Objective: Methamphetamine consumers use can have more efficient practices, be hyperactive, and take sexual risk-taking behaviors. These behaviors are particularly remarkable in homosexuals.Methods: The present study was conducted based on casual-comparative method in the field of descriptive studies. Since 1 March to 25 June 2015, a total of 62 MSM subjects were selected based on chain method and divided into two groups of methamphetamine dependent (n=30) and non-dependent ones (n=32). sexual behaviors were examined by sexual behavior questionnaire based on 3 dimensions of sexual thoughts, sexual pleasure, and sexual hyperactivity. High-risk sexual behavior were evaluated by sexual behavior questionnaire, their relation with participants’ educational status, occupation, age, income, and number of sexual partners in the last 3 months were analyzed using the parametric T-test.Results: Data analysis showed that methamphetamine dependent MSM were significantly higher (P<0.01) in all 3 components of sexual thoughts and pleasure, hyperactivity, and sexual behavior compared to non-dependent group. However, regarding age, there was no significant difference between age and sexual risk behavior (P=0.05).Conclusion: methamphetamine dependent MSM have a unique experience of thoughts, pleasure, and aspirations and have high tendency to high-risk sexual behavior. These findings are consistent with the previous research on the importance of stimulant consumption and specifically methamphetamine in creating high-risk sexual behavior. Controlling methamphetamine use plays an important role in preventing the transmission of infectious diseases.