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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this research is studying and assessment of cognitive and affective dimensions and also, the behavioral aspect of national identity as a new dimension and comparison of their developmental trend in the early and late of adolescense and early of youth. In this research, we used of the researcher made questionnaire of national identity, and cognition of symbols and myths. 700 students included 358 boys and 342 girls from third grade of secondry school and high school of Theran and also public and Islamic Azad universities were selected with random cluster sampling method. Results of this study indicated that national identity has three cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions. Development of national identity showed decreasing trend from early adolescense to early youth but cognition of symbols and myths showed increasing trend. The mean of behavioral dimension was the most and cognitive dimension was the least.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (50)
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Globalization, as a comprehensive phenomenon, has influenced all aspects of humanity's life and has posed fundamental challenges to different cultures across the world. In such a situation, Iranian culture, as any other culture, faces the challenges resulting from globalization. The main issue is whether this culture will continue its existence after encountering globalization. Cultures could be hopeful to survival if they possess the necessary capabilities and potentials for adapting themselves to the changes caused by globalization, however, in the absence of such potentials and capabilities, there would be no hope in their survival. Studies into Iranian culture reveal that it is among the cultures that possess a high degree of potentials and capabilities for adapting themselves to globalization. Through the study and review of thoughts and works of great Iranian scholars and figures, as all-showing mirrors of Iranian culture, it is possible to understand and discover these potentials and capabilities.This paper investigates thoughts and ideas of Saadi, the well-known Iranian poet and scholar, who has left such great masterpieces as Gulistan (The Rose Garden) and Boostan (The Orchard), as symbols of Iranian culture. Studies into Golestan and Boostan indicate that globalization and global ideologies are inseparable components of Iranian culture. Golestan and Boostan, on the one hand, introduce global values that are shared by all human beings and emphasize the significance of living according to these values and, on the other hand, call on all people to realize these values while disregarding limitations of time and place. In addition, the social aspect of human life and the necessity of living with others have been defined in such a way that it pictures the significance of unity of humanity. Therefore, Iranian culture not only has the potentials to adapt itself to globalization, but also possess the required capability to overcome challenges and influence the world.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (50)
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With the removal of the theoretical shortage of the rational main stream theories such as realism that emphasize on material and power benefits, constructivism appears from the beginning of the 1990s. The Constructivism known as a new perspective in international relations and foreign policy. This approach contains important axioms such as importance of rational and normative structures beside material structures, importance of international and internal norms that form identity of states.Considering to this point, with the victory of Ahmadinejad in the ninth election's presidency, he emphasis on the justice and his government named Osoulgara (fundationalits). Thus, the ninth government of the Republic Islamic of Iran paid attention to the principles such as return to the primary ideals of the Islamic revolution, aid to the revolutionary movements and notice to justice. In this regard, the question is that whether we can use of constructivism to analysis the foreign policy of the ninth government of the Republic Islamic of Iran or not?In the other words, can constructivism be suitable instrument for analysis of this period of the foreign policy of Republic Islamic of Iran? The hypothesis is that in attention to the theoretical factors of constructivism; this approach can be suitable theory for analysis the foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran in that period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (50)
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This article examines the effects of international migration on gender identity. As migration often provides opportunities for changes, the key question here is whether and to what extent migration leads to change in gender identity. In particular, the study focuses on the status of those female immigrants who have been exposed to two typically different patterns of gender identity in the origin and the destination societies. The article also highlights other important factors affecting the transition process of gender identity upon migration. Using the model suggested by K. Davis (1984), this study employs female labour force participation to measure gender identity.Generally, the multivariate results of this study based on logistic regression analysis emphasis on the two key points. First, the association between migration and gender identity tends to be mainly explained by the "socio-cultural distance" between the origin and the destination societies, termed by Berry (1992) and Chiswick et al. (2003). The results show that the distance between the origin and the destination societies determines significantly the effect of migration to change gender identity: the greater the former, the less important the latter. Second, although both language skills and duration of residence in the destination country have positive effects on the status and success of all immigrant groups irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds, the effects vary markedly by the "socio-cultural distance". This means that those female immigrants who experience greater "sociocultural distance" between the origin and the destination societies are more benefited in the labour market from both the longer duration of residence and better language skills. This echoes the fact that these two factors play key roles to narrow increasingly the gap between immigrants' origin and destination societies (i.e. "acculturation": Gordon 1968), that also lead to improve their status and success in the new society and its labour market.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (50)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of this study is identifying and assessing the tendency of teenagers and youths toward western culture models, among martyrs and self-devotion families in the province of West Azerbaijan. Statistical population is chosen among all martyrs students (15-19 years old), in the western Azerbaijan province (2,145,012 students) that 200 is selected by using multistage sampling method. This investigation is based on the survey study and data collection has been done by questionnaire. The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that predictor variables in four stages significantly could predict dependent variables (the tendency to imitate Western models). In the first stage, using of local radio, has showed the highest correlation with the criterion variable (R2=0.21). In the second stage, using the local radio and self-alienation have showed highest tendency to imitate Western models (R2=0.37). In the third stage, the use of local radio, self-alienation, religious commitment and intimacy parents, predicted 51 percent of the variance dependent variable (R2 =0.60). In the end, four variables (the use of local radio, self-alienation, commitment to faith, the intimacy of parents and religious commitment) predicted strongly the dependent variable (R2=0.60).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (50)
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Identity, as a collection of qualities and indexes, distinct an individual or group from other individuals and societies, meaning in place, in addition to the character of visual, is affected by the mutual interactions of human behavior and activities. Identity in place have created a sense by making and remembering public memories in the users. To answer this question that whether Bazaar is a place for national identity, This article with considering the factors which make sense in place, present conceptions like place, identity and national identity and memory and what has been achieved via questionnaire and the method of psychology and biology canvas, has been responsive in Kermanshah Bazzar as one of the most important urban spaces with national and cultural identity. The results of this research show that:- The place has a dynamic identity that has been formed in the past and has been affected by the life, activities, behaviors, experiences and memories in the place, and finally has been formed the identity.- Bazaar as a meaningful place, in fact, represent Iranian identity in a historical continuity and represent himself on the art and architecture of this land.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (50)
  • Pages: 

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Inrtoduction: The main aim of this research is the survey of Socio-Cultural Factors Related to the national identity of the military youth in the town of shahid mahalati Tehran.Method: This research has followed a survey method using questionnaires. The participants of this study are military youths living in the town of shahid mahalati tehran.Data are collected by a structured questionnaire from 400 Military Youth who were systematic-randomly selected.Results: As a result, a significant correlation was found between, Marital status, income, Status of the Class, Relative Deprivation, Social Capital and religious orientation and Youth National Identity. The results of regression equation showed that, factors including: Relative Deprivation, religious orientation, Mass Media, Social Capital have influence on the Youth National Identity, respectively. These factors explaine 37 percent of the variation changes in the dependent variable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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