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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objectives: Chronic diseases, such as cancer, are among the factors seriously affecting health and marital satisfaction. Regarding this, the present study was conducted with the aim of modeling marital satisfaction among women with breast cancer in Kermanshah province, Iran. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 250 females with breast cancer referring to the hospitals of Kermanshah in 2017-2018. The study population was selected through convenience sampling technique. The data were collected using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire, Religious Orientation Scale by Allport, ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale, and Sense of Humor Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed by means of ANOVA and ANCOVA. Results: According to the results, sense of humor, quality of life, and religious orientation affected marital satisfaction both directly and indirectly (with the mediation of quality of life). These variables could account for 78% of marital satisfaction variance. Conclusion: As the findings of this study indicated, in addition to physical problems, women suffering from breast cancer deal with psychological issues. Regarding this, the psychologists and therapists working in the field of family affairs are recommended to reduce the stress and anxiety in these patients by the establishment of an environment boosting sense of humor, improving quality of life, and forming a proper religious orientation among the patients with the collaboration of the their family.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives:The awareness of status of high risk behaviors among students and the identification of their associated factors are of paramount importance.They can help university authorities and planners to perform effective interventions in order to prevent these behaviors.The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the quality of life,psychological well-being,adherence to religious,and the use of modern media and high risk behaviors among students of the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.Methods:This correlational study was conducted among 300 students,150 of whom were female,in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Tabriz,Iran.The subjects were selected through convenience sampling method.Data were collected using Risk-Taking Scale,Quality of Life Scale,the short form of Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being (18 items),and the adherence to religious values scale.Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient,independent samples t-test,and multiple regression analysis.Results:Regarding the results,there was a significant correlation between gender,marital status,and place of residence of students with their high risk behaviors.Additionally,there was a significant indirect relationship between adherence to religious values,quality of life,and psychological well-being with these behaviors.However,no significant correlation was found between the use of modern media and high risk behaviors.The variables of quality of life,psychological well-being,and adherence to religious values explained 33% of the variations in high-risk behaviors.Conclusion:The improvement of adherence to religious values,psychological well-being,and quality of life led to reduced rate of high risk behaviors.

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Background and Objectives: The construct of spiritual intelligence (henceforth SI) encompasses some kind of adaptation and problem-solving behavior. SI also includes the highest levels of development in diverse cognitive, ethical, emotional, and interpersonal domains. The purpose of this study is thus to examine SI and learning style of high school students in Lamerd, Fars, Iran. Methods: The study employed descriptive methods. The population of the study comprised all high school students who were studying mathematics, physics, experimental sciences and humanities in 2016 and 2017. Using multistage cluster sampling method, the sample was composed of 300 high school students. Data were obtained using King’ s Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire and Kolb's Cognitive Style Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (e. g., Mean and Standard Deviation) and inferential statistics (e. g., correlation coefficient, multiple regression and independent t test) were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the level of spiritual intelligence in converging, diverging, assimilating, and accommodating learning styles was 0. 86, 0. 57, 0. 64 and 0. 74, respectively. In addition, there existed no significant relationship between SI and learning style (p=0. 154). The results of the study further indicated that, in terms of SI, there was not a significant difference between boys and girls, and that abstract conceptualization and active experimentation can significantly predict SI. Moreover, the results showed that there existed a relationship between learning style and field of study (p<0. 001). Conclusion: The present study indicated that abstract conceptualization and active experimentation can significantly predict SI. Overall, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation can potentially help in using practical ideas and theories. Hence, strengthening SI can greatly facilitate the learning processes.

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Background and Objectives: Evaluation of the status and improvement of professional behavior among dental students is a vital objective of the dentistry faculty. The principles and methods of professional behavior, which affect the doctor-patient relationship, are of paramount importance in all medical services. Regarding this, the present study aimed to assess the professional behavior of dental students studying at two universities, namely Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran, and Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran. Methods: This study was conducted on 72 and 82 dental students of Qom University of Medical Sciences and Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, respectively, who entered the clinical course, in 2017. The study population was selected from students with various college admission years using stratified random sampling technique. Data collection tool was a 35-item professional behavior assessment questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which were confirmed. Data analysis was performed using the statistical tests of ANOVA, Pearson’ s correlation coefficient, and t-test. P-value less than 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Results: According to the results, the mean scores of the professional behavior of dental students in Yazd and Qom universities were 102. 70± 15. 76 and 106. 41± 13. 66 out of 135, respectively. The results of Pearson test revealed a direct correlation between professional behavior and interest in dentistry (r=0. 246, P<0. 003). However, no significant difference was observed between the two student groups in this regard (P=0. 66). Conclusion: As the findings indicated, the professional behavior of the two groups of dental students was at an acceptable level. However, Qom students had a higher level of professional behavior, compared to the Yazd students. Therefore, it is suggested that more attention be paid to this issue during the academic years.

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Background and Objectives: Due to the high prevalence of breast cancer, as well as the improved survival of the patients affected with this disease, management and adaptation to this disease are very important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of spiritual/religious intervention on the illness perception of women with breast cancer. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 45 women with breast cancer using a pretest-posttest design. The participants were divided into three groups of intervention (n=15), placebo (n=15), and control (n=15). The intervention group received ten sessions of spiritual/religious intervention and the placebo group received ten sessions of neutral training. However, the control group received no intervention. The data were collected using a questionnaire of illness perception and a demographic characteristics form filled out before and after the intervention. The data were analyzed by repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance in the SPSS software, version 24. Results: According to the results, the intervention group showed a significant difference with the control and placebo groups in terms of timeline acute/chronic, consequences, personal control, treatment control, timeline cyclical, coherence, and emotional representations of illness perception (eta2=0. 28, p<0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, individual spiritual religious intervention based on Islam was effective in improving the illness perception among women with breast cancer in Iran.

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Background and Objectives: The religious needs of hospitalized patients are reportedly not appropriately met. The purpose of this study was to explain the experiences of nurses about the barriers to providing religious care for hospitalized patients. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted on 21 nurses working in a hospital affiliated with Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran, in 2017, using the conventional content analysis. Data collection was performed using semi-structured interviews lasting about 60-95 min. Results: The barriers related to the nursing staff included efforts to meet the patient’ s physical needs, not giving priority to religious care, lack of knowledge and skills, ambiguity in religious care, poor motivation for nursing, routine work, belief that religious care provision is apart from nursing duty, inability in communicating with the patient, lack of holistic care, and belief that religion is personal. In addition, the barriers related to the patient entailed the lack of patient's request for religious care, lack of knowledge about religious care as a part of nursing care, and physical condition. Finally, the management-related barriers pertained to the lack of facilities, including insufficient space, lack of religious books in the departments, lack of sand for Tayammum, lack of a prayer room, not facing the patients toward Qiblah, high workload, crowded wards, and nursing staff shortage. Conclusion: Nurses should consider religious care in hospitals as an important aspect of nursing care and receive necessary instruction on holistic care. Furthermore, nurses interested in this domain should receive support for the delivery of religious care.

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Background and Objectives: Prostate cancer is the third most important cause of cancer deaths and one of the most common cancers in the world. Given the limited knowledge on environmental sounds and their effects, the important role of sounds is neglected in every culture across the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of Quran recitation on prostate cancer cell line (PC-3) and compare it with the effects of cisplatin. Methods: The effects of cisplatin and Quran recitation on the viability and migration capacity of PC-3 cells were investigated by evaluating BCL2L12. In addition, mRNAs were assessed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Gene expressions of BCL2L12 and TBP were investigated as target and internal control genes, respectively. Results: The results of the in vitro assay showed a considerable inhibitory effect of Quran recitation on the proliferation and migration of PC-3 cells. Furthermore, the significant inhibitory effects of cisplatin on the proliferation and migration of PC-3 cells exposed to Quran recitation was more than that of the PC-3 cells only treated with cisplatin. Results of quantitative real time PCR demonstrated that the gene expression of BCL2L12 was significantly down regulated in PC-3 cells treated by cisplatin and those exposed to both cisplatin and Quran recitation. Conclusion: This was the first report about the direct effects of Quran recitation on non-auditory cells in culture. The results of this study suggested that Quran recitation could alter cell proliferation via the down regulation of BCL2L12 and migration of PC-3 cells.

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Background and Objectives: Savigh or the edible roasted flour has both remedial and nutritional applications. Despite the introduction of Savigh in the Iranian traditional medicine resources and particularly in Hadith books, this product has not been wellknown yet. This review study aimed to investigate the therapeutic applications of lentil Savigh in Hadith books and Iranian traditional medicine in order to enhance the laboratory and clinical applications of this product. Methods: For the purpose of the study, information related to lentil and its Savigh was collected from Hadith books, Iranian traditional medicine resources, and the English and Persian articles in the scientifically verified databases. Then, the importance and therapeutic properties of lentil Savigh were investigated. Results: Lentil Savigh has a cold-dry temperament, produces black bile, and concentrates the blood. This product seems to be useful for the diseases caused by warmth or blood dilution, such as menorrhagia, thirst, blood excitation (Ghalayan), and the cases which require astringent properties, such as bleedings during pregnancy and postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion: According to the aforementioned therapeutic properties of lentil Savigh, as well as its accessibility and lower cost, this product seems to be useful for the treatment of several medical conditions. Moreover, it can be applied as a complementary treatment.

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