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Water productivity is a key factor for identifying the agricultural systems appropriate for arid and semi-arid regions. The objective of this study was to identify the effectiveness of wheat and barley`s water usage in Poshteab district of Sistan. This field research included 5 villages of Rahdar, Cherk, Hajiabad, Piran and Teymurabad sheykhi. To calculate the volume of irrigation in channels, the float method was used. Moreover, the depth of irrigation in farms were determined. A piece of land as the prominent sample was selected for harvesting which had 1m×1m dimensions. Two other powerful and weak samples were selected from two different lands in every village (in some cases the two samples were beside each other) and were harvested. When wheat samples were dried, the separation process was done manually. Every land`s seeds were weighted and their yield was evaluated. All in all, the average efficiency of water usage effectiveness of wheat and barley in Poshteab district of Sistan were 1. 03 and 1. 08 kg/m3, respectively. Additionally, the average efficiency of weak usage of Wheat and barley in Poshteab districs of Sistan were 0. 72 and 0. 64 kg/m3, respectively. Moreover, the functional chart of wheat and barley yield along with the depth of used water indicated that increasing the wheat and barley `s yielding, not only depended on water use, but also it depended on the irrigation management, calamities, fertilizers and soil, considering the same climates in the region.

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Mango is one of the most important tropical fruits in the world. It has many phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and antioxidants. Therefore, 29 genotypes of native mangoes in different regions of in southern of Iran (Kerman and Hormozgan) were collected and evaluated based on the amount of antioxidant, phenolic and flavonoid compounds in the laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute, University of Zabol in 2017. The results of analysis of variance showed that different mango genotypes and mango collection regions were affected on phenol, flavonoids and antioxidant properties. The most amount of flavonoids (176. 65 mg/g of hydro alcoholic extract and 122. 15 mg/g of hydro alcoholic extract) belonged to helov and Kn genotypes, respectively. The most phenol (11. 232 and 10. 664 mg/g of hydro alcoholic extract) belonged to Zapak and Kn genotypes. The most antioxidant properties (55. 240 and 50. 873 micrograms per milliliter) belonged to helov and kharvst genotypes, respectively. Based on the area where the mangoes were collected, the most amount of flavonoids (76. 679 and 65. 126 mg/g of hydro alcoholic extract) belonged to the mango genotypes of Jiroft and Rodan. The most phenol (6. 4783 and 6. 4534 mg/kg of fresh weight) belonged to Rodan and Manojan mango genotypes, respectively. The highest antioxidant properties (43. 144 and 42. 667 μ g/ml) belonged to Rodan and Jiroft mango genotypes, respectively. Among the different concentrations of the extract, the most effective concentration was 64 μ g/ml. Overall, the results showed that Mangoes in Rodan and Jiroft area had the highest antioxidant properties and increased their antioxidant properties by increasing the concentration of hydro alcoholic extract.

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To evaluate the effects of bio fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative traits of pea nut on a randomized complete block design was conducted at the Research Farm of Zabol University in year of 2014. The treatments were bio-fertilizers include: biosulfur, nitroxin, seaweed and phosphate 2 will be alone each of which individually and in combination (control (no fertilizer); bio sulfur + nitroxin; bio sulfue + seaweed; biosulfur + phosphate2; nitroxin + seaweed; nitroxin + phosphate 2; seaweed + phosphate 2; bio sulfur + nitroxin + seaweed; bio sulfur + nitroxin + phosphate2; bio sulfur + nitroxin + seaweed + phosphate 2) was performed on the peanuts in separate plots. The results showed that the greatest impact on between treatments in weight the pod, economic yield, harvest index and oil percentage was related to treatment nitroxin. Nitroxin treatments increased 28, 24, 22, 28 and 47 percent of these traits compared to the control. The combination treatment of phosphate + nitroxin resulted in increased respectively 25 and 24 percent compared to control the traits of Ash and protein percent. As well as the treatment phosphate also increased 39 percent phosphorus absorbed by the plant. In general, it can be said that the use of combination treatments significant different on the traits include nutrient absorption and protein percentage relative to the individual using them.

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Water deficit stress in the late growth stage is one of the limitation factor of wheat production in arid and semi-arid regions such as Iran and introduction of stress tolerant varieties is one the strategies that conquer to it. In this research, the reaction of 15 bread wheat genotypes against to water deficit stress at the late growth stage were inspected using stress tolerance indices. Hence, bread wheat genotypes were studied in both normal and stress states separately using randomized complete block design with three replications in farm condition. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among studied genotypes based on tolerance indices. Mean comparison manifested that genotypes 3 and 8 could consider as suitable genotypes for water deficit stress at the late growth stage. Classification of genotypes based on studied tolerance indices located them into three groups. Among studied indices, GMP, STI, YSI and SSI were identified as suitable indices in selection of tolerant genotypes for water deficit stress at the late growth stage because they possessed significant relation with environmental yields. Results of triangle plots showed that genotypes 3 and 8 have the highest seed yield in both stress and non-stress conditions based on GMP, STI and SSI indices (Group A) and could effectively use in water stress state in the late growth stage.

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SABBAGH SEYED KAZEM | Sarafraz Ardakani Mohammad Reza | Taheri Marziyeh | Bolok Yazdi Hamidreza

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Use of biological products such as mycorrhizal fungi species, in order to provide part of the plant's essential elements, especially phosphorus, is one of the essential and useful solutions for improving plant growth conditions. In this research, the mycorrhizal reaction of seven different wheat varieties to Glomus interaradices species was assayed in randomized complete block design with four replications in the greenhouse. Growth conditions and also the effect of fungi on the growth condition and level of some antioxidant enzymes were evaluated. Macroscopic examination on roots of mycorrhizal plants and comparison with non-mycorrhizal plants showed a high percentage of root mycorrhization in wild wheat Ageilops tauchii. The lowest increase of root mycorrhization was determined in bread wheat cultivars. The highest levels of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase enzymes were observed in Tajan, Narin and Hana cultivars all of which are modern wheat cultivars. According to these data, it can be concluded that root mycorrhization, although it is dependent on the genetic and ploidy nature of wheat, cannot directly increase the enzymatic responses of the plant. So, increase in antioxidant enzymes did not directly correlate with the percentage of root mycorrhization in different varieties of wheat.

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Plant nutrition and reduction of element deficiency is one of the most important affecting factors on plant production. Our knowledge about the effect of nutritional elements on medicinal plants is rare. In order to determining these effects, a factorial experiment as randomized complete block design conducted on research farm of university of Mohaghegh Ardabili. Treatments were four phosphorus fertilizer (P2O5) including 0, 40, 80 and 120 Kg ha-1 from the source of ammonium phosphate and four potassium fertilizer (K2O) as 0, 50, 100 and 150 Kg ha-1 from the source of potassium nitrate. Results showed that variation in growth indices trend was approximately similar in all potassium and phosphorus levels, but K2O had the major effects on the mean of growth indices. Solely P2O5 at 120 Kg ha-1 in different K2O levels had the various trend in relative growth rate in comparison to other treatments. The highest yield of grain and dry flowers was seen in the mixture of 80 and 150 Kg ha-1 P2O5 and K2O respectively, but had no significant difference with 80 and 100 Kg ha-1. In conclusion, using of K2O had more great effects on studied traits and effect of P2O5 was negligible.

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One of the important and complex steps for nonlinear modeling is pre-processing of input data in order to select the appropriate combination of them in the model. The gamma test was used to select the optimal combination of input variables for available potassium modeling in this study. The M test was used for determining the optimal number of data needed for modeling. Eight input variables were used for modeling. Modeling the available potassium was done by the number of optimum points and selected variables with subtractive clustering in the fuzzy neural system. The results showed that six variables (clay percentage, silt, organic matter, electrical conductivity, saturation moisture and pH) are the optimal combination of variables in modeling the available potassium in Mian-Kangi region. Also, 112 of measured data (60%) were considered as suitable data for the modeling training section using the M test results. The results indicated that the M method has better accuracy and speed than the trial and error method for finding the appropriate number of input data in training section. The results of modeling also indicated that the fuzzy neural method has high capability and performance in estimating the amount of available potassium in the soil of Mian-Kangi region (R2 = 0. 90 and RMSE = 4. 27). Also, organic carbon percentage was the most important input for modeling and predicting the amount of available potassium.

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The effect of integrated management of weeds on yield of corn forage was examined in a factorial split experiment in 2012-2013 in Khusf, Iran on the basis of a randomized complete block design with three replications in which the main plot was devoted to cultivator at two levels of cultivator use and disuse and the sub-plots were devoted to density at two levels of 100 000 and 150 000 plants. ha-1 and to reduced (recommended) dosage of Lumax herbicide at four levels of 0, 1. 5, 3. 0 and 4. 5 L. ha-1. It was found that the increase in density from 100 000 to 150 000 plants. ha-1 increased total dry yield by 8. 7%. Means comparison for the interaction between cultivator and herbicide revealed that when cultivator is applied, the treatment of only 1. 5 L. ha-1 herbicide resulted in total dry yield and total fresh yield of forage of 23 020 and 103 705 kg. ha-1 which were 66. 2 and 65. 8% higher than that under the treatment of cultivator with no herbicide usage. Cultivator was applied, the treatment of 1. 5 L. ha-1 herbicide decrease 98 and 92% of dry weight and the total number of weeds, respectively. Therefore, given the fact that sustained farming is aimed at reducing the application of chemicals in farming systems, the rate of using Lumax can be reduced by 66. 6% by integrated management of weeds. Thus, the adverse effects of herbicides on environment and the resistance of weeds to herbicides can be reduced.

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Increasing water use efficiency in order to more produce in the agriculture section has special importance. Therefore, simulation of plant growth stages and, consequently, prediction of product yield lead to better planning and more efficient management in the production process. The present study was conducted with the aim of predicting yield and sugarcane biomass at ratoon stage in the third year of planting, with AquaCrop model in Amir Kabir Agro-industry Co. with three levels of full irrigation or 100% water requirement (I1), 75% (I2) and 55% water requirement (I3) and three levels of 100% manure requirement of sugarcane plant to nitrogen fertilizer (F1), 80% (F2) and 60% (F3) with four replications in 2010-2011. For calibration of the model, the calibration values with the prediction of statistical error of R2 for yield and biomass for all levels of fertilization and irrigation were 0. 97 and 0. 96 respectively. In the validation stage, the yield of the product was simulated in different conditions of irrigation management, and it was compared with actual yield, and the correlation coefficients for the yield of the product and the biomass was estimated to be 0. 91 and 0. 81, respectively. The results showed that F2I1 has higher yield and biomass than other treatments and with the 20% reduction in fertilizer application, the desired yield could be achieved. This will reduce agricultural costs and, in the long run, will also eliminate the negative effects of excessive fertilizer use and, while increasing production, will be a strategic plan for achieving sustainable agricultural objectives.

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Increasing wheat yield requires an understanding of appropriate management method that are Increasing wheat yield requires an understanding of appropriate management method that are most important sowing date and appropriate cultivars. Evaluation of yield and grain filling rate of bread wheat promising lines to normal and late seeding dates, this experiment was carried out at Gorgan research station during 2015-2017. The experiment was a spilt-plot based on RCBD with three replications. The main factors was two sowing date December 15th (normal seeding date) and January 15th (late seeding date) and the second factor were eight genotype and cultivar of wheat. The results of combined analysis of variance showed that the effects of year, sowing date and interaction effects of year × sowing date were significant on all of traits under study expect of harvest index. Also interaction effects of year × genotype were significant on all of traits under study expect of number of grains per spike and growth degree day to maturity. The suitability of climatic conditions during plant growth in normal seeding (December 15th) caused more tillers fertilized. On the other hand, the warmth and dryness of the air at the later seeding date reduced the number of fertilized tillers. Results showed that with delay in seeding date, mean of growth degree day to physiological maturity decreased. Also results of mean comparison of interaction effects of year × genotype and of year × sowing date showed that the genotype SAUAL/3/MILAN/S87230//BAV92 and Gonbad cultivar had higher length of filling period and rate of effective grain so produced acceptable yields compared to other.

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In order to study the effects of manure and different intercropping patterns on quantitative and qualitative yield of roselle and cowpea, an experiment was conducted as split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Agricultural Research Center of Zabol University in 2013. The treetments included 0, 20 and 30 t. ha-1 manure to main plots and different intercropping patterns (sole roselle, sole cowpea, %75 roselle + 25% cowpea, %50 roselle + %50 cowpea, and %25 roselle + %75 cowpea) in sub plots. Results revealed that in roselle the most plant height, number of fruits per plant, economic yield, biological yield and in cowpea the maximum number of pod per plant, economical yield, biologinal yield and percent seed protein of sole cropping along with application of 30 t. ha-1 manure were obtained. The highest amount anthocyanins and carbohydrates sour tea were obtained from the application of 30 t. ha-1 of manure and intercropping % 25 hibiscus + % 75 cowpea. The highest harvest index in roselle of %75 roselle + %25 cowpea and in cowpea of pure cultures along with application of 30 t. ha-1 manure were obtained.

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