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Landslides are one of the natural hazards that are always associated with financial and human losses. Understanding the causes and its different types is very important for us. Identifying and determining sensitive and landslide prone areas can prevent damage and provide a basis for the implementation of slope stabilization projects. In the present study, landslide risk assessment in the watershed of Galal Dam in Ilam province has been performed using Vickor multi-criteria decision making method. Accordingly, among various factors, 8 geological parameters, altitude, slope, precipitation, distance from the fault, distance from the waterway, distance from the road and land use as the most important effective parameters in the occurrence of landslides in the region, have been identified. Then, the significance coefficient of each of the effective factors in the occurrence of landslide was obtained by the method of hierarchical analysis of systems in which the geological criteria slope and precipitation gained the highest coefficient of importance. Then, based on Vickor optimization algorithm, the degree of usefulness and regret of selecting the best options (sub-basins) is determined, and finally by calculating the amount of Vickor optimal index (Q), sub-basins according to the degree of landslide sensitivity in three quality classes of sensitivity Low, medium and high susceptibility were classified. The results showed that the sub-basins of Ban Sohan, Palkaneh and Haji Bakhtiar have the highest susceptibility and the sub-basins of Chegan, Dard Mirnaser and Chegah have the lowest susceptibility to landslides. From the adaptation of zoning maps and landslides in the region, the accuracy of the map can be understood and it was also found that the Vickor model used in this study is a very suitable method for zoning the risk of landslides in the study basin.

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The purpose of this paper is to explain the factors affecting social resilience against biological hazards with emphasis on Covid-19 in order to unveil the shadowing of this phenomenon, a phenomenon that has long been discussed from its text layers and sub-layers to different angles of attitude drills. The research method in this study, in terms of descriptive-analytical and practical purpose. To collect the required data, the library method (Covid 19 disease distribution map, valid books and articles in line with the research topic) and the survey method were used as a questionnaire and Delphi method. To analyze the data and prepare the data, SPSS software was used for the statistical population of 133156 households in Zanjan with a sample size of 321 and data analysis was performed using research analytical tools (from exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis model in the form of structural equation modeling). The results show that the analysis of conceptual characteristics using heuristic factor analysis reveals the four main explanatory factors as factors; Awareness and health with a coefficient of 0. 74, attitude with a coefficient of 0. 78, skill with a coefficient of 0. 82, social capital and justice with a coefficient of 0. 73 identified the contract and analysis of the communication structure of the identified effective factors using confirmatory factor analysis showed that the identified factors have a structural relationship It is significant for being effective in social resilience against Corona in Zanjan.

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پدیده ی زمین لغزش یکی از مخاطرات طبیعی است که همواره با خسارات مالی و جانی همراه است. شناخت عوامل ایجاد و گونه های مختلف آن برای ما از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است. شناسایی و تعیین مناطق حساس و مستعد زمین لغزش می تواند ضمن جلوگیری از بروز خسارت ها، زمینه را برای اجرای طرح های پایدارسازی دامنه ها فراهم آورد. در پژوهش حاضر ارزیابی خطر زمین لغزش در حوضه آبخیز سد گلال استان ایلام با استفاده از روش تصمیم گیری چند شاخصه ویکور انجام شده است. بر این اساس، از بین عوامل مختلف تعداد 8 پارامتر زمین شناسی، ارتفاع، شیب، بارش، فاصله از گسل، فاصله از آبراهه، فاصله از جاده و کاربری اراضی به عنوان مهم ترین پارامترهای مؤثر در وقوع زمین لغزش های منطقه، تشخیص داده شدند، سپس ضریب اهمیت هرکدام از عوامل مؤثر در وقوع زمین لغزش، با روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی سیستم ها به دست آمد که معیارهای زمین شناسی، شیب و بارش بیشترین ضریب اهمیت را کسب کردند. سپس بر پایه الگوریتم بهینه سازی ویکور، درجه سودمندی و پشیمانی انتخاب گزینه های برتر (زیر حوضه ها)، مشخص و در پایان با محاسبه میزان شاخص بهینه ویکور (Q)، زیر حوضه ها برحسب درجه حساسیت پذیری به زمین لغزش در سه کلاس کیفی حساسیت­ پذیری کم، متوسط و زیاد طبقه بندی شدند. نتایج نشان داد زیر حوضه های بان سوهان، پلکانه و حاجی بختیار بیشترین حساسیت پذیری و زیرحوضه­ های چگان، داره میرناصر و چگاه دارای کمترین حساسیت­ پذیری به وقوع زمین­ لغزش هستند. از انطباق نقشه های پهنه بندی و زمین لغزش های منطقه می توان به صحت نقشه حاصل پی برد و همچنین مشخص شد که مدل ویکور مورد استفاده در این پژوهش روش کاملاً مناسبی جهت پهنه بندی خطر احتمال وقوع زمین لغزش در حوضه موردمطالعه است.

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Mezbani Mehdi | Rezaei Moghadam MohammadHosein | HEJAZI ASADOLLAH

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In this study, quantitative assessment of soil erosion and sediment was done using the famous RUSLE model in the framework of GIS and remote sensing technology. The results showed the erosion values of the basin vary from 0. 001 to 257 (t ha-1y-1) at the pixel level and the average erosion in the study basin is 17. 62 (t ha-1y-1). Medium rangelands have high average erosion values for two reasons; One is due to the steep slope and consequently the runoff speed in the destruction and transport of particles, which intensifies the role of LS factor and weakens the vegetation factor and the other is the high values of precipitation, which shows the role of rain erosion factor (R). Classification of erosion values showed that about 42% of the study basin with value higher than 16 (t ha-1y-1) is in a severe situation in terms of soil loss. Therefore, due to the erosion situation in the study basin, the role of watershed management, soil protection, and watershed management operations with a focus on the upstream basin and in areas with high slopes is more necessary.

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Landslides are one of the most important slope movements. One of the landslide-prone areas is the area around the dams and their lake, which may cause damage to the dams. The purpose of this study was to identify areas prone to landslides in the area of Shahid Abbaspour Dam, Northern Khuzestan, Iran. This research was conducted using two methods of Hayeri-Samiei and Analytical hierarchical Process. Based on this, seven factors including lithological, slope angle, fault length, road and river length, rainfall factor, rainfall intensity and earthquake were prepared. In the Hayeri-Samiei model, these seven factors are investigated and the obtained weight of each of them is placed in the general equation and in the GIS environment is converted into a zonation map and potential areas in the range are identified. In the Analytical hierarchical Process method, based on pairwise comparisons between the seven factors mentioned, considering the opinion of experts, the weight of each factor is obtained and in Expert Choice software, pairwise comparison is performed and the final weight is obtained. After studies in two methods, the most landslide-sensitive areas are in Quaternary young alluvium and lithological factor is the most important factor in the study area. In general, high-risk areas are in the southwestern part of the dam and a small part in the north. In AHP model, like Hayeri-Samiei model, the lithological factor has the greatest effect on landslides in the region. Gachsaran Formation also has very low resistance to landslides after Quaternary alluviums. In terms of slope angle, areas located at slope angles of 36-45 are prone to landslide.

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The study area is located in the Sefidroud coastal plain in Guilan province. The required theoretical foundations and basic information have been collected based on library studies and reviews of similar researches. Landsat 5, 7, 8 satellite images with similar imaging seasons from 1987, 2002, and 2018 are the basis for remote sensing studies. The trend of land-use change in 2018 was predicted in the Idrisi TerrSet software based on the maps of 1987 and 2002, using the CA-Markov model. To determine the classification and modeling accuracy, 120 ground control random points were determined and validated by field measurement spatial reality in the study area. The river change forecast map has been obtained with fitting the model output of 2030 and the land use map of 2018. This fitting, the Sefidroud canal was divided into 4 sections in the study area, and predicted changes were examined. The integrated CA-Markov model has a good capability in terms of accuracy in predicting land use and morphology of Sefidroud. The probable changes are in the river, coastal lands, and man-made facilities and plains units in the study area. The process of these changes will be such that will undergo erosion, change in the meandering, and flooding of areas around the river. The river canal cross-sections has exhibited a decreasing trend of canal width until 2018. This is due to the reduction of Sefidroud discharge and the Caspian Sea level fall, increasing the channel width trend will occur according to the results of the CA-Markov model, until 2030. This indicates the possibility of increasing the average annual discharge of Sefidroud to about 100 (m3/s) and rising the Caspian Sea level above-27 (m) until 2030.

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Excavation in the river beds, rinsing sand and its transporting had the potential to cause physical destruction and spread in the surrounding aquatic and arid environments and mining of sand has caused environmental problems, including spreading dust. Tehran province is located on the southern slopes of Alborz. Also its alluvial sediments has extended from Alborz mountains to southern of Tehran province and create a suitable place for sand mines. Shahryar down town, like other parts of Iran, has many mines including silica, salt, sand and soil. Natural status and history of existence surface flows of north lands of the region, cause the accumulation of all kinds of sand mixtures in the form of alluvial sediments. In the northern part of the Shahriar alluvial lands are created by the Karaj river flood flows and now several companies are involved in sand exploitation of this region due to creating of Karaj Dam and the water cutting off from the mentioned lands. Shahryar down town like other parts of Iran has many mines including silica, salt, sand and soil. Currently, the number of sand mines is approximately 5 units. In general, the dust that penetrates into Tehran province is from the northwest direction in the direction of the Shahriar wind. This research has investigated the impact of Shahriar mines on dust intensification in Tehran province. Dust dispersion in Iran except foreign focuses have also internal origin, including dry lagoons, wasteland, sand mines and construction debris that is discharged around towns and villages without supervision. The results of the Shahriar wind showed that the dominant and semi dominant of the Shahriar wind is northwest in all seasons.

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Climatic hazard is an applied science that studies, recognizes and analyzes atmospheric phenomena under internal and external controlling factors in the long run and its thematic range is very wide. Therefore, in this field, methodological issues are among the scientific and intellectual tools from which no serious scholar in this field can exempt herself. Therefore, in this paper, using two types of methodologies based on positivism (statistical analysis-schematic) and meta-positivism (hermeneutic analysis and interpretation) method, subtropical high pressure changes in the warm period of the year and its effect on drought, in order to apply the results of this study Was used. The results showed that applied topics in climatological knowledge, including climate hazards, relying on a positivism methodology independently and using only statistical analysis and output of specialized software, are not able to systematic ideas in the field of management and environmental sustainability. Therefore, in this study, an attempt has been made to establish an organized trend in climatological studies in the direction of the meta-positivism method and better results by examining case samples from synoptic maps and diagrams extracted from various hermeneutic analyzes of Tropical pressure changes is obtained. Because the art of a climate expert is to convert passive texts into active texts for practical use of the results of climatic phenomena in other trends of geographical sciences such as geomorphological studies, urban geography, rural geography, political geography, etc. This, in turn, emphasizes the revival of the nature and core function of geography

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Urbanization is one of the consequences of the industrial revolution, which changed the development process and led to the expansion of migration to the city. One of the main results of the expansion of urbanization in recent decades is land use change in cities and their uneven growth, which has made managing urban growth one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. The present study evaluated the changes in the lands of Torbat-e Jam city during the years 2000 to 2019 and then predicts these changes until 1420 AH. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Landsat images, sensors, ETMs of 2000 and 2010 and OLI sensors of 2019 have been used to collect data in this study. After classifying the images, in order to find out the changes in the land use of Torbat-e Jam city and to predict the changes until 1420, the Markov and CA chain model has been used. The results obtained in the period of 2000, 2010 and 2019 show that the area of all land uses in the study area except barren land use has been increasing. Also, the forecast of the four floors of land cover, including urban lands, agriculture, barren and green space and gardens in the city of Tor bat-e Jam on the horizon of 1404, shows that the land use of the city will increase at the horizon of 1420, so that this land use will change by 192. 13%. Agricultural land use will have a decreasing trend with 71. 05% and green space and gardens with 53. 32% and barren land use area will have an increasing trend change with 100. 87%. Finally, with the Vision Development Index, the type of urban growth was determined. Also, according to this index, the growth type of Tor bat-e Jam city is of the edge type.

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The present study is a field research with a descriptive-analytical approach and seeks to answer the basic question: What are the key components of increasing physical resilience in the 10th district of Tehran in the future according to the current situation? In this research, in order to codify a theoretical framework at first, the subject is described in detail using the documentary method, literature and theoretical foundations, and then by relying on the environmental scanning technique and the Delphi method, the experimental data is extracted. The statistical population includes 20 urban experts and specialists. Also, the sampling method used is a purposive sampling. In the first step of the research, based on the review of theoretical texts and documents about resilience and dysfunctional urban texture with emphasis on the physical dimension, 41 variables were extracted and then in the next step, experts' opinions regarding the outcomes of these variables on each other through distribution of 20 Questionnaires were collected and finally the answers were analyzed using structural interaction analysis method in MICMAC software. In this analysis, the extent of direct and indirect effects of variables on each other and on the future trend of physical resilience in the district 10 of Tehran against earthquake was determined and then the key explanatory factors of the research topic were extracted. In the other words, out of a total of 41 influential initial variables, 11 variables were chosen as the key factors affecting the future trend of physical resilience in the district 10 of Tehran in the face of earthquakes. The aftermath of this study represents that the relationships of key components are so effectual and impressionable.

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Paydar Aboozar | IZADI ALI

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Saffron as the most valuable agricultural and medicinal product in the world is one of the plants that due to its adaptation to drought, has a significant role in the economic and social situation of arid and semi-arid regions, including Rashtkhar village. Accordingly, given that natural disasters have threatened the lives of humans, especially villagers, economically and socially, and sometimes disrupted their lives. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the psychological competence of rural saffron farmers according to production risk management strategies in Rashtkhar rural area. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method. In this regard, the factors affecting psychological ability in 355 saffron working families living in 13 villages with more than 100 households in this district were studied. The field data collection tool in this study was a researcher-made questionnaire whose apparent and content validity was obtained by obtaining the opinions of specialists, experts and professors and after several stages of correction and revision. Its reliability was confirmed using a preliminary test through 30 questionnaires, which is equal to 0. 86. For data analysis, the stakeholder matrix in the integrated model of ASM, SPSS software and for spatial analysis, software and Topsis-Fazi were used. Findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between the factors affecting the psychological empowerment of rural saffron farmers and risk-based production management. Also, the research findings show that among the factors affecting psychological empowerment, the factor of ability and decision-making in production risk-based management strategies by saffron farmers is more important. Therefore, the results show that it is better to hold training classes for empowerment in order to better use risk management among saffron farmers, not far from the minds of government officials and agents.

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Over the past decade, municipal waste production has increased dramatically due to increasing global population and the rate urbanization. Therefore, one of the important issues that has been used in recent years and has been discussed to increase the efficiency and productivity of transportation systems is the discussion of routing of waste transportation machines. In addition, poor management and inappropriate collection and storage since it creates environmental problems in the urban ecosystem is considered a global challenge, as the presentation of these urban services has been significantly neglected due to lack of sufficient data and information. The aim of this study was to provide an appropriate solution for proper collection of waste in 40 neighborhoods of Zabul city to minimize the time of mission and increase the satisfaction of citizens of such urban services. The research method is descriptive and applied studies based on attribution algenomy and field studies. In order to conduct this study, metaheuristic algorithm of colonial competition and Arc GIS software was used and all the related programming was done in MATLAB software environment. The results indicated that colonial competitive algorithm with 20 replications at 15 replications with a time equal to 4. 11 seconds with 71% confidence coefficient was obtained in the best possible state and showed the order of the best intersections. Confidence coefficient was obtained in the best possible state and showed the order of the best intersections. Confidence coefficient was obtained in the best possible state and showed the order of the best intersections.

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In recent years, most risk-related research has shifted its paradigm from a loss-reduction model to a more inclusive local community model. Accordingly, the views and theories of disaster management and sustainable development seek to create resilient societies against natural hazards. Resilience is the degree of resistance of systems, their ability to tolerate change and disruption and the continuity of relationships between individuals and variables. This study, considering such a definition for resilience, evaluates the resilience of seven neighborhoods of Sari city (intersection of section eight-Salman Fars-Piroozi, Tabarestan, central city center-municipality near Babol Gate, Moallem, Besat Free Zone-Nehzat and Shahband and Barrier) has dealt with natural hazards. The basis of spatial analysis in this research is the divisions of neighborhood planning units (according to the comprehensive plan of the city). The sample population is equal to the statistical population (18 experts in municipal, housing and urban planning, natural resources, etc. ). Seven indicators (building strength, land and urban infrastructure, open spaces, physical environment, uses, economic and social) were designed and the required data were obtained; finally, various indicators were weighted by experts to make environmental risk planning desirable. Evaluation of urban resilience and ranking of neighborhoods in Sari city has been done using WP and WASPAS evaluation models. The results show that out of seven neighborhoods in Sari, only one neighborhood (Chahar Rahbakhsh Hasht, Salman Farsi) is in very good condition and Tabarestan neighborhood is in good condition in terms of resilience. Also, according to the results of both models, the northern regions are in a very good and good condition in terms of resilience, while the southern and central regions are in a very weak and alert state.

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