Objectives: Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) are one of the most important and efficient methods of contraception, although their efficacy depends on correct and continual use. Women who discontinue to use OCPs, almost use a less effective method of contraception or do not replace use of OCPs with another method which results in unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the Continuation and Discontinuation Reasons of LD Contraceptives among Iranian Women.Materials and Methods: This cohort study was conducted from 2003 to 2006. Samples were 462 women presenting to one of 13 randomly selected health centers at Tabriz, a metropolis in the northwest of Iran. For data analyses inferential statistical tests were used.Results: In this study duration of OCPs usage rate of 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 months were as 88.96, 58.01, 44.59, 37.59, 30.52, 19.06, 9.99, and 2.78% respectively. The most common reasons for discontinuation were anger (35.5%), nausea (16.2%), and trend to pregnancy (22%). The relations was significant between continuation and variables including: use of OCPs as first method, having a strong information source, satisfaction of method (p=0.000), women (p=0.0096) & husbands’ job (p=0.032) and their literacy level (p=0.0155).Conclusion: Some demographic factors had influence on the continued use of OCPs. Positive effects of the user’s satisfaction and their level of education on continuation, requires more counseling policies of health for women especially during their first months of using OCPs.