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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Among Iranian rulers, Karim Khan Zand enjoyed some unique features that characterize him. He enjoyed a popular consent and gained power from this context. During his rule, he maintained a progressive government and lived like other people and regarded himself as the guardian of their rights. By adopting rational measures, Karim Khan provided relatively good welfare and security for all social classes. His measures caused preserving public order and security, and under his rule, people experienced relative welfare and social justice. Therefore the main question of this research is: What was Karim Khan's approach towards establishing public order and security in Iran? This article is prepared by historical method and the facts have been collected through library method and the findings have been analyzed by descriptive method. The findings indicate that a benevolent and honest breed of Iran demonstrated a unique instance of establishing public order and security. Pointing to some examples of Karim Khan's methods of enforcement may be used as a pattern even for contemporary authorities of Iran.

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Khanizadeh Mehdi

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ue to territorial disputes and some permanent insecurity in Qajar Iran, the government had to use tribes and nomads in the occasions of war in addition to the formal military forces. This issue had caused that a considerable amount of national general budget be consumed for these forces. This research tries to examine the method of paying the salaries of military forces as part of these costs. By adopting an archive-analytical approach, this research intends to re-read and re-write the documents of one of 10, 000 sheets collection in Astan Ghods Razavi that covers the years 1264 to 1343 in order to examine the method of paying salaries and purveys to the military forces and the financial sources of these payments. The findings indicate that the budget of Qajar government was provided mainly from taxes of which the most parts went to the military forces and their salaries. The national budget was regulated in Divankhane and offices under the title instruction which enjoyed a bureaucratic principles and a particular order. The salaries were paid in cash or in goods every three or six months according to the instruction booklet after military ceremonies and specific formalities.

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in this article, the author tries to examine the impacts of Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty on Iran's territorial integrity, independence and security. This treaty issued at the end of World War I between Russian Bolshevik government and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire), affected the relations of these countries with Iran. Thus the question raised here is: What were the political and security achievements of Brest-Litovsk Treaty for Iran after the World War I? The article claims that contrary to the 1907 and 1915 treaties, in Brest-Litovsk Treaty, both sides emphasized Iran's independence and territorial integrity which greatly affected Iran's security after the great war, in spite of that the Central Powers were defeated.

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One of missions of political systems has been to establish security in country for which they have created organizations and authorities. To establish social stability, prevent from revolts, combat theft and robbery, create order within cities and provide security for people are the significant responsibilities of security agents. Given the traditional structure of Qajar government and before creation of new civilization institutions for security, such as police, gendarmerie, Cossack Brigade and so on, the method of providing security in cities was the same as previous traditional ones which was enforced by ruler, sheriff, warden, guard, toll man, troopers etc. By using descriptive-analytical method and by referring to historical sources, this article examines the method of providing order and security in and out of cities in pre-Constitutional Revolution Qajar Era, and the traditional security authorities in this era has been explored. The findings indicate that security, particularly in combating theft and robbery was a significant issue and it was conducted by applying violent methods and hard punishments but the desirable and institutionalized security was not created due to the lack of efficiency of traditional security institutions and administrational corruption.

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رفیعی حسن رضا

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در میان فرمانروایان حاکم بر ایران، کریم خان زند از ویژگی های خاص و منحصربه فردی برخوردار بوده که او را از این بابت یگانه کرده است. او خاستگاهی مردمی داشت و از میان توده های مردم برخاست و با حمایت آن ها به حکومت رسید. وی در طول دوران حکومت درد مردم داشت و مانند آنان زندگی کرد و خود را نماینده و حافظ حقوق رعایا می دانست. بدین سبب نگارنده درصدد آن برآمد که منش و رفتار کریم خان برای تحقق نظم و امنیت عمومی را موردبررسی قرار دهد. کریم خان با تدابیر خردمندانه، رفاه و امنیت نسبتا خوبی را برای همه اقشار جامعه فراهم کرد. اقدامات او موجب تحقق نظم و امنیت عمومی کشور شد و مردم طعم آسایش نسبی و عدالت اجتماعی را چشیدند؛ بنابراین سوال اصلی تحقیق این است که رویکرد حکومتی کریم خان زند در برقراری نظم و امنیت عمومی در داخل ایران چگونه بوده است؟ این مقاله به روش تاریخی تهیه شده است و شیوه گردآوری، مطالب کتاب خانه ای و روش تحلیل یافته ها توصیفی است. نتیجه ای که نگارنده به دست آورده، بیان نمونه هایی از عملکرد جوانمردی نیک نفس و صادق از فرزندان ایران در برقراری نظم و امنیت عمومی است. اشاره به مصادیقی از شیوه های اجرایی کریم خان درزمینه موردمطالعه، حتی برای مسئولان انتظامی و دولت مردان امروزی کشور نیز می تواند قابل استفاده و بهره برداری باشد.

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در عصر قاجار به واسطه وجود مناقشات ارضی و برخی ناامنی های مستمر در کشور، دولت مجبور بود تا علاوه بر استفاده از نظامیان رسمی، از ایلات و طوایف نیز در مواقع جنگ و اردوکشی ها سرباز به خدمت بگیرد. این مسئله باعث شده بود تا همیشه مبلغ قابل توجهی از بودجه کل کشور صرف مخارج این نیروها گردد. این پژوهش در نظر دارد تا پرداخت مواجب نیروهای نظامی را به عنوان بخشی از این مخارج، مورد کنکاش قرار دهد. پژوهش حاضر با رویکرد آرشیوی-تحلیلی قصد دارد تا از طریق بازخوانی و بازنویسی اسناد یکی از مجموعه های 10000 برگی آستان قدس رضوی که محدوده سال های 1264 الی 1343 ق را در برمی گیرد، نحوه پرداخت مواجب و سیورسات به نظامیان و منابع مالی این پرداخت ها را مورد بررسی قرار دهد. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که بودجه حکومت قاجاریه، بیشتر از محل وصول انواع مالیات ها تامین می شد که بخش اعظم آن به نظامیان و پرداخت مواجب آن ها تعلق می گرفت. بودجه مملکتی در دیوان خانه و در دفاتری تحت عنوان دستورالعمل تنظیم می گردید که بر اساس اصول دیوانی و از نظم خاصی در نوشتار برخوردار بودند. مواجب به دو صورت نقدی و جنسی سه ماهه و یا شش ماهه بر اساس کتابچه دستورالعمل و بعد از مراسم سان و طی تشریفات خاصی پرداخت می شد.

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y an exploration of different historical eras from past to the present, it is find out that establishing domestic security has been one of the most fundamental issues for rulers and military-political elites because domestic security has been providing welfare and calmness for society. In this direction, by using descriptive-analytical method, this article seeks to use library sources in order to explore the measures adopted by Kerman Saljuqid rulers at the first step, and examine the consequences of this trend for Kerman, particularly in the economic sphere. Thus the main question of this article is: During their rule in this province (433-583), what measures were adopted by Kerman Saljuqid rulers for establishing domestic security and what were the consequences of these measures? The findings indicate that some Saljuqid political elites like Ghavard, Malek Turanshah and Malek Arsalanshah I managed to establish peace and security in their territory through repressing their opponents and defeating the agents of devilry, so they provided a space for economic thrive in Kerman but some of the last rulers created insecurity as the result of lack of political skill and consequently the economic prosperity declined in this territory.

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y using descriptive-analytical method in this research, I try to answer the following question: What were Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar's measures for establishing security and what were their consequences? The hypothesis I will try to test in this study is: Given the lack of security in Iran before Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar's reign, he defined the revitalization of Iranian borders and establishing order as one of his goals. So by adopting a violent policy, he created an iron order and security all over the country. The findings indicate that after the collapse of Safavid dynasty, except for short periods of Nader Shah and Karim Khan Zand's reigns, insecurity and anarchy dominated over Iran. In this context, agriculture and commerce declined and Iranian population decreased dramatically. From the outset, Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar tried to revitalize the borders of Iran and provide security and prevent from anarchy in these regions. His instruments for this goal were mainly intimidation, killing and repressive power.

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