In recent years, the use of concrete-filled steel sections (CFST) has been widely used for many benefits, including excellent seismic performance, high strength, high flexibility and energy absorption capacity relative to concrete (RC) and steel sections in the construction industry. These columns are often more commonly used in the form of circles. The main reason for this is the point that circular sections create more enclosure than other sections in the core concrete. This makes the circular sections more widely used in columns (CFST) than in other sections. However, in some cases, the use of circular sections will be impossible, including architectural considerations, the implementation of more economical and easier connections in the quadratic sections than the circular sections, these causes certain shapes, including sections Square and flat sections and sections with L and T shape shapes are used in some parts of the building. considering the importance of this issue in this paper, we tried to introduce and investigate the mechanical behavior of short columns (CFST) with L-shaped geometric section and study the parametric effect of steel wall thickness and compressive stress of concrete on the capacity and mechanical behavior of these columns at the end and after analysis of the study samples, it was determined in the finite element analysis (FEM) that, in columns (CFST), the effect of the thickness of the steel structure was more effective on the capacity and mechanical behavior of the columns (CFST) with the geometric cross section L will be the shape.