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The village is a long-standing form of human settlement that embodies the vernacular pattern of human habitation and innovative ways of adapting to the environment. Village dwellers are the creators of unique cultural landscapes which are looked upon as the heritage for future generations. Therefore recognizing the dominant patterns in rural landscapes has always been of interest to researchers. The spatial organization has considered that human habitats are the direct result of social, economic, political, and institutional processes. By studying and comparing two villages located in southwestern of Iran, the study’ s aim is to investigate the spatial pattern and configuration of the rural form and examine the effect of villagerschr('39') lifestyle and livelihood on the formation of those patterns. One of the village case studies is Shalheh-ye Emam Hasan located in Abadan city along the Arvand tidal river which enable the villagers to develop their gardens of palms as far as the tidewater is available. The other one is Hadbeh Khanafreh village in Shadegan city at the edge of Shadegan wetland in which the village dwellers’ livelihood is dominantly based on small livestock farms, keeping water buffaloes within their houses and hunting wetland fauna such as birds and fish. Both villages have similar cultural backgrounds and are inhabited by indigenous Arab tribes but the villages are different in terms of the type of the livelihood and settlement organization. The research method is case modeling and case study benefitting from Geographic Information System (GIS). By applying landscape metrics, the blocking, mass and space system, grain size, spatial distribution and arrangement, physical density, shape of texture patches, and texture connectivity, the spatial patterns of villages were quantitatively studied and analyzed geometrically in two scales of landscape and texture. The comparison of the results demonstrates that despite the similar cultural environment and social context, there are differences in the spatial pattern and configuration of two villages’ textures and landscapes. The dispersed pattern of the houses located in Shalheh is due to the vast area of the village and the rows of the palm grounds which are included in each house and this fact gives rise to the probability of houses accumulation in each block. Meanwhile, the amount of residential texture of Hadbeh is 32% of the village area due to its confinement with the wetland. Similarly, the numbers of building blocks in Shalheh village are twice that of Hadbeh. The building blocks of both villages have relatively similar dimensions. However, in Hadbeh, the building blocks are applied in the larger number of houses. Particularly, in spite of the similar social and cultural environment, residential units in Shalheh village are, on average, larger and owing to the land limitation in Hadbeh, the dwelling houses are smaller. Besides, the results of nearest neighbor distance and the connectivity demonstrate the compact arrangement of the houses in Hadbeh and the scattering distribution of the houses in Shalheh despite their linear form, moreover the studied area in Shahleh village is by far larger than Hadbah while just 1. 8% of which is included by village blocks. This study found that rural economy is closely related to the geographical context and settlement order of the village and totally the combination of these factors play an effective role on the formation of the spatial pattern of the rural settlement’ s texture. This research shows that although social and cultural factors are very influential on a housing scale, what can further determine the spatial structure and pattern of rural housing is the capacity to exploit the geographical context in favor of livelihood. Due to the economic roots result in formation of the unique structure in both villages, any variations in economy or natural resources involved in the economy of the villages can lead to changes in the structure and pattern of the studied landscapes and have subsequent consequences including social disorders or migration. This highlights the need to understand the spatial pattern of the settlement before any decision making and planning at rural or large scale on the geographical basis. The use of landscape metrics in this study has made it possible to compare those metrics and trace the root causes result in formation of vernacular patterns.

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While it has been only two decades since resilience as a concept entered the field of urban planning, there has been an increasing interests and a wide range of studies surrounding the issue in this short span of time. Considering this fact, surprisingly a few passionate endeavors have attempted to assess "urban resilient form" as the subject, while urban form as the structure of the city can directly influence its collapse or resistance in facing the disasters. In fact, variation in the form of a city can have a negative or positive influence on its resilience. Moreover, urban form as the spatial and physical embodiment of social and economic interactions of cities is the context of various social, economic, and environmental aspects of resilience. So it is a bit of a surprise that despite this undeniable influence of urban form on resilience, their relationship has not been thoroughly explored. Thus, by considering the features of resilient city this research has attempted to embark on redefining the urban structure from the resilient point of view and determined certain characteristics of chr('39')urban resilient formchr('39') such as robustness, connectivity, redundancy, modularity, diversity and efficiency. Then, for obtaining the qualities of resilient urban form, it is tried to analyze a meaningful relationship between the indicators and factors of urban form and the extent of resilience, in order to specify urban resilient form together with the contributing factors affecting its resilience. Multi-dimensional urban form and resilience together with the impact of the scale on the components and parameters make it necessary to investigate the phenomenon and their relationship in a specific scale. This research takes neighborhoods’ scale to look at its case study, Tehran metropolitan area, in order to assess its resilience in the face of disasters, in addition to specify the modifier indicators of urban form in the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolitan city and examine the relationship between the components of the urban form and resilience. For achieving the aim of the study, initially the indicators and the scale of resilience in 368 neighborhoods have been evaluated to access the relation between the urban form and resilience scale. It benefits assessable indicators suggested by three resilience assessment approaches; CDRI, CRI, and BRIC, in the scale of neighborhood units. By taking the advantage of exploratory factors analysis, four domains of infrastructure, economic performance and community have been specified and then according the points which the factors obtained, the resilient degree of the neighborhoods were specified. Furthermore, the collection of six factors including denseness, green and vacant area accessibility, non-permeability, retail accessibility, components and transit accessibility along with 22 indicators are introduced as factors and indicators for urban form in the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolitan city. Finally, for obtaining the main goal of study which is illuminating the relation between urban form and resilience indicators in the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolitan city, linear regression analysis has been applied. The results of this analysis show that different urban form components have various and even contrasting influences on resilience. The strongest relationship can be found between infrastructure resilience and density, as the main component of urban form. The economic performance aspect is also, like infrastructure resilience feature, has been most positively influenced by density factor. Among all of urban form factors, accessibility to components has the most powerful bond with social aspect and the whole resilient composite index. Community resilience is not influenced by urban form components at all and there is no relationship between them whatsoever. There is a direct relationship between accessibility to public transportation and components availability with resilience. On the other hand, factors such as accessibility to business centers and the amount of open and green spaces have a reverse relationship with it. Overall, the influence of urban form components on increasing and decreasing the degree of resilience can clearly be demonstrated. However, the results of the effects of urban form components on resilience pose challenges for future studies. Economic performance dimension aside, these challenges include the negative impact of the density component on social resilience, the negative impact of the permeability component on infrastructure resilience and the negative impact of access to business centers on the dimensions of resilience.

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Strengthening and expanding the rural housing sector and providing technical and engineering services have led to improved quality of life, sustainable employment, rural development, diversification of the rural economy, increased incomes, reduced poverty and thus elimination of deprivation. Building a robust and safe environment against the dangers of natural disasters; makes it necessary to establish a basic and technical system which acts as a control mechanism in rural constructions. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting the performance of technical and engineering services of the Housing Foundation in villages which are located in Mehriz County. In terms of method, the research is descriptive-analytical and with regards to purpose, it is the applied one. Required information was collected by field method by taking the advantages of interview, observation and questionnaire. A questionnaire was prepared by the researcher according to the research objectives. Questionnaire consists of the queries which are prepared according to answers in likert scale of 5 scales and moreover the questions were defined in order to satisfy the needs of the researcher. In order to measure the internal validity, first the content validity method was applied to increase the validity of the questionnaire and then Cronbach’ s alpha was used to measure the reliability of the research tool. The statistical population of this research includes the head of household, village administration, village council, directors and experts of Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, managers and experts of county prefecture, governor, and administrators and experts of rural affairs in governorate. Descriptive statistics method was applied for briefing the survey’ s results, for examining the hypotheses, the Chi-square test was used and finally the researcher took the advantage of Friedman test and the t-test for prioritizing the variables in the technical software of SPSS. Sample size includes 46. 7% of the head of the household, 20% of the rural municipality and the Islamic Council of the village, 20% of the managers and experts of the Housing Foundation of the Islamic Revolution, 6. 7% of the managers and experts of the district and the governorate, finally 6. 7% of the managers and experts of rural affairs. The results show that the factors affecting the performance of technical and engineering services of the Housing Foundation are summarized in three indices, respectively: 1-The most important factor in the human force index is the proper interaction between employees in order to advance clientschr('39') work. 2-The most substantial factor of the financial and economic indicators is the allocation of appropriate credits for construction. 3-The most significant factor of the workshop and equipment is the use of new, pre-fabricated, durable and quality materials for rural projects. Based on the results, the significance level of all data was less than 0. 05, so the distribution of data obtained from research questionnaires is normal. For this purpose, parametric statistics can be applied to test hypotheses. Furthermore, considering that the value of Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient calculated for each of the hypotheses is greater than 0. 7, it can be concluded that the designed questionnaire has acceptable reliability. Based on the fact that out of the seven factors measured for the first index, two impact factors have shown up to 95% and five impact factors have shown up to 99%, so appropriate specialist staffs for providing the clients with services is determined as the most effective factor. Based on the fact that out of 8 factors measured for the second index, two impact factors have shown up to 95% level and 6 impact factors have shown up to 99% level, so the appropriate money and credit were allocated for the construction of projects are specified. Based on the fact that out of 8 factors measured for the third index, 2 impact factors have shown up to 95% level and 6 impact factors have shown up to 99% level, so the use of new, prefabricated, durable and quality materials for rural projects is determined.

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Theoretical Origin: Looking at the research on polycentric urban regions, two approaches can be distinguished: The first approach: looking upon the similarity of a polycentric urban region with geographic theories centered around polycentric cities or some others as attitudes including garden cities, urban networks or spatial approach of decentralization in the form of the French idea of mé tropoles d’ é quilibre The second approach: specific concept of polycentric urban region as a notion which has been observed in the efforts made by member countries of European Union in the last two decades As it is shown in the chart of applied research for this subject, the second approach is rapidly growing in the countries on a variety of scales. This paper, by an overview on the records and definition of this concept, is trying to explain the cons, pros and some evaluations about Polycentric urban region. Furthermore, with an overview of the regional plans in Iran, the capability of using this concept was assessed at various scales and simultaneously some contextual-structural considerations and differentiations for usability of this concept were extracted. Now, due to the absence of a metropolis or large city, there is no particular pattern or approach for the notion of polycentric urban region. However, it seems that in the regional planning system of Iran, the polycentric urban region concept can be applied to promotion of regions’ urban system and their spatial development strategies. Moreover, this concept is applied in synergy with wide arrays of objectives and spatial development strategies in Iran including decentralization decrease in regional disparities and enhancing the small and mid-sized towns. One of the first assumptions in this regard is that by formalizing Polycentric Urban Region, the new dimensions of synergy and complimentary will be emerged. Besides, increased interactions and connections between these cities led to internal coherence and external competitiveness. As an illustration, the well-known case of an urban area which is located in the north of Iran (central urban region of Mazandaran province) can take the advantage of similar financial and legal benefits (according to the regulations) which are currently assigned to the metropolitan areas. Major literature around polycentric urban region are focused on the most urbanized and compression regions in the Western Europe. It seems that the conditions surrounding the origin of this notion have had beneficial role in the development of polycentric idea. Owing to this fact, there have been some intrinsic differentiations between the prominent classical instances of polycentric urban regions (in Western Europe) and existing conditions in Iran which will be discussed below:-Strong communication infrastructure network between cities together with direct and immediate connections between the cities of the region: this issue has been considered somewhat self-evident, but in the case of Iran; it needs to be more emphasized.-Based on the form, most classical instances of polycentric urban region have taken the advantage of nonlinear form with intermediary matrix communications between settlements and diverse and high-quality access to destinations.-Locating all well-known reference instances of polycentric urban regions in plains and flat topographic terrains: while according to the position of cities in Iran, most of which are typically located in mountainside, this difference can be effective in the application of this concept.-In the index instances, targeting has been based on competitiveness and globalization in formation and development of polycentric urban region (PUR) but at least in the medium term, it cannot be included the goal of developing PUR’ s in Iran.-Federal or relatively decentralized governance system provides a more favorable context for emerging and formation of such a regional framework. Propositions: 1-It is suggested that the polycentric urban region is included on the agenda of High Council of Urbanization and Architecture of Iran 2-The polycentric urban regions distinctively shall be specified in the system of Iran spatial planning for facilitating regional planning objectives such as development and competitiveness of small and mid-sized cities, decentralization of urban system and reduction of migration process towards metropolitan areas.

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Man-made caves or troglodytic spaces are special kinds of architecture in which no materials are applied for creating the spaces and in turn they are created through decreasing the rocky mass in the ground and rock’ s bed by human being. The Man-made caves or troglodytic spaces have been identified and introduced in different parts of the country so far. Maragheh County which is located in the north western part of Iran, not only owns the numerous historical monuments from different periods, but also holds a number of Troglodytic sites. According to the available evidence, exploitation of indigenous architecture based on the environmental factors in Maragheh County has long attracted the attentions of many communities in this area. Therefore based on the needs of the residents, troglodytic spaces have been created in the land and rock beds with various applications. Based on the field survey, it was found that still there have been various man-made caves or troglodytic spaces in Maragheh County which is worth considering for investigations and documentations, furthermore, the results of this study can be applied as a model for further studies of Man-made caves or troglodytic architectures in other villages located in the foothills of the Sahand Mountain. Studies show that despite the diversity and relatively large number of rocky cliff troglodytic spaces in some villages of this area, it is hard to find any complete investigations in this field. Therefore, the troglodytic spaces of this region are less known and null action has been taken to register these magnificent works in the list of national works of the country. Due to this fact, in this research, by taking the advantages of the archeological and architectural studies, an attempt has been made to introduce the troglodytic spaces of Maragheh and then describe the formation factor, the general characteristics of the spaces and the period of its use. This research seeks to answer these fundamental questions: in which field the typology and architectural classification of the troglodytic spaces in Maragheh County are classified? What are the general characteristics of Troglodytic spaces in Maragheh County? The present survey aims to study and analyze the typology and classification of the mentioned Man-made caves or troglodytic spaces. Accordingly, while identifying, introducing and explaining the characteristics of the troglodytic spaces of this region, the research has also dealt with the formation factors of these architectural spaces. Besides, implementing the field method for recording and explaining the current situation, the survey adopted documentary studies based on the descriptive-analytical method to identify the formation factor of troglodytic architecture in Maragheh County. Also the study benefited from the Geographic Information System (GIS) for identifying the distribution pattern of the Troglodytic spaces in Maragheh villages. The results demonstrate that the troglodytic works of Maragheh villages can be categorized based on morphology in superficial and sub-surface forms. Moreover, in terms of typology and classification of usability nature, they are applied for various uses including a) residential, b) ritual-religious, c) protective and d) public benefit. Many of these troglodytic spaces are now destroyed and lost their original use; simultaneously they are mostly applied as storage and livestock spaces. Research method The present research is descriptive-analytical and data collection is done by library method based on field studies. The authors hope to provide a logical and reasoned answer to the questions raised about this kind of architecture by citing the results of field research conducted at the county level and also relying on library studies on troglodytic works.

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Rural heritage includes architecture and its special landscapes. The architectural structure of rural settlements is the result of a set of human activities related to the natural and cultural environment. The salient illustration of this type of architecture can be founded in local architecture, which is the main element of rural texture. The spatial organization, establishment and physical structure of local architectures reflect the quality of environmental usage, the impact of the economy, traditions and culture of the rural community which after years of trial and error have adapted their strategies, methods, patterns and models in accordance with the material and spiritual needs of people, their environment and daily activities that can be applied as a model for planning and designing new pattern. Urmia plain has been inhabited for thousands of years due to its natural conditions. The spatial-physical structure of the villages located in this city is a sign of cultural importance and richness, moreover; the architectural values of its rural houses left over from the past are also of high significance. Architecture that arises from the way of life, beliefs of the indigenous community and the heart of the village which has been influenced by spatial and cultural factors during the span of time has been formed in a special way. A few illustrations of the mentioned structure are found in some villages occasionally and sometimes sparsely. In this regard, the village of Sopurghan is a striking example due to the remnants of the traditional texture and architecture of historic houses. This study examines the characteristics of the village and the architecture of historical and traditional houses with the aim of achieving comprehensive knowledge of the physical-spatial organization of historical and traditional houses in the village of Sopurghan which is located in the city of Urmia. Furthermore, the research seeks to answer the questions including what are the special features of the historical and traditional houses of Sopurghan village compared to other adjacent villages in the region, what architectural pattern they follow and what factors affect their architectural structure. The research data were obtained through library studies and field surveys, which were studied descriptively and analytically. The results show that almost all available buildings are oriented east-west and the skylights are located to east or west. Regardless of the natural and climatic conditions of the plain, this way of orientation and settlement of the existing specimens has been influenced by local traditions, religious beliefs and economic requirements. The historical and traditional houses of Sopurghan village generally have lofty doors, facades and decorations and follow a specific pattern in terms of size, shape, form, spatial settlement in a way that that the mass is located in the wall of the passages and after passing through the architectural space, enters the courtyard, which strengthens the discussion of privacy and security. In relation to the quality of the mass and the space, with a big difference, the space dominates the mass. The most widely used materials in the architectural structure of houses are abundance adobe, stone, brick and wood respectively which due to different conditions in a direct relation of the climatic and indigenous conditions of the region they have been applied in the required sections. Subordination and coordination in the spatial-physical structure of the case examples have finally created an integrated and purposeful structure in the rural landscape and architecture. The combination of these features has created a different structure than other similar species in Urmia city. Today, due to various interventions many specimens have been destroyed.

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In recent years, due to the increasing expansion of distressed urban fabric in Iran one of the most important goals of urbanization has been to moderate the economic, socio-cultural and structural problems of the distressed urban fabric. According to theoretical studies and global experiences conducted in this study, the regeneration of culture-based as a comprehensive and executive approach with the potential of utilizing the innovative participation of residents has been introduces as the agenda for several studies. In other words, culture-based recreation can be considered as one of the main approaches to urban regeneration in the last two decades. Furthermore, among new urban redevelopment strategies, development incentives leading to launch and direct development in worn-out urban contexts can be taken into consideration. Development stimuli are urban artifacts that are not necessarily non-physical but rather can be structural or measurable and are looked upon as the key elements in the process of urban development and regeneration. One of the main goals of development stimulus projects is to achieve urban regeneration, an approach that works as a comprehensive strategy to bring about change and development in various economic, cultural and aesthetic fields in a place with signs of decline. In this regard, the various categories of development stimulus projects in different urban scales have been introduced, one of which is taking the advantage of public art, which is the same approach applied in the present study. Therefore, the main goal of the present research is the feasibility study of using public art potentials as a development stimulus in the reconstruction of worn-out tissues and it has been tried to address issues such as identifying components of public art, their effectiveness degree and the feasibility of using public art in the case study neighborhood. For achieving the goal of the research, feasibility study of potentials application of public art as the development stimulus in recreation of worn-out textures, the study has been conducted as the applied-descriptive research with a quantitative approach in Mazandaran Crossroads’ neighborhood of Semnan city with a population of 5504 people. The conceptual model of this research is the result of theoretical studies and the use of global experiences regarding the remarkable successes of the use of public art as a stimulus for development. Collecting the information is obtained through preparing a random sample of 384 people (using Cochranchr('39')s formula) and distributing questionnaires and by taking the advantage of Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis and LISREl software and ultimately the analyzing the achieved data. The results of the study indicate that among the studied components in the various types of public art, respectively landscape art (furniture and green space), architectural art (museum, teahouse, cafeteria and institute), live art (Street shows, competitions, exhibitions, artistschr('39') accommodation and festivals), digital art (lighting, audio dubbing and film screening), painting art (wall painting, graffiti, mosaic and carving) and sculpture art (element, memorial and sculpture), have the higher potentials in development and recreation of worn-out textures. In this study, in addition to evaluating the potentials of different types of public art, the suitable locators for placing them are introduced which can be a proper model for further studies with the subject of developing of public art by the aim of recreation of the worn-out textures.

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Human has always been seeking to meet his needs and commensurate with his environmental capabilities. The idea of taking the advantage of these potentials reflects the human culture of adapting to environmental conditions and maximum use of them for creation of various architectural works. Water availability and its usage could be regarded as one of the factors influencing the sustainability of the civilizations. Optimal use of water in the old water networks and the other associated installations indicates the sufficient knowledge of their creators about the principles and science of water. The mill has been one of the vital structures whose existence was essential for human survival as it has been a valuable factor for better regulation of food system during different stages of life. Mill is one of the oldest industrial achievements of mankind having a long history in human life. Based on some Islamic narratives, Adam was the first one who learnt how to build and use mill stones. "For the first time Gabriel instructed Adam to build the mill under the mountain rock and ordered him to grind the wheat" Tabari wrote. Investigating the architectural structure and discovering the hidden socio-economic layers and functions of Iranchr('39')s water mills are of great importance in Iranian cultural and civilization studies owing to their direct connection to peoplechr('39')s livelihood. Water mill is one of the different types of Iranian architecture which has a direct relationship with the social and economic life of past inhabitants of this land especially the villagers. Darreh Shahr city is one of the areas in Ilam province possessing surface water resources which cover most of its villages due to its location on the slopes of Kabir Kuh and flowing seasonal and permanent rivers in it. The old inhabitants of these villages have rightly recognized the enormous potential of these surface waters and taken their advantages to meet their economic need, supplying wheat or barley flour. In this research, as a result of archaeological studies and identification, 14 water mills scattered in the villages of Darreh Shahr city have been identified and studied with the aim of documenting and gaining a true understanding of their architectural structures, social and economic aspects. Accordingly, for obtaining the purpose of the study, the research questions are specified in this way: 1) What are the architecture and components of Darreh Shahr’ s water mills? 2) Among the mills that are known in Iran, what kind of water-mills are those located in Darreh Shahr? 3) How and by whom were the water mills been managed? and 4) What factors or environmental factors influenced the dispersion pattern of water mills in this city? The results show that the water mills in the city of Darreh Shahr are of the type of headrace mills whose distribution pattern is directly dependent on the rivers rout originating from Kabir Kuh Mountain and the past residents of the city have used part of those rivers through channel to turn the mill wheel. The structure of these mills is comprised of Tanoreh (headrace), Tavarah, Beleskah, Mazgio, Parah Parah, KouinahMikh, SangMirah, Kho, Chaghchaghah, Sarsoil, Sardoulalo, StonMill, Zhersho, rest place. The management and supervision of these mills, some of which were owned by rich people of the villages, were entrusted to persons named Awsta Asiaw, Lovinah, and Meyshah Konah, respectively. A full day milling activity to provide Awsta Asiaw’ s wage, receiving 3 kg out of 60 or 30 kg of product imported to the mills by Lovinah, taking 1 bowl to 3 kg of flour out of the wheat milled by the Meyshah Konah and renting these mills for 1500 kg wheat or barley are some examples of the economic relationships underlying the architectural structure of the citychr('39')s water mills. This study was done through descriptive-analytical method and information collecting was based on the field and library studies.

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Promoting and improving the quality of villagers’ vitality is looked upon as the main objective of implementing rural development programs and from which the most important ones, the guide plans, are considered as the most relevant local development plans. In this regard, it has been of vital importance to implement the necessary evaluation after several years of conducting the guide plans. This evaluations, on one hand aims to determine the consequences of the plan implementing on the quality of villagers’ vitality and on the other hand, by identifying the strengths and weaknesses, necessary information are obtained for better management of the mentioned projects in order to achieve optimal improvement in the quality of villagers’ vitality. Therefore, this research was carried out to implement structural-functional analysis of rural guide plans in improving the quality of villagers’ vitality in the Panj Hezareh Rural Area located in the central part of the Behshahr County. The purpose of this study is the structural-functional analysis of rural guide plans in improving the quality of the villagers’ vitality in Panj Hezareh Rural Area located in the central part of the Behshahr County. In terms of form, the research is quantitative, with regards to the purpose, it is the applied one and with the view to the data collection, it is considered as a descriptive survey. Moreover, according to the time, the research is cross-sectional and data collections were done during specific span of time in 2019. The statistical population of the study was 3772 people including all the population of villages where guide plans were implemented. The sample size was calculated with error of 0. 07 based on Cochran software and the questionnaires were distributed randomly among the villagers. The validity of the questionnaires was done through face validity and several stages of reviews and revisions which were accepted by the professors and experts. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, the pre-test with 25 questionnaires was conducted and obtained Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient was 0. 745 indicating the validity of the designed questionnaire. Descriptive (frequency and percentage), inferential statistical methods (including chi-square test, one-sample t-test, Spearmanchr('39')s coefficient, and analysis of variance) and VIKOR model were used to analyze the data. The viewpoints of the locals in 9 villages of this county were investigated, then for fulfilling the set goals, the study took the advantages of descriptive and inferential statistical methods including chi-square test, one-sample t-test, Spearmanchr('39')s coefficient, analysis of variance and VIKOR model. The findings show that the implementation of rural guide plans for improving the quality of studied villagers’ livelihoods has influenced the quality of economic, social, cultural, environmental, infrastructural and physical livelihoods. Furthermore, distinguished changes in the cultural and physical indices were higher than the other indices; this result is natural and common due to the fact that implementing the guide plans are integrated more closely with the form and aesthetics modifications of rural areas. Besides, the function of these projects, the attitude of the people towards the quality of livelihood, the way the villagers treat each other and the preservation of the environment, etc. have also changed and in comparison to the past, people have applied more effort and gained further confidence. Otherschr('39') research indicates that the results of these kinds of projects in rural areas have led to a relative improvement in economic and social indicators. The present study suggests that the function of implementing guide plans in rural settlements not only affect the economic and social and economic indicators positively, but also it has provided the opportunity to improve the physical, infrastructural, environmental and cultural fields and ultimately has increased the quality of vitality in the studied rural areas. The findings of the Vikor model indicate that the spatial analysis of the villages and rural distributions by the indicators of economic, social, cultural, environmental, infrastructure and physical, implies a significant difference in the study area. So that according to the quality of vitality among the studied villages, Pasand village with 0 point has the highest rank due to proximity to rural center and access to services and Chaklade village with 0. 983 point has the lowest rank owing to its distance from the center of the rural center and the factor of the geographical isolation.

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