Background: Approximately 90% of hospitalized clients receive some type of infusion therapy.
Phlebitis is a common complication of i.v. therapy. In numerous studies, application of drugs such as antiseptics, heparin, steroids and filter administration have been tested to reduce phlebitis occurence. Subsequently, the present study was carried out with the aim of efficacy of topical nitroglycerin on severity and occurence of phlebitis in 2004.
Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized double - blind controlled clinical trial. The investigated units consisted of 82 patients, who were prescribed intravenous catheter. In this research, the samples were randomly divided into two equal groups: control group and experimental group. These two groups were matched according to their age and medication received .After the placement of the catheter, nitroglycerine ointment (1.5 centimeter) or placebo ointment was applied to the distal section of the injection place and every 12 hours the site of cannulation was examind for signs and severity of phlebitis and ointmet was readministerd and bandaged. This was repeated at intervals of 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours. The data were collected by using checklist. The results were analyzed using T-test and X2 and relative risk was plotted.
Results: The results showed that occurrence and severity of phlebitis in experimental group was significantly lower than control group after applying the ointment. (P =0.001). Moreover, the results showed that longevity of catheter was higher in treatment group than in control group.
Conclusion: According to the above findings, the hypothesis of this research was approved .The results can be applied to nursing service , nursing education and nursing research .