Nowadays, the Islamic Republic of Iran's police force (NAJA), believing in the pivotal role of Islam, people and social institutions in the development of public order and security, through utilizing religious and Islamic opportunities and establishing mechanisms of public participation and intervention in plans and programs for deploying order and security seeks to enhance the level of social commitment and trust, responsibility-orientation and implementing teamwork and social acceptance, and aims at establishing emotional relationships between NAJA and the public. Accordingly, identifying indictors and constituents impacting social prevention on one hand, and factors and elements contributing to supplying social security on the other, are considered the substantial prerequisites of planning for improving level of societal security. Therefore, the main objective of composing this article is to present an Islamic-Iranian model of social prevention of crime by stressing the role of NAJA in societal security. Methodology: The present research, in terms of research design, is a prospective one, and of applied type. The statistical population (N=50) includes experts and elites in the field of Islamic-Iranian social model of prevention of crime. Target-oriented sampling method has been utilized for selecting the participants in the research. A self-made questionnaire was used for field data collection. In this study, Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by conducting initial study and applying corrections using SPSS. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the questionnaire used in this study is 0. 91. Findings: Finally, taking into account sociological and psychological considerations, an Islamic-Iranian model was developed which consists of two dimensions, four constituents and sixteen indicators as follows: The first dimension or individual dimension of the model (interior) consists of two constituents: 1-The constituent of reforming religious beliefs which includes various indicators: humility, responsibility-orientation, trust in God, piety, faith, and so on. 2-Constituent of individual and social competences which includes various indicators: life skills, social base, fostering good deeds and forbidding bad deeds. The second dimension or extra-personal dimension of the model (exterior) includes two constituents: 1-Constituent of structural components including various indicators: social justice, social awareness, social trust and social control. 2-Constituent of reinforcing social agents including various indicators: family, neighborhood, media and cyberspace. The data of this study indicate that the higher the level of knowledge and awareness of citizens on crime prevention indicators and components, the more likely they are to cooperate with police forces (NAJA) to establish and maintain order and security. Findings in the neighborhood-oriented indicator show that citizens' collaboration with the police requires educating citizens in line with developing vision, knowledge and skills. Findings in the media indicator show that the more social surveillance is applied in the cyberspace by intelligence custodians, the more people have security feeling in the cyberspace. In the media indicator, the more the public believes in the positive role of the media in reflecting the situation of the community in terms of security, the higher the security feeling.