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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 1938

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 2359

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The establishment of new cities is a measure to decentralize from mega cities and a solution against the complex dilemmas such as irregular migration of villagers into cities, vast need to housing, and the transfer of some of the polluting industries and prevention from the formation of self-sprouting cities in the urban region of mother city. It is clear that the private sector is pursuing profit. It has neither motivation to enter such an area nor it feels that it has such a mission .So; the involvement of the government into urban development area is inevitable. However, such an intervention is the source of the emergence of shortages and may damages. The most important challenges in this area is to view new cities as big, temporary, isolated, artificial and far from identity and spirituality sleeping places. In such a place, the role of taste and desire of people is highly colorless. The lack of interest of people to house in these cities and their lack of residents in some of them is exactly a reflection of the lack of city planners to cultural, social and human planning and therefore the emphasize on the industry-oriented ideology in the establishment of these cities. The main objective of this article is to study the rate of government success in urban development in post-Islamic revolution period through descriptive and analytical method. The results show that in building new cities, the government has not paid attention to the peoples’ views on design and also to the employment of technical standards.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 257

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In recent literature of urban design, access to an integrated structure of the urban public spaces is stated as an important step in achieving urban sustainable development and also promoting the quality of urban public spaces. Despite the newness of the concept, in the history of Iranian urban development, the specific models related to this subject can be observed. The measure taken by Atabakan Fars in urban development (six and seven centuries AfterHijra) in Shiraz was one of the important references in the formation of this network based on the mosque court. The research method of this article is a historical analysis of the architectural spaces and urban changes of Shiraz in Atabakan age based on the first hand contemporary sources.The results of this historical research based on the concepts of urban contemporary design shows that with the formation of the indicative public building such as New Atabakn mosque by following the model of Atiq mosque, a new version of public space was established. Analyzing the architectural space of New Mosque shows that the court was prior to hypostyle hall(Shabistans -nightly prayer chamber). and was acting as the urban public circle. With the discovery of the tombs of Shah-e Cheragh and Seyed Mir Mohammad in that period with Atiqu mosque, the connection of the courts of two tombs through market of Sar Hoze- Aqa and also the connection of Shah-e Cheragh court with the court of New Mosque through market of Sar-e Chahrrah, gave rise to the formation of a pivot vertical on the pivot of Al-e Bouyeh (Buwayhid)age and an integrated connection network of urban public spaces was formed in a combination of open spaces of mosque courts and tombs and market connecting elements. This network used to act in promoting the higher quality of the center of Shiraz. It is one of the creativities of urban design in the history of Iranian urban development. In fact, it can be said that the identity of the integrated network of Iranian city public spaces of Atabakan age, in addiction to include the old public spaces, connects the new spaces through bazaar as the most active and lively urban public space.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 481

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The historical sources (549 B.C.) introduce Hegmataneh or Hamadan of the Islamic period as one of the oldest cities and perhaps the first city founded by the Iranian ethnic groups. There is no doubt that part of this fame is due to the attribution of this city to the Medes and the first Iranian dynasty. The archeological activities to discover the works of Medes’ Hegmataneh has a record of a hundred year. However, these activities have not lead to the discovery of works in this city. This issue besides other ambiguities which has been formed on the presence of the great kingdom of the Medes has perplexed the researches on Medes; without no doubt, access to any kind of data on the capital city of Medes can provide better understanding of the political structure and the nature of Medes government.Efforts have been made through field studies and analysis of existing documents to present reliable documents on the capital city of the Medes, its locating and structure and lack of discovery of works in that city. The existing documents leave no room left for any doubt about the presence of Medes government and its capital city and they confirm the agreement of its place with the present Hamadan city. On the other side, documents show that all sovereignty centers and castles were built on the hills and defendable heights and the housing area of the ordinary people were formed near them. Since the present Hegmataneh hill had been formed in Ashkanid age an on a natural bedground, and as Pisa hill is in lack of works of Medes age, so the only possible option is Mosala hill. Based on the existing documents, since Ashkanid period up to Qajar period, this place was the place for the establishment of the city castle. The remains of such a castle has remained up to recent decades on the hills surfaces based on writings and air photos. Based on this, the place of settlement of ordinary people can be located at the place of the old texture of the city with the centrality of the Jam-e mosque.

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بازدید 305

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 1368

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One of the characteristics of Islamic arts is the present of geometrical images in the Iranian arch decorative elements such as vaults, Yazdibandi and Chinese Knots. This article is dealing with the features of the Islamic decorative geometry from a newer perspective. The reason is that the geometry of Islamic decorations is something beyond Euclid geometry which deals only with the study of classic shapes. To prove this claim, the knots have been selected on one side due to diversity, multiplicity, complexity, tone, balance and use of various types of geometrical images and on the other hand due to the vast studies made by authorities on this area. The results of the research show that one of the geometrical features of knots is their comparison with the features of Fractal geometry. Fractals are the unconventional non-Euclid, irregular and at the same time regular geometrical shapes whose most important similarities their self-similarities. These features in the Islamic decorative geometry have not been made randomly, because in addition to the fact that Islamic artists have enjoyed mathematical knowledge, they have also used the nature as a source of main inspiration. This indicates that in the past, the artists have been well aware of the vast dimensions of the features of their own geometrical designs. As for this feature, they had used the non-Euclid features in their designs five hundred prior to their western counterparts.

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بازدید 302

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The vertical development or high-rise building constructions in recent years have been changed into one of the most important strategies and plans of urban development in recent years. Having various advantages, if being weak in planning, this phenomenon will have negative impacts on the indexes of life quality and in particular district identity. Reviewing the effects of type of settlement on district identity, this research tries to study and analyze the effects of high rise buildings on the district identity of the residents in the District 7 of Tehran from this perspective. The method of this research is of the type of descriptive-analytical, survey and comparative one. The necessary data was collected by using questionnaire instrument out of 384 residents with more than 20 years of residence in the district 7. The sampling method is multi-stage cluster method. In the statistical analysis, the test of average differences (T) was used. The results of the research show that the district identity in the district 7 of Tehran Municipality has undergone certain changes as a result of high-rise building constructions. The average score of the indexes of the rate of participation and collective spirit, sense of belonging, identifying the border of district and responsibility-taking in the apartment settlement is less than conventional settlement. The fall of the rate of such indexes in line with apartment settlement confirms the declination of the district identity in the district 7 of Tehran.

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بازدید 331

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The introduction of unknown ideas within the format of modernism into the Iranian culture and literature, in addition to the subjective manifestation has placed in its objective manifestation into the physical feature of the Iranian city through Iranian and Islamic architecture and urban development. It has established a new form of city which can be termed as the modern city of the third world. As for the influence of such effects, Tehran, in our country was pioneer. So, in this article, efforts have been made to analyze and study the trend of formation and physical-space changes of Iranian –Islamic cities with an emphasize on Tehran and the quality of organization and the rate effects of different factors in particular modernism on urban elements. For this purpose, using descriptive-analytic method, the quality of formation and establishment of Tehran and the impacts of different economic, political, social and cultural factors before and after modernism have been studied. As for the objectives of the study, this article is of the type of developmental studies. In order to collect data and necessary information, the library technique and interview method as the qualitative method have been used. Based on the performed studies, it can be said that in last 200 years, since Tehran has been the main spot of the change in concepts and the spread of new concepts –either good or bad and as a witness to modernism, so this city presents a clear image of space-physical thoughts of modernism periods.

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بازدید 286

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Children with capabilities, needs and different maturities based on the stages of age growth, method of life conditions and social texture of the place of residence have much more complex psychological needs than biological and physical needs. Though the urban environments, in addition to the adults have small and sharp children addresses which are more than adults under the effects of environmental variables, but the modern city does not know how to receive a child, and prefers to keep him/her in the protected places such as playground up to the age of encountering with the urban environment. Given this assumption that the urban spaces as a ground to grow children by meeting his/her needs help with his/her physical and social growth, this article tries to deal with the qualitative components of open spaces of cities such as: possibility of the free activity of child in connection with these spaces, the presence and importance of the nature, participation of children as citizens in design and using these spaces and redefining the supervision of adults on children in using these spaces.In total, these components cause the enhancement of interaction of child with the open spaces of cities. Finally, certain proposals are presented in line with the promotion of the quality of urban open spaces in interaction of child for Iranian cities, using the traditional architectural teachings and cultural background, recreation of the concept of view to children and also the enhancement of the quality of open spaces of cities as a child friendly places.

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بازدید 293

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Goharshad mosque whose founder is “Goharshad Aqa” is full of Iranian architectural sacred arts. This mosque has four porticos. The southern and main portico is called “Maqsoureh” portico and is full of architectural arts in particular tile woks of sudatory (Moaraq) with images of tile and brick, the knot of geometry of images, various types of inscriptions in scripts of Sols, Kufi, Naskh and kinds of flowers, knowt and scripts of Moaqali, Rasmi Bandi, Band-e Roumi images and finally the unique altar and inlaid wooden pulpit, the artistic works of incredible carpenters. The unique vaulted building has brought about a global fame to this mosque. The counter of the portico has diverse inscriptions. The continuation of minarets in particular Agon dome with Moaqali selected flowers images and building scripts, has doubled the magnificence of the mosque. Two eastern and western porticos fully similar to each other, using plinths, entablature constructions of bricks and tiles, column capitals, arcading, stalls building and spandrel walls are built with various beautiful images. In total, the use of trifurcation lines has given a unique value to this mosque. The Qeble portico is connected to Razavi hall of audience with round grape bunch Moaqli images and building trifurcation scripts Ro and Varo from the holy verse of Jomah from holy Quran and many other images has perfected the beauty of this mosque. The install construction with in two stories with various designs and tile works images and many other decorations has intensified the glory of this mosque.

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