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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: The purpose of the present study was prediction of academic resilience based on coping styles and personality traits. Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional research. Study population comprised all students of Kashan University graduating February to March 2017. A total of 368 (253 females and 115 males) students studying in academic year 2016-2017 were selected by cluster sampling method. The data were collected using academic resilience scale, coping inventory for stressful situation and neo personality traits inventory. To analyze the obtained data, regression analysis was performed in SPSS V. 22. Results: Academic resilience had a significant positive correlation with problem-focused coping style (r=0. 21, P<0. 01) and significant negative correlations with emotion-focused coping style (r=-0. 41, P<0. 01) and avoidance coping style (r=-0. 16, P<0. 05). In addition, there were positive correlations between academic resilience and extroversion (r=0. 45, P<0. 01), openness (r=0. 10, not specified), agreeableness (r=0. 28, P<0. 01), conscientiousness (r=0. 53, P<0. 01), but significant negative correlation with neuroticism (r=-0. 18, P<0. 05). Moreover, the results of regression analysis indicated that emotion-focused style and problem-focused coping style predicted 21% of academic resilience variance, and conscientiousness and extraversion personality traits predicted 32% of academic resilience variance. Conclusion: Results of this study support Endler and Parker’ s model of resilience and confirm that students’ coping styles have considerable impact on their academic resilience. Furthermore, the findings indicated that academic resilient individuals mostly have conscientious and extravert personality traits.

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Objective: Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P) is an approved method of parent training for reducing child behavioral problems. The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of standard level of Triple-P in improving behavioral problems and core Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms of preschool children diagnosed with ADHD. Methods: The study was conducted on 94 mothers who had preschool children with ADHD (53 subjects and 41 controls), referred to child psychiatry clinic at Imam Hossein Hospital, Tehran, Iran. The subjects were selected by purposive sampling method. Mothers with adjusted homogeneous demographic factors responded to study questionnaires (pre-test and post-test) in both groups. The subject group received child-rearing intervention Triple-p and the control group received the routine clinical treatment. The obtained data were analyzed by analysis of covariance in SPSS. Results: A significant decrease was observed in ADHD symptoms based on Conner’ s questionnaire in the subjects compared to controls (P=0. 001). Parent depression index in the subject group was significant compared to control group (P=0. 005). In addition, results related to parent problem scale in the subject group indicated a significant improvement compared to control group (P=0. 001). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the Triple-p can reduce ADHD symptoms and behavioral problems and improve the capabilities of preschool children with ADHD.

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Objective: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the common autoimmune diseases that affects the central nervous system. It is a chronic neurological disorder that leads to physical inability and cognitive abnormalities that restricts the individual’ s ability to function independently. The problems of MS patients significantly affect their psychological well-being, also their caregivers. Studies have shown that caregivers of these patients suffer from anxiety, depression and caregiving burden. Considering the problems of MS patients and their caregivers such as problems related to commuting, traffic and long distances to health centers, weather conditions, shortage of time and health costs, the need for remote psychological intervention is necessary. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effect of Mindfulness-Based Intervention (MBI) via a web conferencing application on reduction of anxiety, depression and burden of caregivers of patients with MS. Methods: This is a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental study with control group. A total of 30 caregivers of female patients with Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS) who were members of the MS Society in Tehran and Qom cities in 2017, and had criteria for entering the research were selected through purposeful sampling method. They were randomly divided into test (n=15) and control groups (n=15). Beck anxiety inventory, Beck depression inventory, Caregiver burden inventory, and five-facet mindfulness questionnaire were completed online in three stages (before the intervention, after the intervention, and one-month follow-up after intervention) by two groups. The test group received eight 2-hour sessions of MBI via a web conferencing software while the control group received no intervention. For analyzing the collected data, repeated-measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was performed in SPSS V. 23. Results: There was a significant difference in the post-test scores of anxiety and caregiving burden between the two groups. MBI significantly reduced the anxiety, and caregiving burden in the test group. Although the mean score of depression in the post-test decreased in relation to pre-test, the difference was not significant. Conclusion: Internet-based MBI is effective in reducing anxiety, depression and burden of the caregivers of MS patients. Therefore, this method of therapy can be applied as an effective method to improve the quality of life and rehabilitate the caregivers of MS patients.

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Objective: The human beings’ interest in beauty and improvement of their appearance might compel them to seek for cosmetic surgery. This study aimed to compare body image, selfesteem, and psychological problems between the applicants and non-applicants of cosmetic surgery in Iran. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 200 participants were selected for this study (including 100 applicants and 100 non-applicants of cosmetic surgery) via purposive sampling method. The questionnaires of body image, self-esteem, and psychological problems were used for data collection. Results: The mean score of body image among non-applicants was higher than applicants of cosmetic surgery, but this difference was not statistically significant. In addition, there were no significant differences between the two groups regarding their self-esteem and psychological problems. Conclusion: Cosmetic surgery is not necessarily associated with body image, self-esteem and psychological problems.

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Objective: Marital adjustment of wives is associated with the satisfaction and stability of the marital life. It is among the most valuable perspectives for counselors and therapists focusing on improving couples’ relationships. This research was conducted with the aim of cultural tailoring and determining the effectiveness of “ couples coping enhancement training” on improving marital adjustment of wives. Methods: The study has quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test and control/ placebo group with 6 months of follow-up. The statistical population consisted of the couples referring to the court of Shahr-e Kord in spring 2017 because of marital problems. The study sample comprised 36 couples selected through convenient sampling method and 12 couples were assigned randomly to the experimental, placebo and control group each. The couples of the experimental group received the administration of “ couples coping enhancement training” based on cultural tailoring in 9 group sessions once a week. The placebo group had sessions with a therapist in 9 group sessions once a week and control group did not receive any intervention. The dyadic adjustment Scale was used for data collection. The obtained data were analyzed by variance analysis with the repeated measures analysis of variance in SPSS V. 21. Results: The couples receiving the couples coping enhancement training based on cultural tailoring reported a significant difference in the mean scores of marital adjustment of wives compared to placebo and control group couples in pre-test and 6 months follow-up (F=9. 113, P<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the results, couples coping enhancement training is an effective method for improving marital adjustment of wives.

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Objective: Divorce is one of the social problems and underlying factors of many psychological problems, thereby demanding necessary research to prevent its occurrence. This study aimed to construct and validate Emotional Divorce Scale in Iranian couples. Methods: This was a cross-sectional research. A total number of 400 married individuals living in east part of Tehran City, Iran between May and June 2016 were selected by random cluster sampling method and responded to the research instruments (researcher-made Emotional Divorce Scale, Dr. Phil Relationship Health Profile Test, and Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale). Data analyses were performed by factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Cronbach alpha coefficient in SPSS V. 22 and LISREL V. 8. 80. Results: The results of factor analysis showed that Emotional Divorce Scale comprised three factors. The three-factor structure of the scale was confirmed by goodness-of-fit indices. The results of Pearson correlation indicated that the total score of Emotional Divorce Scale was significantly correlated with relationship health profile test (0. 69) and Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale (-0. 42) at significance level of 0. 01. The internal consistency of the total scale was 0. 97 and the internal consistency of the three factors, namely compulsory living, absence of romantic behavior towards spouse, and emotional vacuum were 0. 97, 0. 73, and 0. 93, respectively. Conclusion: Finally, the Emotional Divorce Scale enjoys acceptable psychometric properties regarding the ease of administration, scoring, and interpretation, as well as suitable validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Thus, researchers can safely use it in their studies.

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Objective: Hemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder results from a deficient in synthesis of a protein needed for blood clotting. The number of people with hemophilia in the United States is about 20, 000. Iran having the ninth largest Hemophilia population in the world. Hemophilia lead to many psychological and physiological complications. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of positive psychotherapy on the Life expectancy as one of psychological aspects in hemophilia students. Methods: The present study is a quasi-experimental interventional study along with experimental and control groups. The subjects were evaluated in the pre-test, post-test and two-month follow-up. Study population including all senior elementary and junior high school students with hemophilia who had medical records in Zahedan Hemophilia Society. After screening, 60 students were selected and randomly assigned into two 30-member groups of experimental and control. The research tool was Snyder Children’ s Hope Scale questionnaire (1991). Positive psychotherapy workshop was held in 8 sessions (Two 120 minutes sessions weekly) and followup test was done two months after the end of the last training session. The obtained information was analyzed through repeated measurement variance. Results: The results show significant effectiveness of positive psychotherapy on increasing Life expectancy in patients with hemophilia and indicated the durability of this therapy in the follow-up stage. In this research we highlighted the need for training and using positive psychotherapy as a new, safe and effective psychological therapy for student suffering Hemophilia. Conclusion: We emphasize for the implication of this study result and method by clinicians and policy makers to manage psychological problems of students suffering from Hemophilia.

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Objective: Gender Dysphoria is one of the most important psychiatric disorders whose complications include the problems occurring after sex reassignment surgery. Methods: This study investigates sexual function and satisfaction in patients with Gender Dysphoria, both operated and non-operated patients, from 2011 to 2013. We used a crosssectional analysis, and by referring to the Legal Medicine Center in the province of Fars, 70 patients with Gender Dysphoria (including 35-operated male to female and 35 non-operated male to female) were selected using the non-probability sampling method. The study data were collected by sexual satisfaction standard questionnaires, sexual function index, and Beck scale for suicidal ideation were used. The results were analyzed using SPSS V. 22. Results: According to the results, no significant difference was observed between the operated and non-operated groups in terms of sexual satisfaction. However, there was a significant difference in terms of sexual function among operated group compared to the non-operated group, at the significance level of 0. 05. Conclusion: Based on our finding, the patients with sex reassignment surgery have found their identity, mental relaxation, and coordinated behavior with their genders. New sexual identity heals patients’ relationship with society, presents individual in community with suitable social status and reasonable sexual function for achieving normal life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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