Upon studying a number of wall painting which have been designed and carried out to complete the architectural areas and their related ornaments of monuments in the city of Isfahan from Safavide period on, we will find out some determining factors in forming circumstance of these works, the most important of which are the special styles of European paintings. The European styles of wan paintings, were welcomed and protected by governors, authorities and aristocrats, therefore during those periods, most walls of the palaces, churches, aristocrats' houses, etc., were painted with pictures of feast parties, hunting, views and landscapes as well as portraits imitated by Iranian painters. When we analyse the political, economic and cultural status of that time, we encounter some impressive factors in propagating the foreign style of painting, specially the European painting which generally could be summarized as: a) the presence of Indian and European painters in the court; b) dispatching of Iranian painters to Europe so that they may learn the European painting techniques; and c) migration of Armanians of Jolfa and Armenia to Iranian cities specially the city of Isfahan as the capital, and construction of numerous churches with ornaments appertaining to the Western paintings.