Background: Fibroadenoma is a common benign breast disorder in young women which has a low risk of malignant transformation. Most fibroadenomas present as a single mass, but the presence of multiple fibroadenomas can be seen in 15– 20% of patients, with average number of 3– 4 masses in one breast. In different studies and reports, various treatment modalities-including observation and follow up, surgery, radiofrequency ablation, etc-have been proposed, though the best management for these patients are not determined yet. Case presentation: We present the case of 33-year-old female with history of multiple bilateral benign breast lesions with a presumptive diagnosis of fibroadenomas. She had three previous surgical excisions in the past 14 years. Her case was presented to a breast MDT meeting to obtain a recommendation on appropriate management. Question: The proposed a question in MDT concerned the best and most appropriate management plan for the patient; Does she require further surgical excisions? And if not, how should she be followed? Conclusion: After reviewing past medical history, physical examination, and all documents regarding the patient, MDT members recommended that the patient should be managed with close follow up with physical examination and ultrasound every 6 months. The necessity of further surgical intervention would be determined according to any new findings.