Shahnameh, with the help of story and illustration, has considered the cultivation of moral and social virtues. The epic of moral education and individual-society can be found in ferdowsi “ s shahnameh. One of the prominent features of Shahnameh is that in its stories it has referred to educational and moral teachings. According to the importance of this cultural resource of Iranian society, the purpose of this study was to explain the qualitative description of educational implications based on shahnameh. Content analysis was used for the research method. The field of research was the whole verses of Shahnameh which was sampled by the total number method. In this regard, first, the educational system of shahnameh was extracted based on categories in theoretical foundations of educational development and then the examples were identified. After achieving the basic themes, the organizing themes of level 2 were determined, which showed the educational principles from the aspects of belief, spiritual, moral, socio-political, scientific-educational and artistic. finally, the educational principles of shahnameh were obtained according to the basic principles of education, namely ontological ( belief dimensions ), anthropological ( moral, social-political dimensions ), epistemological knowledge ( scientific-educational dimensions ), cognitive value ( aesthetics-artistic dimensions ) and religion Cognition was obtained. The findings show that Shahnameh, monotheism and theology focus on salvation. The educational principles of Shahnameh are in several doctrinal, moral, educational, social-political and artistic-aesthetic fields and are suitable for different educational dimensions. In this regard, it is suggested that educational courses for teachers be introduced to the educational teachings of this literary work. Shahnameh should also be considered as one of the sources in compiling textbooks and curricula.