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Urban texture as one of the main components of the urban systems, in period of time and contemporaneous with socio-economic transition should be consider by planners, until to meet various needs residents, including residence, transport, security, leisure, and so on. the neglect of this issue can causes to fatigue and inefficiency of them in the urban system. currently This is clearly in big and historical cities in the world, including the Iranian cities. City development in suburbs due to the profiting motives for real estate owners and economic justification for urban management cause the neglect of a wide range of inner areas in the cities and getting rid of them from development cycle. The research method in this stud is developmental Applied and study method is Documentary and descriptive-analytical. The required data to indexes of rusty texture According to the indicators approved by the Ministry of Road and Urban Planning Through documental method Were collected. In order to grading Exhaustion of fatigue texture areas using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and The Polls of experts Intended indexes in the next stage Using Geographic Information System(GIS) for each physical Sub-index a layer Was prepared. Eventually by determining weights to each index and using weighted overlay toll in geographic information system, final map for Rusty texture based on selected indexes Was drawn and dose of frazzle for areas of selected zone Determined. The results show 27% of this urban zone have Medium to high fatigue. also in area analysis unit of under study zone, area5 with having 45. 3% have the most fatigue. versus area1 with having 12% fatigue have the Lowest fatigue Among all areas.

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Izadi Malihe | Gorji Mahshid

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Green spaces in urban environments are considered as one of the criteria for sustainable urban development of communities and at the same time they are criteria for improving the quality of living space. Therefore, its balanced distribution and distribution throughout the city is very important. In the present study, a descriptive-quantitative and analytical approach has been attempted to assess the current status and identify priorities for the development of these spaces in urban areas. The results showed that per capita urban green space in Isfahan has increased from 15. 5 m 2 in 2003 to 27. 4 m 2 in 2011. But with this per capita increase, the per capita gap between the affluent and deprived areas has also dramatically increased and the imbalance in the spatial distribution of urban parks has worsened. The statistical population of the study consists of 14 areas of Isfahan city which are ranked based on 12 indicators. Therefore, the indices studied using TOPSIS model are used as a multi-criteria decision making method and are finally mapped using GIS at five levels (highly developed, developed, relatively developed, deprived, highly deprived). The results show that land use distribution in urban areas of Isfahan is not balanced.

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Today, the issue of promoting the safety, health and wellbeing of people in urban spaces has become a necessity in sustainable urban development programs, and it is always expected that these spaces can facilitate and facilitate the social vitality and presence and activity of different groups. This research has emphasized the issue and necessity of presence, activity and observance of women's rights, especially pregnant women, indicators of sustainable family-friendly city, comfort and desirability of urban spaces for pregnant women. The purpose of this exploratory study was to evaluate the suitability of urban spaces with the physical and psychological needs of pregnant women. The research method was descriptive-analytical and data collection methods were library and field study. The results of this study show that the physical and service conditions of the region do not meet the physical and psychological needs of pregnant women and they are dissatisfied with the conditions of traffic and urban services for presence and activity in the home environment. Also, the body and set of neighborhood conditions have been assessed as poor to moderate and inadequate for family life in terms of physical and mental health. Urban management in the nineteen districts does not perform well in meeting the basic needs of families, especially pregnant women in public spaces, while providing and maintaining at least human biomass indicators can significantly increase their quality of life.

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The functional, structural and inherent complexities of today's cities and the massive uncertainties caused by these complexities, along with the rapid growth of cities in all respects, make it very difficult to address their long-term future. In this context, scenario planning has become prevalent in urban management. However, the application of scenarios in urban planning and management is a key concern in responding to this concern about the use of synergistic scenario methods and the conversion of scenario stories into models Quantitative and measurable evaluations have been considered. In this research, the city-governor-city qualitative scenarios of Tehran metropolis have been modeled using fuzzy cognitive map method and the impact of each scenario on the key issues of urban governance has been quantitatively evaluated. The findings of this research show that based on the three critical uncertainties: 1-Participation of semen and civil institutions in urban management; 2-Impact of globalization process on Tehran metropolis; 3. The amount of changes and reforms in the country's governance system; eight scenarios It will probably take shape, in which five scenarios will fit into the future of the Tehran metropolis. The impact of each of these is different on the seven key issues of urban governance. Based on the modeling, other than the first one, which is located in the ideal state of Tehran, in all of the remaining scenarios, governance issues will intensify.

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The transformation of urban textures is inevitable and natural. One of these developments is the degradation of urban fabric over time, which today has become a problem in most cities. In order to alleviate the problems and dilemmas of worn-out urban textures, the subject of organizing has been raised through different approaches such as reconstruction, loss, renovation, redevelopment and finally recreation. Therefore, considering the importance of the present study, it is attempted to formulate strategies to address urban regeneration in the worn-out context of Ilam. The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical and survey and applied. The statistical population of this study was composed of experts (academic professors and authorities) familiar with the city of Ilam among whom 15 people were selected by snowball method as sample size. ISM has used interpretive-structural modeling to analyze the information. The results show that creating the right institutional and legal frameworks for managing targeted neighborhoods under integrated urban management, empowerment and capacity building in municipalities and Islamic city councils (from the perspective of financial budgeting, staffing, organizational structure, and institutionalization) are the most effective reuse strategies. Worn out in the city of Ilam.

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In the country after the land reforms and development plans and policies adopted there have been significant changes in the urban systems that have led to the widening gap between the major cities and the provincial capitals. The existence of such a rift has caused problems and problems at the district and city level. The purpose of this study was to investigate the urban system developments in the war-torn areas of the west of the country in Kermanshah province. The research method was descriptive-analytical, using census data from 55 to 95 from the statistics center for quantitative data and using expert opinions for qualitative data of the research. Information analysis methods are urban planning models and techniques and the Surah method. The results show that Kermanshah and Islamabad West as the first and second cities in the hierarchy of cities in the province during these years. The cities of Qasr-e Shirin and Sar-e-Pol-Zahab are in the last years of the imposed war. But after the war, they are almost back to their original form. In general, the urban structure and system of Kermanshah province, like other provinces and developing countries, is completely unbalanced and faces prime urban conditions. The results of Savara method showed that the administrative-political factor and the imposed war were the most important factors affecting the urban system changes in Kermanshah province in recent decades.

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Today, the assessment of the urban services quality is one of the essential steps in developing quality improvement programs. Measurement of quality on a city scale, especially on the scale of deprived quarters, has a decisive role in explaining the distance and equity of resource allocation in geographic space. This paper aims to investigate the institutional and expected gap between the qualities of urban services in Zanjan informal settlements quarters with the SERVQUAL model. The research method is an analytical-comparative type with a practical nature in which data are collected by field-library (documentary) method. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. Data analysis was performed using SERVQUAL model and Spearman, T-pair and Friedman statistical tests. The results of the study show that the level of perceived and expected gap in the quality of urban services is high in informal settlements quarters, and the SERVQUAL model criteria are mainly affecting each other and have a significant relationship among each other. Also, in the ranking of cognitive and anticipatory criteria, while there is a difference between the five SERVQUAL criteria, the confidence criterion has the first priority of the urban services quality in the studied quarters.

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The rapid growth of urbanization and the consequent increase in the population of cities has had various impacts in different perspectives. One of the consequences has been a 20% rise in energy consumption and demand in cities over the last three decades. According to statistics released by the International Energy Agency, Iran is the ninth energy-producing country and the tenth-most energy-consuming country in the world. Thus, the average energy consumption per square meter in Iran is 2. 6 times the average consumption in industrial countries, which in some cities of the country, this figure is about 4 times. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of city form and structure on energy consumption pattern in Hamadan. The methodology of the research is based on descriptive-analytical approaches and the data was collected by conducting a field work to complete the questionnaires. Three different forms of neighborhoods were selected with the help of urban managers and field surveys from the city of Hamadan to answer the research questions. The distribution of samples was also determined by percentage method according to different neighborhoods, which included 388 residential units in the selected neighborhoods. Seven variables and three main indices of density, connectivity and mixed use in GIS were used to determine city neighborhood form. Then, the relationship between the research variables (urban and building form characteristics as independent variables and household gas and electricity consumption data as dependent variables) was investigated using SPSS software. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between city form and energy consumption. Compact urban forms, with an average energy consumption of 13422298/66 kJ, are the most efficient form of energy consumption. In contrast, scattered forms with the average energy consumption of 18, 289, 848/10 kJ are the most inefficient urban forms.

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