Technology intelligence is the most important managerial activity that plays an important role in enhancing the performance of research & development. The purpose of the present study, which has been done with the qualitative approach and deductive content analysis, is to identify and evaluate the proposed value in technology intelligence business models in selected companies. Based on the research background, the business model of Osterwalder was selected as the conceptual model and its most important component, i. e. the value proposition, was taken as a basis for interview questions, and then the technology business owners were interviewed. The analysis of each interview was done by a line-by-line survey using Maxqda qualitative software. This software is for qualitative content analysis and merely helps to organize the findings. According to this analysis, the proposed values of each business were identified. Then, in order to evaluate the value proposition of the business models, the Osterwalder criterion, which is approved by technology intelligence experts, was used. In the light of the interviewees' opinions, the evaluation criteria of “ value added for customers” , “ response to customer need” , “ customer satisfaction” , “ customer participation in value creation process” and “ customization” scored low or medium. This indicates the insignificance of research & development in the country, lack of understanding of the concept and necessity of technology intelligence services by firms, lack of appropriate and proper analysis of technology intelligence results by service providers, less attention of firms to the future, and the unknown and nascent technology intelligence services in Iran.