Interleukin 1 (IL-1), IL-6 and IL-8 of CSF in the children and adolescent with meningitis.Methods: Fifty-one patient with meningitis between one month and 18 year included in a Cross-Sectional Studies in the Rasul Hospital, Tehran, from 2012 to 2014. All of samples underwent aspiration of CSF. The routine tests performed that include culture; coloring and biochemical of CSF. The concentrations of IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8 were determined by Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) method and all of data were analyzed.Results: Frequency of bacterial and aseptic meningitis was equal (49%).64.7% of samples were boys and gender had not different between two bacterial and aseptic group (P=0.7). Mean (±SD) of the age in total was 358.46±858.40, and bacterial group had a higher mean of age than aseptic group (P=0.047). The level of IL-1 was 10.87±37.04 pg/ml in bacterial and 0.55±1.64 pg/ml in aseptic group, that had not different (P=0.168). The level of IL-6 was 90.51±139.3 pg/ml in bacterial and 21.36±67.84 pg/ml in aseptic group, that had significant different (P=0.030). The level of IL-8 was 365.40±765.52 pg/ml in bacterial and 50.66±59.34 pg/ml in aseptic group, that had significant different (P=0.047). Diagnostic value of IL-1 was noted in the 80.77% of bacterial and 68.00% of aseptic group that had not different (P=0.349). Diagnostic value of IL-6 was noted in the 53.85% of bacterial and 64.00% of aseptic group that had not different (P=0.572). Diagnostic value of IL-8 was noted in the 80.77% of bacterial and 28.00% of aseptic group that had significant different (P=0.000). There was not different between two group of CSF variables include coloring degree, WBC and RBC index, glucose and protein.Conclusion: Although the concentration of IL-6 and IL-8 was higher in bacterial meningitis than in aseptic patients, only IL-8 had suitable diagnostic value for distinction between different types of meningitis.

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Background: Due to the overlap between the databases of the subject and content, resulting in the purchase of duplication and waste of resources, in this study, the degree of overlap between respiratory system papers indexed in the database, Scopus and Web of Science during the years 2001 to 2010 were examined.Methods: In this survey study, researcher followed by obtaining percent overlap in the articles related to respiratory system field from 2001 to 2010. At first sub-headings contained in the following subject headings from medical thesaurus of (Mesh 2012) extracted and then each keyword in title of articles in both database search and articles were retrieved. Then bibliographic information of these articles enter into EndNote version X3 (Thomson Reuters Inc., New York, NY, USA) and then in alphabetical order title arranged and as a result, common articles between the two databases and unique articles to each site was determined. Using SPSS software version amount of the relative overlap and traditional overlap between the two databases was calculated and the results by using descriptive statistics to determine and were presented in tables.Results: In total 18099 articles were retrieved. That number of 9768 common articles, there were 7225 articles uniquely Scopus and 1106 articles from Web of Science. Amount of percent traditional overlap 53.97% and the overlap percent Web of Science with Scopus was 57.48% and Scopus with Web of Science was 89.83%.Conclusion: Because of overlaping the contents of two information databases such as scopus and web of sciences searching for accessing to respiratory system from scopus is better due to containing unique papers, However it is highly recommended to pay to this point while buying and sharing the mentioned resources.

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Background: Inguinal hernia is a common surgical problem which increases with aging especially in men. A common method for treatment is surgical repair using prosthesis, Lichtenstein technique. One frequent complication after inguinal herniorrhaphy is soft tissues seroma. There are several methods to prevent or to drain seroma. Some surgeons suggest the insertion of closed suction drainage system but others disagree.Methods: In this clinical trial study, 42 patients who are candidate for hernia repairing (Lichtenstein technique), referred to Amir Al-Momenin Hospital in Semnan, Iran, from 2011 to 2012, were randomly divided into two groups. So that, the list of eligible patients in the study, were numbered, and then using the patients' code, patients, who assigned an odd number in the registration list, were allocated to group 1, the remainder were placed in group two. The two first numbers in registration list (1 or 2), were randomly assigned to groups. Group 1 underwent hernia surgery without closed suction drainage and the second group underwent hernia surgery with closed suction drainage. The patients were evaluated for seroma, hematoma or wound infection after 24 hours, during days 4 to 7 and days 10 to 15 following surgery.Results: No adverse event including hematoma, seroma or wound infection occurred in either group with or without closed suction drainage in the first 10 days after surgery. Only one patient carried wound infection during days 10 to 15 following operation who was in the group with closed drainage (P=1.00).Conclusion: In this study, Seroma and hematoma was not observed in patients with and without closed suction drainage. To avoid drains' complications, indiscriminate use of antibiotics, prolonged hospital stay, we do not recommend the use of drains in this type of surgery.

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Background: Tumoral calcinosis is a hereditary disorder of metabolic dysfunction of phosphate regulation. It is an idiopathic calcinosis that characterized by the deposition of calcium phosphate in periarticular tissues that causes typically lobulated, well demarcated calcification around large joints particularly the extensor surfaces. It is usually painless. It is common in puberty age and adolescents. The involvement of the hand phalanges is very rare that can make a mistake in diagnosis if it is infected. Tumoral calcinosis is seen the same in both sexes. The electrolyte levels of calcium and phosphorus is normal and sometimes is hyperphosphatemia. It is the first report of tumoral calcinosis in Iran.Case report: A 7-year-old girl presented with redness, yellowish discharge and painful swelling of the left hip and the third web space of left hand admitted to Vali-e-Asr Hospital, Tehran, Iran, in 2013. The onset of the disease was 3.5 years ago. She did not mention the family history of the disease. The pain was at the left hip first. Six months later the third and fourth phalanges of the left hand was swollen. Physical examination revealed an erythematous mass in the extensor surfaces of the third and fourth metacarpals of the left hand. It was tender in palpation. The smear and culture of discharge was staphylococcus aureus. X-rays revealed calcification of the third and fourth metacarpals of the left hand. The entire lesion was managed by surgical excision. Successful postoperative medical management in the form of low calcium and low phosphorus diet and oral cloxacillin was performed.Conclusion: Tumoral calcinosis involves rarely the interphalangeal joints of hand. Because of its compression over adjacent nerves, it is painful. Sometimes it has a sterile discharge and rarely superimposed infections may occur. Radiologists can play a major role in early diagnosis and probable complications.

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