In recent years, most risk-related research has shifted its paradigm from a loss-reduction model to a more inclusive local community model. Accordingly, the views and theories of disaster management and sustainable development seek to create resilient societies against natural hazards. Resilience is the degree of resistance of systems, their ability to tolerate change and disruption and the continuity of relationships between individuals and variables. This study, considering such a definition for resilience, evaluates the resilience of seven neighborhoods of Sari city (intersection of section eight-Salman Fars-Piroozi, Tabarestan, central city center-municipality near Babol Gate, Moallem, Besat Free Zone-Nehzat and Shahband and Barrier) has dealt with natural hazards. The basis of spatial analysis in this research is the divisions of neighborhood planning units (according to the comprehensive plan of the city). The sample population is equal to the statistical population (18 experts in municipal, housing and urban planning, natural resources, etc. ). Seven indicators (building strength, land and urban infrastructure, open spaces, physical environment, uses, economic and social) were designed and the required data were obtained; finally, various indicators were weighted by experts to make environmental risk planning desirable. Evaluation of urban resilience and ranking of neighborhoods in Sari city has been done using WP and WASPAS evaluation models. The results show that out of seven neighborhoods in Sari, only one neighborhood (Chahar Rahbakhsh Hasht, Salman Farsi) is in very good condition and Tabarestan neighborhood is in good condition in terms of resilience. Also, according to the results of both models, the northern regions are in a very good and good condition in terms of resilience, while the southern and central regions are in a very weak and alert state.