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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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In a network economy, the competitive strength of a business depends not only on its own merits, but also on its ability to interact with its environment. The emergence of multidimensional platforms, value creation networks, related complexities, and weaknesses in business models in this field have attracted the attention of researchers to the concept of business ecosystem. In this study, with the aim of examining business ecosystem design models, first the literature and concept of business ecosystem, and then the various types of its design are introduced. Finally, the design principles of business ecosystem are extracted and used in the design of the emerging ones. The present study is descriptive type, and in order to gather the information we have used the experts’ views in addition to library studies. The final output of the emerging business environment design research project, including native search engine, cloud computing, internet of things, and big data will be comprehensive in the near future, based on information provided by stakeholders / actors with related services, communications between actors and their role in creating value flows.

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Technology intelligence is the most important managerial activity that plays an important role in enhancing the performance of research & development. The purpose of the present study, which has been done with the qualitative approach and deductive content analysis, is to identify and evaluate the proposed value in technology intelligence business models in selected companies. Based on the research background, the business model of Osterwalder was selected as the conceptual model and its most important component, i. e. the value proposition, was taken as a basis for interview questions, and then the technology business owners were interviewed. The analysis of each interview was done by a line-by-line survey using Maxqda qualitative software. This software is for qualitative content analysis and merely helps to organize the findings. According to this analysis, the proposed values of each business were identified. Then, in order to evaluate the value proposition of the business models, the Osterwalder criterion, which is approved by technology intelligence experts, was used. In the light of the interviewees' opinions, the evaluation criteria of “ value added for customers” , “ response to customer need” , “ customer satisfaction” , “ customer participation in value creation process” and “ customization” scored low or medium. This indicates the insignificance of research & development in the country, lack of understanding of the concept and necessity of technology intelligence services by firms, lack of appropriate and proper analysis of technology intelligence results by service providers, less attention of firms to the future, and the unknown and nascent technology intelligence services in Iran.

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One of the fundamental factors in the failure of exploiting technology to achieve competitive advantage in firms of developing countries is the lack of awareness and recognition of their technological capabilities and applying them towards the comparative advantages. Organization survival in the competition field, the high importance of technology development and its use have led organizations to identify and evaluate their technological capabilities. Furthermore, they proceed to identify technological progresses in the world and monitor competitors' efforts to acquire new technologies for improving their technological capabilities. On the other hand, technology evaluation is one of the extremely important tools in the span of technology management which is utilized to detect strengths for measuring technological gap. This article assesses the technological capabilities of Mapna Generator Engineering & Manufacturing Co. (PARS) on wind turbine and detects the available technological gap by using Panda and Ramanathan models. These models evaluate the corporate capability level from different aspects and determine the status of the company in each of them. This approach can be the basis for defining technological improvement projects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In today's dynamic business, with the emergence of three major trends of fierce international competition, discrete markets, and changing technology, we are witnessing an ever-increasing pattern of innovation. These trends have attracted the attention of business professionals to the widespread attention and search for the concept of social capital as a vital factor in enhancing the performance of the organization and in the process of creating innovation-based competitive advantage. However, less research has examined organizational social capital and organizational innovation together; therefore, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of organizational social capital and its dimensions on the tendency of organizational innovation in Iran Khodro Company. The methodology of the study is descriptive-correlational and the statistical population includes the personnel of Iran Khodro. Correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis as well as factor analysis were used for data analysis. The results of the study show that there is an effective and meaningful relationship between organizational social capital and organizational innovation. Thus, the relational and structural dimensions of social capital had a significant relationship with innovation, but the cognitive dimension of social capital had no significant relationship with organizational innovation in the organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Risk management is a process whereby risks are identified, evaluated, and responded. Implementation of risk management system at different sectors of an organization facilitates the enterprise's attainment of its objectives. Using appropriate methods to manage negative risks in products can lead to higher product quality and increased customer satisfaction. In our country, risk identification is carried out traditionally, which includes background/history data, subjective analysis, and opinions expressed by the specialists who possess the required expertise. Whereas detecting and identifying risks is basically rooted in creative endeavors to be accomplished through systematic and comprehensive efforts on the part of the undertaker. Hence, the establishment of a systematic and executive procedure means of which risks are identified, analyzed, and evaluated seems to be completely necessary. These attributes are manifested in the uniquely systematized innovative theory of TRIZ. This forecasting tool provides creative solutions to invention-related tasks. This research aims at utilizing AFP method to initiate improvements in twist Automatic Ice-maker in Entekhab Industrial group. The ice-maker in question belongs to a combi-fridge-freezer product where the utility volumes of the fridge and the freezer compartments are respectively 348 and 133 liters. The electricity consumption index of the product is A+. The ice-maker is fully automatic producing and storing ice without user's manipulation. For this purpose, experts from the SNOWA Research and Development Laboratory who have expertise and in-depth knowledge of how this ice maker works and designs are used. Drawing upon the AFP method, the working stage of the ice-maker, the existing resources in the system and its environments, and the failure scenario trees of the latter process were extracted and numerous failure modes detected. Last of all, innovative and optimal results were obtained and presented so as to improve the product leading to ice-quality augmentation and water-pollution prevention.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study aimed to analyze the effects of learning orientation on new product development performance with an emphasis on open innovation (Case study: Parmida Rubber Industries company, Semnan, Iran). To this aim, after reviewing the literature in the fields of learning orientation, new product development performance, and open innovation, the conceptual model and research hypotheses were developed. The present study is practical in terms of purpose, cross sectional in terms of time, qualitative in terms of variables, descriptive survey in terms of research design, and causal correlational. The statistical population consisted of 55 experts working in research and development, marketing and sales, and production units of Parmida rubber factory selected using census method. Data were collected using a researcher made questionnaire based on the five-point Likert spectrum. Face and content validity of the questionnaire and its reliability were confirmed by academic experts. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools including factor analysis, path analysis and model fit were used to analyze data, respond to questions and examine research hypotheses. Partial least squares method was used to analyze data in SmartPLS software. Findings indicated that there is a significant correlation between learning orientation and new product development performance. One can confirm that open innovation acts as a mediator in the relationship between attitudes toward learning and new product development performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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