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Aqa Seyed Ahmad Razavi, also known as Adib Pishawari, is regarded as one of the most distinguished poets of the Persian Constitutional Revolution period. As we know, stylistics is a useful device for identifying the human, scientific, literary and ideological identity of the poet. Hence, in this article, in order for the recognize the perspective of the Poet towards the surrounding world and determine the position of Adib Pishawari’ s poems, an attempt has been made to study the stylistic features and the highlights of his poems in three distinct levels of language, literature and thought. The study and investigation of these features depict the fact that Adib Pishawari wrote his poems in 29 meters among which Bahr-e-Ramal and Bahr-e-Sari have the highest and the lowest frequencies. In the rhyming scheme of the poems, the letters “ sh” and “ r” are mostly set on the surface position, and approximately 88. 44% of the poems have Radif in which linking verbs are more frequent. Adib has mostly used archaic and obsolete combinations and he seems to have had special attention to the myths as well as Shahnameh terms. From the linguistic point of view, he has written his poems in Khorasani style. The most and the least frequent literary devices in his poetries are simile and metonymy in respect, and the most functional figures of speech used in his poems are: repetition, pun, symmetry, paradox, hyperbole etc. Attention to the internal and literary rhythm, foregrounding the concepts and themes as well as the artistic and purposeful use of the lingual and literary elements are considered to be the most prominent features of his exclusive style.

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The most frequently used grammatical categories in the languages of the world are declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative sentences, which are characteristically used to express of statement, question, order and surprise. But linguistic studies indicate that in daily application there are few correspondences between the grammatical form of a sentence and its semantic-pragmatic function; in other words, each of sentences in addition to calculated means, based on their context expresses other means. This paper in order to discovering semantic-pragmatic function of interrogatives in Eraghi’ s Ghazals, between different functions that scholars have introduced for interrogative, has review 487 hemistich with interrogative structure in 220 Eraghi’ s ghazals considering functions that Shamisa has introduced. The result of this research show that Eraghi employed 20 functiones out of 28 secondary functions under discussion and based on statistical analyses, the most frequent secondary functions include the following: negative interrogation, wish, disability, forbiddance, negation that those functions are harmony with lyricism’ s context and structure. Because in this genre, poet ignores his whishes and confesses to his weakness and then he wants just arrive to his favourite.

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Conundrums and Riddles are type’ s of lyrical literature that have been considered through ages both by poets and their audiences. The poet introduces original ideas through conundrums and riddles and challenges the mind of the reader by using imagery ‘ metaphors and similies. Osman Mokhtari 5th and 6th century elegist ‘ attention to this literary style and various kinds of conundrums and riddles can be found in his work. As this kind of conundrums and riddles have not been studied before ‘ this article will examine the content and structure of conundrums and riddles in Osman Mokhtari’ s poems. The results demonstrate that Osman Mokhtari has created the significant examples of riddles and conundrums within a variety of literary rhythms and frameworks and done it artistically. In writing poems ‘ the poet benefits frome the various kinds of literary sciences and rhythms ‘ moreover through exploring his poetry ‘ no instance of riddles has been found. This indicates that through 5 and 6 centuries ‘ riddles and riddles writhng were not much prevalent ‘ hence it was not the poets’ concem in the subsequent centuries.

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women in the works of Persian literature are a good reflection. Adornment of their existence to two attributes of a mother and a lover made a particular aspect from them. In addition to these two, known and unknown features of This mannish half-hidden Has led to judge about their behaviours not so easy. Amir khosrow Dehlavi, who should be considered the most famous nezami epigone. In his Khamseh has tried to better familiarize us with the Women World, roles and their behaviors. Women who are mother sometimes and sometimes lover and if not in these two roles, The same being woman is enough to be the key to many of the behaviors and adventures. Amir Khosrow Dehlavi The famous poet and a strong Persian orator, Comes from India. Despite the many issues and the creation of various face Most of all his leaning is built on The creation of the women feature. Amir Khosrow Although in writing "Khamseh" has benefited from Nezami Ganjavi But in the creation of the women feature has its own trait. Woman in the works of Amir Khosrow woman of his time which in "Khamseh" and "Dovalrani & Khezr khan" With all the good and bad and ugliness and its beauty is depicted. Tony grant is one of the few psychologist who is examined character of the woman as a free and independent creature and the viewpoint and theory presented by him in some ways similar to Iranian literature viewpoint and especially Amir Khosrow toward women. He presented Four type of characters for the female image, The Madonna woman, Amazon woman, mother and lover and specifications of each one expresses in detail. The purpose of the article in this topic, Search in the women features in the works of Amir Khosrow Dehlavi famous Persian poet of India and explain the hidden angles of the face of the woman in the works of this poet and its comparison with the psychological Tony grant point of view.

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The definition is an important way of expanding the content. Large sections of moral and spiritual education of Saadi's Bustan and Gulistan are presented by definition. The tallest and most complex mystical and moral concepts that often lead to social consequences attending creative language through Saadi’ s Islamic and Iranian background, the Quran and sciences such as logic, distributes for general and specific public explained the history of Persian language and literature such rhetoric in memory. In these definitions, by critical thinking and shrewdly reasoned, Saadi tried to understand and interpret complex and sagely issues, and detected and analysed questions and applied of logic to conclude about information obtained from reliable written and oral sources successfully, and could pass audience from defects and perversion of the society and lead them to enter his supreme purview. If the purpose of reasonable definition, providing vivid imaginations of defining and distinguishing it from other concepts are, Saadi's Bustan and Golestan using the "definition example" and get Zdhay represents able to achieve the defined objectives, the overall pattern is defined in the context of the achieve literary texts. In this study, after introductory material about the definition, the main topic to study and analyze the definitions of mysticism and morality in each book is devoted Bustan and Golestan.

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we are faced with with known concept of binary oppositions in western style that for example placed good against black or white against black. but Attar has a special view in this regard that is different from others. unique Attar's Attitude to binary oppositions which distinguishes him from others, in his perfectionist and transcendental vision he is human which requires deepening and beyond the material world. in the sense that two positive and negative cues in binary oppositions, act beyond their inherent characteristics and if they appear to contradict each other, but in reality and in the back, they perfect each other. In the Asrarnamfh are witnessing converting The positive and negative elements of the two sides of the opposition that sometimes the positive changes to negative or negative to positive and sometimes the relationship between the two positive and negative elements is converted into uniqueness and unity. our goal in this article is particular attitude analysis to binary oppositions to be explained his unifying thoughts the unity of elements and analyze examples of his differentiation from others.

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Each line is a particular kind of »literary texture«. Furthermore, this literary texture springs on the one hand from literary traditions and on the other from the types of imagenries of the owner of the work. Then, compounding of these two factors produces the style of the work. Based on Khaghani, s style and arrangement of vocabularies (syntax mastic axis), this article tries to specify the true method of correction and philology by giving instances or types. Because Khaghani, s poetry is deliberated and unique, and has a particular coherence and a sterling pattern of technical and classical persian poetry. Based on these systems or inward and outward coherence, it is possible to correct the lines that seem difficult to be corrected. Therefore, this article studies some lines of Khaghani, s Divan by the method, in which Khaghani, s style and particular concordances, especially grammatical and idiomatic concordances have been emphasized.

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Issue Info: 
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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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تعریف از راههای مهم پرورش مطالب است. بخشهای بزرگی از تعلیمات اخلاقی و عرفانی سعدی در بوستان و گلستان از راه تعریف ارائه میشود. در این تعاریف، سعدی با تفکر انتقادی و تیزبینانه و مستدل، ضمن درک و فهم و تفسیر مسائل پیچیده و حکمت آمیز و تشخیص و تحلیل سؤالها و بکارگیری منطق با نتیجه گیری معقول از اطلاعات حاصل از منابع معتبر کتبی و شفاهی توانسته مخاطب را از نقصها و کجرویهای موجود جامعه عبور دهد و او را برای ورود به مدینه ی فاضله ی خود رهنمون شود. اگر هدف از تعریفِ منطقی، ارائه ی تصور واضح از معرَّف و متمایز ساختنِ آن از دیگر مفاهیم باشد، سعدی در بوستان و گلستان با استفاده از «تعریف به مثال» و آوردنِ ضدهای معرَّف توانسته ضمن رسیدن به اهداف تعریف، به الگویی کلی در مبحث تعریف در متون ادبی دست یابد. در این تحقیق پس از مطالب مقدماتی درباره ی تعریف، مبحث اصلی به بررسی و تحلیل تعاریف عرفانی و اخلاقی در هر دو کتاب بوستان و گلستان اختصاص دارد.

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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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ما در الگوی غربی با یک مفهوم شناخته شده از تقابلهای دوگانه روبرو هستیم که در آن مثلا خوب در برابر بد یا سفید در برابر سیاه قرار میگیرد، اما عطار دیدگاه خاصی در این زمینه دارد که با سایرین متفاوت است. منحصربفرد بودن نگرش عطار به تقابلهای دوگانه که او را از دیگران ممتاز میسازد، در بینش کمالگرا و متعالی او به انسان است که محتاج ژرف نگری و فراتر رفتن از سطح جهان مادّی است؛ به این معنا که دو سوی مثبت و منفی در تقابلهای دوگانه، فراتر از خصوصیت ذاتیشان عمل میکنند و اگرچه بظاهر در تضاد با یکدیگر قرار دارند، اما در حقیقت و باطن، یکدیگر را کمال میبخشند. در اسرارنامه شاهد تبدّل عناصر مثبت و منفیِ دو سوی تقابل هستیم که گاه مثبت به منفی یا منفی به مثبت تغییر مییابد و گاه ارتباط تقابلی دو عنصر مثبت و منفی به یکتایی و وحدت بدل میشود. هدف ما در این مقاله، تحلیل نگرش خاص عطار به تقابلهای دوگانه است تا اندیشه های وحدانی او درجهت اتحاد عناصر تبیین گردد و مصادیق تمایز وی از سایرین تحلیل شود.

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Definitely, the quality of literature in any period entirely depends on the political and social circumstances of that period. The poets in Qajar period were pioneers and the most popular contemporary poets in Iran. The most part of popular literature includes slangs and irony which are popular among people; and as the language of such terms is specially the language of ordinary people, it is colloquial. The works of such poets are intellectual assets of nation and social heritage of a tribe or society; thus, they shouldn't be ignored. For identification of slangs and irony in poetry, the present study investigated nearly 876. 141 lines of works of poets of Qajar period including Saba, Vesal, Qaani Shirazi, Foroughi Bastami, Yaghma Jandaghi, Soroush Isfahani, Iraj Mirza, Fathollah Khan Sheibani, Mahmood Khan Maleko Shoara, and Shorideh Shirazi; the findings demonstrated that Iraj Mirza by using 927 slangs in his works was ranked the first and Forougi Bastami by using 61 slangs was ranked the last among other poets. The authors of present study attempted to investigate the application of slangs and irony in Iraj Mirza works in detail in order to provide useful insights for those who love Persian Literature.

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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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یکی از انواع ادب غنایی، معما، لغز و چیستان است که از دیر باز مورد توجه شاعران و مخاطبان آنها بوده است. «عثمان مختاری » شاعر قصیده سرای قرن پنجم و ششم، از جمله شاعرانی است که به این نوع ادبی توجه خاص داشته است و انواع لغز و چیستان در دیوان وی مشاهده می شود. فراوانی لغزها و چیستانها و تنوع موضوعی آنها در دیوان اشعار عثمان مختاری، او را به شاعری صاحب سبک در این زمینه تبدیل کرده است. تا کنون این لغزها و چیستانها مورد بررسی قرار نگرفته اند و هدف این تحقیق بررسی سبک شناسانه ی محتوا و ساختار معما، لغز و چیستان در دیوان اشعار عثمان مختاری است. نتیجه ی به دست آمده نشان میدهد که عثمان مختاری نمونه های قابل توجهی از لغز و چیستان را در قالبها و اوزان شعری متنوع سروده و در این کار بسیار هنرمندانه عمل کرده است. او از انواع علوم و صناعات ادبی در آفرینش شعری خود بهره جسته است و شیوه ی کار او را میتوان به عنوان مشخصه ی خاص سبکی شعر او قلمداد کرد. همچنین دربررسی دیوان اشعار وی به هیچ موردی از معما برنمیخوریم و این امر نشان دهنده ی این است که درقرن پنجم و ششم معما و معما سرایی رواج چندانی نداشته و به صورتی که در قرون بعد میبینیم دغدغه ی ذهنی شاعران نبوده است.

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In the present study critical thinking in two of his dissertation mystical and sufiyya of the fifth century have been investigated. In the first chapter outlines the research, the need for research, methods and strategies demonstrated and explained that both authors are educational methods discussion and Conclusion can determine the next general thinking mystical works. In the second quarter literature contains definitions of terms and procedures were reviewed example the ability to create an analytical framework, avoiding prejudices and practices freely and creatively thinking. Among all the votes, the study on the basis of the Watson Glaser identification approach is based on five assumptions, inferences, conclusions, interpret and evaluate logical arguments. An attempt was made according to literary aspects of innovative five other factors taken into consideration include anecdotes, literary and chanting, allegory, satire and criticism In the third chapter the author's life and work were investigated. In the fourth quarter results were released in the previous two general criteria. In the fifth chapter, while the hypothesis was confirmed, the result obtained by the logic of anti-mystical works, the emergence of all the principles of rational thought and inference is impossible. However, it was shown in Tabaghat al-Sufiyya more effective than his dissertation author's Risaleh Qusheirie; in also logical inference and deduction was more. Both due to an adherence to the ideas of the ancients, from some aspects, such as prejudice, logical reasoning assessment of inference and deduction had been unable to walk on the model of creative thinking.

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In most of Hafiz sonnet a seeming incoherence and lack of connection in lines of poetry has been observed and considered as one of the innate characteristics of Hafiz sonnets. A feature which made some researchers of Hafiz studies believe in line's independency. While his poems show their coherence and line's deep connections under a precise and careful analysis and also discovering inter-textual relation in literal and conceptual lines proves the coherence. Studying connection and representing general rules over sonnets' "Form" and "Structure" can satisfactorily reject the hypothesis of the apparent incoherence in Hafiz poems. The present research not only represents a scientific study of genres on 486 sonnets based on Khanlari publication which results in defining 11 different forms of sonnets, but also analyzing and comparing structure and form in both genres of romantic and hymn is going to show that each sonnet by Hafiz has been composed by utilizing particular patterns which were initiated in poet's mind. These patterns contain numerous differences to each other, and also have connected components and fragments in their essence.

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In literary studies, stylistics enjoys a significant status. Stylistics can express linguistic, literary and intellectual characteristics of any literary work; and it reveals stylistic characteristics of literary works and it is an introduction for presenting scientific-literary criticism. A personal stylistics opens a door to many studies in literature. Hossein Monzavi used various tactics for personalization of his lyrical language. Thus, investigation of various aspects of Monzavis's lyrical language is a way for identification of his literary skills which can be a step towards identification of his stylistic characteristics. As he applied language, descriptions, imagery, and novel thoughts in poetry, he is considered as one of the innovators in this area. This study attempts to investigate personal stylistic characteristics of Monzavi's poetry (relying on sonnets) as one of the pioneers and ushers of sonnet in three areas: linguistic (phonetic, vocabulary, and grammatical), literary (simile, metaphor, irony, trope, and figures of speech), and intellectual (contents and purport of poems). It should be mentioned that the authors uses Monzavi's 'poetry collection', published by Mohammad Fathi in 2009.

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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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آقا سیداحمد رضوی مشهور به ادیب پیشاوری یکی از شاعران توانای اهل مشروطیت است؛ سبک شناسی شعر ادیب نشان میدهد که او اشعار خود را در بیست و نه وزن سروده است بیشترین بسامد اوزان متعلق به بحر رمل و کمترین آن مربوط به بحر سریع است در قوافی اشعار بیشتر حرف «ش» و «ر» در جایگاه روی قرار دارد و تقریباً 44/88درصد اشعار دارای ردیفند و ردیف با افعال ربطی بسامد بالاتری دارد. ادیب اغلب ازترکیبات کهن استفاده کرده و به اساطیرو لغات شاهنامه ای توجّه بسیار دارد. از لحاظ زبانی به شیوه سبک خراسانی شعر سروده است. تشبیه در اشعار او بیشترین بسامد و مجاز مرسل کمترین بسامد را دارا هستند و آرایه های پرکاربرد شعر ادیب عبارتند از: تکرار، جناس، مراعات نظیر، تضاد واغراق و. . . . توجّه به موسیقی درونی و ادبی، برجسته سازی مفاهیم و مضامین، استفاده هنرمندانه و هدفمند از عناصر زبانی و ادبی از ویژگیهای بارز سبک وی بشمار میایند.

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In ancient Persia, attitude to children, to train him for the future and adulthood was based. Ancient Iranians would celebrate children and young people and the education of their children were important. Iranians between seven and fifteen years of age called rational knowledge and learners in these years, in addition to learning religious sciences, natural, literature, literacy and familiarity with different lines drawing, history or career (life stories of historical figures), arrow shooting, Horseback Riding and "Siah gari", song (lyrics and odes) "Hamavaz" with music, playing the harp and other musical instruments, astronomy, chess and practicing honesty and teachers, were familiar. Holders of any offer them their children were taught to advance the profession by his father. However, the government orphanages for education and sons who must undertake great things in the future, sending professors who were hired. The Greeks believed that education is necessary. For children and adolescents with knowledge of the culture, learn the behaviors proportionate response to public life. Wealthy students continued their studies at universities in the major cities. Greek boys not to fill job positions, but also for the citizens of studying effectiveness. In Egypt, China and India as well as religious institutions with the aim of religious education in all historical periods have played a role. At the end of the twentieth century, the belief. became the world's need for literacy. This article attempts to transformation and evolution from ancient times until now review the education system.

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Today oral history is one of the most effective and proposed methods for historiography. The method the historical essance of which is obtained in the process of active interview then is presented to the society in a variety of styles and frameworks. In the recent decade, Iran’ s oral history has won a special position meanwhile. Two phenomena of Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Sacred defence, particularly the second one has created a high potential in order to create artistic works in this field. The most important specifications of books on Iran’ s oral history can be known as a valuable (worthwhile) message and their attraction which has caused to break the record of the circulation of the books in Iran in the recent 50 years and for the first time to be welcomed by majority of people in a wider range and much more extensive range than before. If we consider literary devices of classic novels as description, scene, flashback, flashforward, credibility, transition, dialogue, personification, attraction, conflict, suspense, prose, language, symbol, volume, variety of characters and several other specifications, some of the Iran’ s oral history books particularly the sacred defence oral history, in addition to containing the the above mentioned elements, possess a high degree of attractions and own supreme concepts, as well. Moreover, they can be considered as novels. Although, unlike most of the western novels elements like time, place, events and people in them are real.

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علی نژاد مریم

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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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متداولترین مقوله های دستوری مورد استفاده در زبانهای دنیا عبارتنداز: جمله های خبری، پرسشی، امری و تعجبی که بترتیب برای دادن خبر، طلب خبر، صدور فرمان و بیان شگفتی بکار میروند اما مطالعات زبانشناسی حاکی از آن است که در استفاده از زبان همیشه مقوله های دستوری و مقوله های معنایی منظوری جمله ها بر هم منطبق نیستند؛ بعبارتی دیگر، لزوما اینگونه نیست که هریک از این جملات برای منظور در نظر گرفته شده برای آنها بکار روند بلکه گاهی ممکن است هر یک از آنها با توجه به بافتی که در آن قرار میگیرند بر معانی و منظورهای دیگری نیز دلالت داشته باشند. اگرچه بلاغیون نقشهای معنایی منظوری متعددی برای جمله های پرسشی برشمرده اند، نویسنده این مقاله بمنظور کشف نقشهای معنایی منظوری جملات پرسشی در غزلیات عراقی، حدود 487 بیت و مصراع دارای ساختار پرسشی را در 220 غزل عراقی، مورد بررسی قرار داده است. نتیجه اینکه عراقی از 28 کارکرد معنایی منظوری جملات پرسشی، 20مورد از آن را بکار برده است و بر اساس تحلیلهای آماری، پربسامدترین کارکردهای ثانوی بترتیب عبارتند از: «استفهام انکاری»، «تمنی و آرزو»، «عجز و ناتوانی»، «نهی» و «نفی» که این کارکردها با بافت و ساختار اشعار تغزلی هماهنگ و منطبق است.

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Analysis of the lingaistc and expressional elements of poet's poems(poetries), is greatly significant, becase whilc the latent beauties of the poetry is cleared better, it causes the language users and audiences to get more familiar with poet's intellectual work and emotions, so, we are going to analyze seidi Tehranis all potries and make clear the lingual and expressional elements of them, like making he combination, using of the slang term for creating new themes. Applying the speaking devices, like similarity equation method, self contradiction and other poetric trick using graphs and statistics. The porformal reviews show that the poem trie, in addition to providing his ethical messages and mystical and lyric themes to the audiane, to reach out also invehting the new compounds and torms and enjoy different kinds of similarity, that we will address them in the test of the article extensively.

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Adaptation or the influence of one text on another or their interaction can be studied under the domain of stylistics as well as on issues related to genres. These issues and discussion deal with the reasons that justify from the literary point of view the presence of content and language of one text in another text. Tazkirat al-Awliya is one of the reliable sources of Persian mystical prose in theexpression of Sufis orders which has obvious signs of adaptation in similar texts. Farid al-Din Attar Nishaburi, the writer of this book, has made use of Persian and non-Persian sources in his expression of mysticism, especially Sufi Karamat. He used terse and eclectic language in his narration of the Karamat in order to express the Sufis orders. Although he was quite successful in covering many of adapted stories in his special diction, he did not want or could not conceal his influence in one of the employed sources (Kashf al-Mahjub). In many cases, the specific diction and style of Kashf al-Mahjubhave transferred toTazkirat al-Awliya especially in narrating Sofi Karamat. This article employs descriptive-analytic approach and attempts to study the literary reasons that howKashf al-Mahjub has influenced on Tazkirat al-Awliya.

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Semiology one of the findings of recent literary semiotics, which along with other literary theories such as formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism and developed and influenced philosophy and linguistics. Semiotics of literature is one of the characteristics of semiotics to analyze literature, especially poetry. In this study literary signs, special signs lightness, love signs, symptoms and signs of cultural, social, spiritual and moral Shafiee kadkani, Ebtehaj and Monzavi examined and compared with each other. This study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. The frequency of literary signs in his poems like? 2. The frequency of symptoms romantic, cultural, social, spiritual and moral symptoms in poems like?

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Garment robe and something like that is said to kings and princes to elect and chosen people gave as one important part of the traditions and rituals robe court on Beyhaghi and Shahnameh with special techniques including descriptions, are presented. The main question in this research is that Beyhaqi and Ferdowsi, to which by the way features could provide descriptions of the practice. The aim of this paper, after a brief introduction to the religion and its history in Introduction To study the tricks of lightness in the description of this drawing old and has shown that Beyhaqi and Ferdowsi in the detailed descriptions of which of the properties of light, to say better, have emphasized What similarities and differences with each other and in this context as well, has revealed In two of Shahnameh and "History of Beyhaqi" In addition to common features such as the use of different types of adjectives and adverbs, there are other distinctive characteristics and unique. The use of terminology such as Arabic, the word sustainable features characters and the date of the ceremony robe on Beyhaqi Or to reflect the joy of receiving the robe and large-scale deployment of industry exaggeration to describe gifts or characters in Shahnameh of Ferdowsi's robe makers.

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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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زنان در آثار ادب فارسی سیمایی در خور تأمل دارند. آراستگی و جودشان به دو صفت مادری و معشوقی از آنان چهره ای خاص عرضه کرده ا ست. علاوه بر این دو، ویژگیهای شناخته و ناشناخته ی این نیمه ی پنهان مردانه سبب گردیده تا قضاوت در باره ی رفتار و منش آنان چندان آسان نباشد. امیرخسرو دهلوی که باید او را نامدار ترین مقلّد نظامی دانست، در خمسه ی خویش کوشیده است تا ما را بهتر با دنیای زنان، نقشها و رفتارهایشان آشنا کند. زنانی که گاه مادرند و گاه معشوق و اگر در لباس این دو نقش نباشند، همان زن بودنشان کافی است تا کلید بسیاری از رفتارها و ماجراها باشند. امیرخسرو در آفرینش سیمای زن ویژگیهای خاص خود را دارد. تونی گرنت یکی از معدود روانشناسانی است که شخصیت زن را به عنوان یک موجود آزاد و مستقل مورد بررسی قرار داده است. دیدگاه و نظریه ی ارائه شده توسط وی از جهاتی مشابه دیدگاه ادبیات ایران، بخصوص امیر خسرو نسبت به زن است. وی چهارگونه شخصیت را برای زن تصویر میکند: زن مادونا، آمازون، مادر و معشوقه و مشخصات هر یک را بتفصیل بیان میکند. هدف مقاله در این جستار، کنکاشی در سیمای زن در آثار امیرخسرو دهلوی شاعر نام آور پارسیگوی هند و تبیین زوایای پنهان چهره ی زن در آثار این شاعر و مقایسه ی آن با دیدگاه روانشناسانه ی گرنت است.

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میر محمد

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    4 (پیاپی 40)
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از جمله تصاویر مهم بلاغی که در بررسی و شناخت سبک شخصی هر شاعر نقش مؤثری ایفا میکند، کاربرد چشمها و آیینه ها و میزان استفاده شاعر از این واژه ها است. اهمیت این مسأله در شعر برخی از شاعران به ویژه شاعران سبک هندی به حدی است که از طریق آن میتوان به بسیاری از سلیقه ها، باورها، آرزوها و خواسته های شاعر پی برد. بیدل دهلوی (1054-1133 ه. ق)، یکی از برجسته ترین شاعران سبک هندی است که در غزلیات خود به فراوانی از این امکان بهره گرفته است. هدف از این پژوهش توصیفی-تحلیلی، بررسی نوآوریهای هنری و بسامد معنایی چشم و آیینه در غزلیات بیدل دهلوی میباشد. نتیجه تحقیق حاکی از آن است که شاعر با نگرش و بیانی خلّاقانه از لفظ چشم و آیینه، با بسامد چشمگیری به عنوان نقشمایه و نماد چند معنایی و محور ساختاری تصاویر بلاغی در جهت بیان اندیشه های شاعری-عرفانی، زیبایی شعر، هماهنگی و تناسب بخشیدن به اجزای کلام استفاده نموده است.

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