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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Carnap’ s view on ontology had not yet rallied that Quine attacked it; and this has caused a dispute between two philosophers for more than half a century. The question remains: which one was/is right? In this article after reviewing Carnap’ s view, I have recounted Quine’ s critiques, here and there, to his stands under three titles. It is shown how Carnap’ s view can be justified from these three critiques. Then, after considering that Quine has identified the position of the difference incorrectly, but not the different position, I have explained, In the midst of arbitration between two philosophers, although Carnap and Quine, both, do maintain ontological relativity, the former believes in ‘ general relativity’ , and the latter in ‘ special relativity’ . From another point of view, although two philosopher do maintain ontological skepticism, the former is ‘ second level skeptic’ , and the latter is ‘ first level skeptic’ . In the other words. I have shown how in ontological approach of two philosophers “ the reason for the agreement is the same for disagreement” . Among these complexities the conclusion is taken that any unilateral arbitration, on strict agreement or disagreement, will be wrong.

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Abstract This article is about Milton Friedman's methodology in Economics. Friedman's main article "The Methodology of Positive Economics" published in 1953 is a mixture of philosophical ideas. By analyzing this article and critics of his methodology among economics philosophers as well, we recognize six specification for his methodology. The first is Friedman' theory which is a complex intermixture of two elements; language and substantive hypothesis. The second is Friedman' experiment, which is in fact an indirect testing of a theoretical prediction by experimental evidences. So the validity of a theory depends on its power or prediction, not the truth of its assumptions. The third is Friedman's unrealisticness that allows substantial hypotheses to capture useful aspects of reality not the whole. The forth is the Marshallian approach of Friedman in Economics versus the Walrasian, which lets him to build the economic model problem specific. The fifth is Friedman's statistical approach. He believes that the only way that economists can come up with a consensus is to use statistics and probabilities. The sixth is Friedman's causality. He believes that the concepts of cause and effect are ambiguous, instead, we should use endogenous and exogenous concepts in economic models.

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    1 (19)
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In this paper, a general overview of philosophy of finance was searched and discussed as one of the topics in the philosophy of science and its importance was analyzed. In this regard, some of the issues raised in finance were examined from three aspects of ontology, epistemology and methodology, according to which, first of all, both finance and its categories, despite the claim of realism, face two issues of objectivity and generalization. Second, financial theories are largely positivist and generally functionalist approaches, both of which have cognitive limitations for this branch of science. Also, although there is evidence of paradigm shift and a Cohen’ s scientific revolution in finance with the advent of behavioral finance, it may be a bit hasty to confirm this because of its short lifespan, but the development of financial theories is consistent with Lakatosh's research programs. Finally, the role of ethics in finance was discussed and the need to pay more attention to the goals in finance was pointed out.

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    1 (19)
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Martin Heidegger's idea is a whole interconnected and the universality of it can be considered as a "philosophy of technology". The central concept of Heidegger's philosophy is Being, concealment and its concealment. His course of thought begins with a critique of metaphysics from Plato to Nietzsche and it goes on to try to develop another kind of philosophy. Then, by way of metaphysics, it reaches Gestell. The " Gestell" absolute a horizon of the concealment of Being as the essence of modern technology, with its semantic synonymy in the sense of perfection and the end of metaphysics. The present study will reconstruct Heidegger's thought about the concept of "Gestell" and will show how his totality of thought can be regarded as a philosophy of integrated technology. As any regional interpretation of his views on technology will require consideration of the whole of his thinking.

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    1 (19)
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The aim of this paper is to provide a philosophical analysis of the problem of the wave function collapse by conscious observer, based on the theories of philosophy of mind. According to the approaches to the mind-body relation, the conceptual problems of this issue are examined both in the context of Cartesian Dualism, as well as emergent and epiphenomenal mental properties. It is concluded that by taking the physical and hardware approach to mind, raised the same conceptual difficulties of apparatuses in Quantum Mechanics, as well as mental and nonphysical approaches have the problem of explaining the mechanism of the interaction between the mind or mental properties and the observed physical system belongs to the external world. Also, by putting forward a thought experiment as well as by further discussions on the similarities between the "wave function collapse" and processes of "making decision" by a conscious observer, their conceptual consequences for quantum mechanics are examined. Finally, it is shown that each aspect of the problem has its own conceptual difficulties, and this issue will remain open under the mind-matter problem.

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    1 (19)
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Having ‘ good sense’ in choosing among rival scientific theories was initially introduced by Pierre Duhem. According to him, where empirical evidence and logical rules cannot help to choose among scientific options, scientists need a further criterion to help them decide. However, Duhem left this notion undeveloped and open for further discussions to find its nature and the way it works. This paper starts with evaluating David Stump’ s and Milena Ivanova’ s accounts, two major scholars in this debate. Having considered the cons and pros of each account, we will come up with a social understanding of ‘ good sense’ , according to which this notion is characterized by the way successful scientists actually theorize and practice science and the community of scientists accepts them.

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The present study will investigate some thoughts of Habermas, German sociologist and philosopher, which in Persian texts, less attention has been paid to it. One of the main aims of his research program has been approximating knowledge and life or Life-world, and this article attempts to present a systematic review of this effort of Habermas and his intellectual confrontations with other philosophical-social disciplines. The concept “ Quasi-transcendental” plays a key role in this regard and it converts the Cartesian knowledge from the transcendental subject into a historical process arisen from the practical necessities. Therefore, this article has tried to clarify the meaning, roots, and functions of this concept. Accordingly, two books have a crucial stall: Knowledge and Human Interests and The Theory of Communicative Action. The findings show that: 1. the questions that Habermas in his book seek to answers in fact are the questions of Kant: (the common conditions of recognition possibility) 2. Quasi-transcendental interests are rooted in human life, which is a fundamental change in critical theories. 3. Habermas's epistemology seeks to revive the values of enlightenment and liberation from domination. 4. Habermas enters into debate with other intellectual disciplines through the formation of cognitive interests (transcendence of the Frankfurt School, a critique of postmodernism, and other philosophical disciplines).

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Based on everyday experience and conventional understanding, there seems to be a difference between the past and the future, which we call the "arrow of time. " There are different explanations for the time arrow, one of them is the thermodynamic arrow. However, the fundamental laws of physics, in particular Newton's laws and statistical mechanics, which we expect to explain the phenomenological laws of thermodynamics, do not show the asymmetry. Boltzmann tried to explain the thermodynamic asymmetry by proposing a "past hypothesis" for the early universe. According to this hypothesis, the early universe was in very special initial conditions. But this proposal encountered with many criticisms. While presenting the philosophical dimensions of the "arrow of time" problem and the critiques of the "past hypothesis", we argue that the assumption of a fundamental "time arrow" assumes that the past hypothesis alone is not sufficient to explain it. And there is a need for a more fundamental explanation that may change our view of space-time structure.

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (19)
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Society is the origin of technology and its development. On the other hand, technology has special social effects. Generally, the relationship between society and technology is mutual. Awareness of this relationship is necessary for engineering design. Nonetheless, due attention is not paid to this issue in textbooks and teaching procedures. In this paper, the mutual relationship between society and technology is concretely delineated with the typewriter's historical case study. Sometimes one agent (society or technology) affects another, changes it and then gets affected itself by the resulting change. Also, the effects are not limited to change and an agent can prevent changes in another. In addition, it is observed that in the co-constructing path of agents, rationality is not the only criterion for technological development and is not justifying the phenomena. For example, optimization of technology can be stopped or deviated by society or social agents.

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Disparate and competitive theories have been proposed to explain cultural evolution, which one of the most known ones is the Memetic theory. Present article claims that proposed theories such as Memetics represent part of the culture to make them discernible by using analogies. It should be noted that any model including Memetic has been generated by abstraction and idealization and these models are not also necessary in the form of propositions, hence one should not expect such theories to be true. Two reasons are noted in this regard. Firstly, idealization is associated with distance from the truth. Secondly, only propositions are truth-bearer. In the present article, Memetics has been selected from the theories of cultural evolution as a case study, which has been tried to introduce the critiques of its opponents and rejoinders of its defenders. As a result, it is highlighted that culture is highly complex to be lonely explained by an explanatory model. Moreover, no model including Memetics could however, lonely claim for exclusive explanation of culture and the combination of a set of explanatory patterns would pave the way for a better understanding of it.

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Moghanipour Majid reza

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    1 (19)
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"Causality" is one of the concepts that has a long history in philosophy and human cognition. from the very beginning of human life, man wanted to discover the reason and cause of phenomena; this concept has gone through many ups and downs in the history of philosophical thought. The answers given to the cause of phenomena have been entirely influenced by the type of human consciousness and cognition in different historical and geographical areas; the knowledge and cognitions that thinkers such as Ernest Cassirer believed were not consistently logical. They were not always had a rational patterns, and irrational patterns were involved in shaping human cognitive forms; It is referred to as the "mythical knowledge. "The purpose of writing this article is to introduce the types of causal relationships in this most irrational form of human cognition, based on which, based on the basics, rules and other sources of information in this awareness, to review, describe and analyze The types of causal relationships are discussed in this cognitive form.

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