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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship of hope and life satisfaction with students bullying and bullying victimization with the mediating role of school connectedness. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, the statistical population being high school students of Tehran city in the school year 2015-16. A sample of 300 students was selected using the stratified random sampling method. The data collection tools were the Snyder’ s hope scale, Diener et al. life satisfaction scale, Waters and Cross School Connectedness scale and the Espelage and Holt Bullying scale. The hypothetical model was analyzed using path analysis with the LISREL8. 57 software. Results: Analysis of the data showed the following: 1. Hope and life satisfaction had a structural positive direct effect on school connectedness; 2. Life satisfaction had a direct negative effect on bullying; 3. Bullying had a direct effect on bullying victimization; 4. School connectedness had no direct effect on students bullying and bullying victimization. 5. Life satisfaction had an indirect effect on bullying victimization through bullying; 6. Finally, the indirect effects of hope and life satisfaction on bullying and bullying victimization through school connectedness were not confirmed. Conclusion: In can be concluded that life satisfaction is a facilitating factor for the school connectedness, serving as a protective factor against bullying. Hope and school connectedness may act as protecting factors in the prevention of bullying.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Adolescents' attitude to suicide is one of the major problems in mental health. Thus, research in this area is of utmost importance. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an integrated protocol in reducing the negative attitude toward problem solving as a determinant of suicidal tendency in adolescents and young people 15-24 years old in Ilam, Iran. Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental pretest-posttest study with a control group, a sample of 40 adolescents 15-24 years old were selected by random cluster sampling in Ilam city, Iran. All of the participants completed a suicidal attitude questionnaire, as well a negativeattitude-toward-problem solving questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the SPSS-V19 software, the statistical test being the multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA). Results: Multivariate analysis of variance analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the attested scores of the two groups (P <0. 01, F = 0. 408, Wilk's Lambda = 0. 506). The differences between the experimental and control groups were significant as regards all of the components of the negative attitude. The training based on the integrated approach to negative attitude in problem solving was found to have been effective. The post-test scores of two variables, namely, problem tendency-avoidance and personal control, decreased in the experimental group; however, one other variable, namely, trust in problem-solving, increased. Conclusion: Based on the findings it can be concluded that education based on an eclectic (integrated) approach towards the negative attitude to problem solving can be effective in adolescents and the youth 15-24 years old with suicidal tendencies ─ suicidality. Hence, it is recommended to administer training programs such as problem-solving, emotional regulation and mindfulness to help psychologists, parents, adolescents, health professionals and social pathologists to reduce and prevent suicide in adolescents.

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Background and Aim: The trade-off between monetary wealth and fatal safety risks is explained by the value of statistical life, an efficient tool widely used to evaluate projects and allocate appropriate resources for road safety. The objective of this study was to estimate the statistical significance of life in order to improve road safety in the city of Ardabil, Iran. Materials and Methods: Data were collected, in 2017, using a questionnaire for interviewing 300 drivers traveling daily in the city and analyzed using the stated choice method and the mixed logit model. First the purpose of the interview was explained to the drivers and, after they agreed to collaborate, the interviews were conducted. The authors pledged to keep the information confidential. Results: The statistical value of life and of the injury for road safety improvement were estimated to be 1, 077, 551, 000 and 1, 178, 570 Iranian Rials, respectively. The richer people, older people and those with university education were more willing to pay for road safety improvements. Conclusion: One of the strategies for economic investment in improving road safety can be conducting collaborative research projects with other institutions, as well as using the experiences of countries successful in this field. In addition, road safety improvement projects can, in order to absorb capital, target richer people.

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Background and Aim: Carbon footprint is an important health, safety and environmental issue that has received much attention by many researchers and studied during the last decade. This research was conducted to assess the carbon footprint and investigate the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions released in the atmosphere and energy consumption in Yadavaran oil field, Iran in 1396. Material and Methods: Data were collected during the working hours and office hours in the spring and during the month of June, in 64 area offices, operating units, residential camps, and administrative and executive offices. Data for determination of energy consumption were collected and classified using an information-gathering form and field surveys, as well as interviewing the contractors (three interviews to ensure accuracy and precision of the results). Results: Based on the data analysis the following results were obtained: 1. The total carbon dioxide emissions resulting from electricity consumption, generators consumption and transportation during one month were 1072794/24 KgCO2/Kwh, 5435478 KgCO2/L and 9342704/36 KgCO2/L, respectively; 2. The total amount of carbon dioxide emissions was estimated in the Yadavaran oil field to be 190211719. 2 KgCO2/year; 3. The total energy consumption in one year was 52229043. 92 GJ; 4. The monthly and annual energy consumption levels (BOE) were found to be 8. 60 and 103. 20 GJ/tone, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the findings, it is recommended to do the following: 1. Provision of a transportation service for the personnel in Yadavaran oil field; 2. Training of the Yadavaran oil field contractors in the area of optimum energy consumption; 3. Proper management of fossil fuels and transportation in the Yadavaran oil field; 4. Connecting all the regions in the Yadavaran oil field to the city electricity system.

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Background and Aim: Orexin is a hormone involved inoverweight and obesity and a regulator of glucose metabolism. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on plasma levels of orexin-A (OXA) and insulin resistance in overweight women. Materials and Methods: In a semi-experimental study, 24 overweight women (aged 20-25 years; body mass index (BMI), 25-30 kg/m2) were divided into 2 groups, namely, a control (n=12) and a training (n=12) group. The training group performed selective HIIT including 6 movements for 6 weeks (3 sessions/week). Initial and final blood markers were measured in blood samples collected 24 hours after the test. The data were analyzed using the paired and independent sample t-tests; a p<0. 05 was considered to show statistical significance. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between body weight, BMI, plasma levels of glucose, insulin and insulin resistance before and after the period in either the training or control group (p>0. 05). Neither were there any significant differences between the training and control groups after the 6-week period as regards plasma levels of glucose, insulin, OXA or insulin resistance (p>0. 05). Conclusion: The findings of this study show that a 6-week high-intensity interval training has no influence on plasma OXA or insulin resistance in overweight women.

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Background and Aim: Ixodidae (hard ticks) are obligate blood-feeders of vertebrates with major roles in transmission of pathogenic microorganisms including theileriosis, babesiosis and CCHF virus, as well as relapsing fever, to domestic animals and humans. This study was conducted to determine the distribution of ixodidae species, vectors of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), in the border areas in North West of Iran. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in Ahar and Kaliybar Counties, East Azarbaijan Province, Iran. Randomized cluster sampling was done in villages in the forest and mountainous regions. Ticks were isolated by forceps from the animals, kept in sampling tubes and transferred to the laboratory. Then the tick samples were identified using taxonomical keys. Results: A total of 2022 hard ticks were isolated from 1400 head of livestock (1000, 200, 180 and 20 head of sheep, goat, cow and buffalo, respectively). On the average, the infestation rate was 1. 44 per head of cattle ─ 0. 11% in goats, 0. 32% in sheep, 0. 90% in buffaloes, 9. 25% cows. Out of the ticks isolated, 498 (24. 63%) were male, 741 (36. 65%) were female and 782 (38. 67%) nymph, plus one larva. The ticks belonged to the lxodidae family, including four genera: Hyalomma (88. 82%, with the following three species: Hyalommaanatolicum (39. 22%), Hyalommamarginatum (9. 15%) and Hyalommaasiaticum (0. 69%)); Rhipicephalus (8. 8%); Dermasentor (1. 58%); and Haemaphisalis (0. 8%). The others identified were Hyalomma nymph (38. 67%), Hyalomma sp. (1. 04%) and Hyalomma larva (0. 05%), Rhipicephalus bursa (5. 19%), Rhipicephalussanguineus (3. 61%), Dermasentor marinates(1. 58%), Haemaphisalissulcata (0. 59%), and Haemaphisalispunctata (0. 15%), as well as Haemaphisalisconcinae (0. 05%). Hyalommaanatolicum was the dominant species. Conclusion: The dominant tick species in the regions studied was Hyalommaanatolicum, a tick having a major role in transmission of many disease vectors including CCHF, ovin babesiosis, theileriosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, etc. It is essential that the provincial Contagious Disease Center and Veterinary Department take appropriate action with the collaboration of other relevant departments to combat the tick.

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Background and Aim: Delays in childbearing, in addition to creating health risks for the mother and the child, may lead to permanent parental bereavement. The purpose of this study was psychometric assessment of the validity and reliability of the Iranian version of attitude toward reproductive and childbearing inventory (ATRCI) in women without a history of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: This study was done on 235 women without a history of pregnancy selected by multi-stage sampling in the South of Iran. They completed a fertility and childbearing attitude questionnaire. The validity and reliabilty of the ATRCI were determined using SPSS-16 software, the statitical tests being Cronbach's alpha coefficient and exploratory factor analysis. Results: The mean age of the women was 24. 47 ± 4. 1 years, and the Cronbach's alpha total coefficient was 0. 888. The KMO and Bartlett's test of sphericity value (0. 890) was significant. In this study, in addition to the main components of the questionnaire, the childbirth postponement component was also extracted; they explained 63. 01% of the total variance related the attitude toward fertility and childbearing. Conclusion: The 4-component Iranian version of the attitude toward fertility and childbearing inventory was found to have acceptable psychometric validity and reliability. It is recommended that in the future studies this inventory be used in intervantional studies and heath and demographic programs for women without a history of pregnancy.

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Background and Aims: Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer and the third cause of cancer death globally. This cancer ranks first and fourth in Iranian men and women, respectively. Assessment of survival rate and factors influencing it will make it possible to determine the burden of disease in the population and the relationships between different factors and the survival rate. The present study was performed to estimate the survival rate and determine its prognostic factors in patients with gastric cancer in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Materials and Methods: In this study 930 cases of gastric cancer were investigated during the period 2011-2012 and the first half of 2013. The Kaplan-Meier method and Log-rank test were used to determine the survival rate and compare survivor functions, respectively; for data fitting A Cox’ s proportional hazards model was used. The data were analyzed using the Stata v. 11 software Results: The average age of the patients (more than 69% males) was 66. 43± 12. 5 years. The one-, three-and five-year survival rates were 37%, 14% and 11%, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that age (p=0. 01) and tumor metastasis (p=0. 001) were the most important prognostic factors. Conclusion: While the survival rates in gastric cancer patients in the West Azarbaijan province, Iran were very low, a significantly higher survival rate was observed in younger patients with no tumor metastasis.

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