Globalization, as a comprehensive phenomenon, has influenced all aspects of humanity's life and has posed fundamental challenges to different cultures across the world. In such a situation, Iranian culture, as any other culture, faces the challenges resulting from globalization. The main issue is whether this culture will continue its existence after encountering globalization. Cultures could be hopeful to survival if they possess the necessary capabilities and potentials for adapting themselves to the changes caused by globalization, however, in the absence of such potentials and capabilities, there would be no hope in their survival. Studies into Iranian culture reveal that it is among the cultures that possess a high degree of potentials and capabilities for adapting themselves to globalization. Through the study and review of thoughts and works of great Iranian scholars and figures, as all-showing mirrors of Iranian culture, it is possible to understand and discover these potentials and capabilities.This paper investigates thoughts and ideas of Saadi, the well-known Iranian poet and scholar, who has left such great masterpieces as Gulistan (The Rose Garden) and Boostan (The Orchard), as symbols of Iranian culture. Studies into Golestan and Boostan indicate that globalization and global ideologies are inseparable components of Iranian culture. Golestan and Boostan, on the one hand, introduce global values that are shared by all human beings and emphasize the significance of living according to these values and, on the other hand, call on all people to realize these values while disregarding limitations of time and place. In addition, the social aspect of human life and the necessity of living with others have been defined in such a way that it pictures the significance of unity of humanity. Therefore, Iranian culture not only has the potentials to adapt itself to globalization, but also possess the required capability to overcome challenges and influence the world.