Participation takes different forms in different countries based on their economic and cultural structures. Since 1970s on developing countries have faced debt crises. On the one hand, this has reduced their relations with and international participation in capitalist in situations. On the other hand, it has created the conditions for social tensions.Political protests have reduced the legitimacy level of the states. Social groups have been looking for pluralistic democracies. But due to dependent on international capitalism these goals have not been realized.African countries are similar to Latin American countries in this regard. Ethnic and racial crises will pave the way for identity crisis in these countries. Accordingly, in the political future of the African countries, there will be more potentiality for ethnic tendencies than for development and political participation. And this by no means will result in increase in participation rate.Deterrent factors of political participation in African countries include:a. Lack of government control over geographical domainsb. Insufficiency of facilities for the economic welfare of the citizensc. Lack of prevailing participation cultured. Strength of local national edentity