The purpose of this paper is to study a sample of urban forgotten groups (autistic children) and creative space (Autism Park) that has been created for this group of children. The research method based on the aims of the paper, is applied, and due to the nature of the research is qualitative. For data collection, interviewing, viewing and photographic methods have been used, which are all part of qualitative methods. The study area, the Angels (Fereshtegan) Park (Autism Park for children) in Tabriz, is the first Autistic Park in the country and the second largest park in the Middle East. According to the results of this study, the design of autism park is somewhat based on the conditions and characteristics of autistic children. According to the conditions of these children, the most important creations in the park, are the construction of a water playground, the use of cartoon images for the development of children's communication skills, the creation of a playground, the design of tunnels and tunnel equipment, for the passage of children from that, construction of the park completely flat, creation of an art pavilion (under construction) due to the interest autistic children in paint and painting, the creation of various animal cages and the placement of different animals inside them and the use of pink and turquoise colors according to the interest of children in these colors. Of course, in addition to the watery and sandy playground, other playgrounds are inside the park, which have been named as traditional playgrounds, because these playgrounds are merely fun activities and do not lead to special creativity.