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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Tectonic Geomorphology is one of the Emergent Disciplinesin Geosciences; Region is very sensitive to Tectonic Process such as Faulting, One evidence of the Areasensitivityof the active tectonic processes, the watershed Shape is affected by it. Active Tectonic Basin due to Uplift is Oblong and Inactive Tectonic Basin due to Erosion is Circular. Some tectonic indicators can give researchers information about the shape of the basin. Including indicators of Basin Shape Ratio, Basin Shape and Factor, Compactness, Circular Ratio and Elongation Ratio. Position of the Iranian plateau in the plate of Arabic, African and Eurasian Has great influence on the movements of these plates with continental crust Shelf As a result, the country has become a most dangerous and volatile environmentIn the tectonically. Hence, due to such risks is critical. The remarkable thing is that the long-term effect of active tectonic regions Before examining the hazardous occurrence and tectonic activity areas noted. One of the effects of active tectonics in the drainage basin scale Effect on the shape of the basin Thus, the area affected by tectonic activity and young because Uplift they tend to stretch And tectonically active basins lacking As a result, they become round wear. In this study, using the profiles of the basin shape ratio, shape factor, form factor, Compactness, Circular Ratio Elongation Ratio amount of Neotectonic activity in the Roodak basin Located in the north of Tehran were studied And validity of these indicators next to Common index Basin Shape ratio was measured. Results for sub watershed studies on Amameh, Garmabdar and Meygoon and Ahar indicates that although this indices Fractional Basin shape ratio sync, the study of tectonic activity watershed not used But can detect the influence of neotectonicOn watershed Drawn on the basis of active tectonic basins Be examined in conjunction with other Neotectonic indices. If the criteria strain Amameh sub basin to the Garmabdar sub basin not stretch well represented. Conclusion: In this study, Calculating of Indices based on the shape of the basin, Confirms the active tectonics theory Based on Active Tectonic in Oblong BasinsVersus Inactive Tectonic in Circular Basins. This indicator is shown as well. In this study also, the Highest Value of Shape Factor, Compactness and Basin Shape Ratio Indices and Lowest Value of Form Factor, Circular Ratio and Elongation Ratios Owned Amameh Basin that indicate Oblong shape of Amameh Sub basin. Basin Shape Amameh also confirms this subject; Versusthe opposite of this position for Garmabdar Basin There Are. Garmabdar Basin Shape Confirms the existence of circular shape. Result and Discussion: There is evidence of numerous works, such as broken stones on steep walls, Not been sedimentary, tectonic springs and oases such as Ahar and Amameh, Traces and fractures caused by faulting in pieces of Rocks With known faults rooted in the Central AlborzAnd many others active tectonics confirm in the Basin Roodak. Obviously, this movement influence on the Basin Shape. The results show that the indicators used in this Study Except Common indicators of Basin Shape Although the as yet Have not been used to estimate the active tectonics; Can be used for this purpose. But Maximum performance for basins that have different shapes to each other. For Example Amameh and Garmabdar Basins. About The basins are similar to each other, This Indices show Different Value. For Example Meygoon and Ahar Basins That Based on Some Indices Meygoon has Maximum number of Elongation and Based on Some Other Indices Ahar Basin Has Maximum number of Elongation. However, based on these indicators every four basins are tectonically active. But with different intensities in Those Shapeaffected. This is due to the many fault lines in the area is clear. Hence the Researcher Can Use This Indices Next to Other Indices for calculating Active Tectonic in Various Region. Methodology: To evaluate the impact of neotectonic on the BasinsInitially in the form of research libraryattempted to evaluate the effectiveness of the basin of tectonic processes Given that there are numerous faults in the area mentioned in various sources, this is a definite influence. In order to investigate further in order to find evidence of active tectonics in the regionField studies were conducted in the basin. Then, using a 2. 5-meter resolution satellite imagery in Kartosat Roodak mountainous watershed boundary identified. And then through wms9. 1 software and Arcgis10. 0 DEM resolution of 10 m the study areaBasin and its Sub basin and its drainage Networkwas extracted. Then, using indicators of Basin Shape Neotectonic activity in the catchment area of each sub Basin Roodak was investigated.

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Introduction: The most prominent features in the Southwest of Khuzestan province are variety of sedimentary environments. There are usually many questions about the type and origin of sedimentary condition. The study of the morphoscopic and Granulometric evidence is one way to answer these questions. These methods are frequently used to identify the sedimentary condition (Blott & Pye, 2001). Therefore, the present study aimed to determine sedimentary conditions of Karkheh river delta at the upper Holocene. The Holocene Era has not had stable climate conditions and the sea level rise about 6, 000 years ago. At this time, Persian Gulf expanded to near Ahwaz and the Hawizeh lagoon (Kennett & Kennett, 2006, 74). During middle Holocene (5500 years ago), coastline started retreating. The Karun Delta has developed and displacements as well as diversion paths are emerging along the Karkheh river bed (Heyvaert and Baeteman, 2007, 167). The development of the Karkheh River Delta has caused changes in particle size and sedimentary conditions (Iranmanesh et al., 2015). However, there is still no conclusive evidence of the sedimentary conditions. This study specifically seeks to respond to the paleo sedimentary conditions using morphoscopic and Granulometric evidence in southwest of Khuzestan province. Methods and materials: The study is based on remote sensing, soil laboratory as well as the soil primary data collected from abandoned channel in Karkheh River. The abandoned channel (Jofeir River) was selected on the basis of nearby karkheh river which has been identified in the beginning through the Landsat data. Field operations on the abandoned Jofeir River were undertaken to completing the required research information such as GPS points and sediment core samples. The six samples were collected from 1-10 m depths. Sediment core collection have been performed by a Drilling Machine and digging a Bore to depth of ten meters from mentioned region. After that, the core samples were transferred to the ground surface and they were placed in special boxes, in depth order. Soil laboratory operation included Granulometric, soil texture, soil bulk density, XRD and morphoscopic tests. Granulometric and soil physical experiments were performed using dry and wet sieve, desiccator and morphoscopic experiments using thin sections, binocular and polarizing microscopy. Grain and texture size analysis was performed using Gradistat and American Hydraulic Properties Calculator. KEView software was used to analysis of morphoscopic properties of Sedimentary particles such as roundness, sphericity, and form. Results and discussion: Physical and Granulometric: The results showed; Sedimentary sequence and features can be divided into two main parts: one from the surface to the depth of 4 meters and another one from depth of 4 meters to depth of 10 meters. The first part includes fine particles of silt loam texture and second part includes coarse particles of sandy loam texture. Morphoscopic: The results showed that 77% of the particles in the depth of 1 to 2 meters had high sphericity. The ratio of spherite in the sedimentary sequence decreases with depth and reaches about 30% at 9 to 10 m depth. Roundness of sedimentary particles in the Jofeir area showed that the proportion of sedimentation in the sedimentary sequence increased with depth. As in the depth of 1-2 meters, about 70% of the particles are semi angular and angular, but at a depth of 9-10 meters more than 90% of the particles are very angular. XRD analysis The samples were mostly mixed phases composed of various minerals including quartz. The absorption frequencies of the peaks in the spectra of each depth in wave number unit are reported. By comparing the observed frequencies, the minerals such as quartz, feldspar, kaolinite, calcite and Vermiculite have been identified. Conclusion: Research conducted by Kennett & Kennet (2006) found that environmental conditions such as climate and sea level of the Persian Gulf were not constant. Obviously, changes in environmental conditions have a direct impact on the type of sediments and their physical, chemical, mineralogical and morphoscopic properties. Therefore, the present study has investigated the granulometric, mineralogy and morphoscopic properties of sedimentary particles deposited in Karkheh flood plain in Jofeir region. Particles size distribution varies in the vertical sequence, from fine-grained to coarse-grained. Soil texture also changes from silty loam to sandy loam. So, these trend indicate the difference between two depositional environmental. These depositional environments affect not only the granulometric, but also the morphoscopic. The high angularity of the sedimentary particles at depths of 6 to 10 m relative to the depths of 1 to 6 m, together with the increase in darkness and high particle sorting at the same depth, reflects the conditions of the paleo-aeolian environment. Keywords: Khuzestan Plain, Sphericity, roundness, Sedimentary Environment, Morphoscopy.

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Flood plain is a key ecological component in arid and semi-arid areas, with soil and water flowing as the most important pillar of agriculture as well as the habitat of humans. However, what always threatens these ecologically sensitive areas is the occasional riot flood and irreparable financial and psychological damage. (Enzel et al, 1993: 2289). Undoubtedly, the occurrence of floods with rainfall intensity and frequency of storms and hydrological characteristics of the basin on the one hand, and anthropogenic activities and climate change caused by it on the other hand, has a direct relationship. It is also anticipated that suddenly occurred floods will increase dramatically in the near future due to global warming. (Kleinen and Petschel-Held, 2007: 286. deMoel et al, 2009: 291). Therefore, in order to understand this natural phenomenon, it is necessary to have reliable hydrodynamic models that can correctly estimate the flood occurrence to reduce its risk and hazard. Recently, advances in computational resources, data collection and the development of multiple numerical codes have increased the use of hydrodynamic modeling techniques to simulate flood plains. Numerous studies have examined and modelled the flood flows in Ligvan River with different viewpoints so far. However, in these studies, one dimensional modeling in which flood plain has not been considered has been used. These models do not provide details of flood spreading and flood changes between the river channel and the plains floods. This paper presents a quasi-two-dimensional modeling in Mike 11 software used for simulating the flood flow in the Lighvan River. In quasi-two dimensional simulation, main river and flood plain modeling are conducted separately, and their connection are connecting channels. In this approach, the flood plain around the main river are introduced to the model as two virtual rivers in both sides of the main river. In addition, the main and the virtual river (which represents the flood plain) are connected to each other by connecting channels. As long as the level of the water level in the main river has not reached the upstream level of the channel, discharge in virtual river is zero. As soon as the water level in the main river reaches the upstream level of the main channel, this part of flood enters the virtual river. In order to simulate a quasi-two-dimensional model for Lighvan basin, the flow rate of 200 m3/s (maximum flood occurred in this river) is considered as the boundary condition of the upstream, and Q-H is employed for the downstream boundary, which is calculated by the software by using Manning’ s relationship and cross-sectional information of desired location. In order to get better results, the roughness coefficient in the main part and flood plain were provided by using Chow table and field visits which was eventually introduced to the software. This research approved the potential of a quasi-two-dimensional hydrodynamic approach in comparison to one-dimensional and two-dimensional methods. Results indicated that flood dynamics in the flood plain plays an important role in flood simulation. Based on similar results, the amount of water flow in main channel of the river and at the upstream point is 112 m3/s, and the amount of water flow transmitted by the connections is equivalent to 87 m3/s showed a well-established continuity in these connective structures. Studies also show that a quasi-two-dimensional model is working similar to two-dimensional models in flood dispersion and also in inter and discharge flow from river channel, and offers acceptable accuracy in the calculation, while one-dimensional modeling with same cross sections does not show flood peak changes and does not take into account the decrease and increase in the volume of flood, occurred due to the dissemination and return flow to the river, and only shows the rerouting along the river course. Other results of quasi-two-dimensional simulation showed that, since the Ligvan River is in high mountains and has a relatively high slope, its floods have less concentration time (one and half hours after the simulation) in the one hand, and relatively have a high velocity on the other hand which increases the ability of flood destruction. Also, the results depicted that the highest risk of flood is in 6th and 7th sections and the lowest one is in first and second sections which are consistent with the realities. The zoning maps of the velocity, depth and risk of floods show that vegetation in different areas of the flood plain affects the characteristics of flood propagation. The results show that with decreasing vegetation, the depth of flood waves decreases while the discharge current increases. Increasing the high risk zone around the main canal is associated with reduced vegetation cover. In addition, many studies have shown that compared to two-dimensional models, the MIKE 11 quasi-2D is able to provide accurate information on streaming; In general, it works appropriately to estimate flood spreading area specially for flooding up to 325 cubic meters per second. But in particular, some hydrological processes, such as loss of evapotranspiration and interaction between river water and groundwater are ignored.

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Introduction: In recent decades, a new branch of tourism has been formed that has a conscious contact with inanimate nature. Geotourism has grown as a form of sustainable tourism during the past two decades and has become an important activity at the local, national and international levels. Researchers with their studies play a significant role in introducing, teaching and evaluating the geotourism potentials. Numerous studies have been conducted on geotourism over the last two decades, which has developed and expanded the literature of this concept. One of the fundamental needs in any scientific community is the continuous, objective and comprehensive performance evaluation of the scientific activities in the community, which plays the role of giving feedbacks to overcome the barriers on scientific advancements. Considering the growth the literature of geotourism over the years, a review of the related literature seems necessary. The present study aims at reviewing the literature on geotourism using the quantitative content analysis and presenting an overview of the subject. Accordingly, a number of 99 scientific-research and scientific-extension articles in a period of ten years (2007-2017) were reviewed. Materials and Methods: This study using the quantitative content analysis technique investigated and analyzed the geotourism articles published in scientific journals. The statistical population included all the articles on geotourism published in scientific-research and scientific-extension journals available on the online databases of scientific. In line with the research objectives, the available articles on geotourism in the databases of scientific included 99 articles, which were downloaded and the necessary information was extracted. The research time period is ten years (2007-2017). The indices used in this study include the process of publishing articles on geotourism, the key components in geotourism definitions, research methods, geotourism problems, and geographical dispersion of the study areas, participation rate of journals and the participation rate of universities. Excel software has been used to quantitative description of the indices and draw charts. Research Findings: Research findings showed an increase in researcher’ s attention and the growth in publishing geotourism articles in scientific journals. The publishing trend of geotourism articles is ascending and from 3 articles in 2007 it has reached 15 articles in 2017. Sustainable development, introduction of the phenomena and conservation them are the most commonly used components in the definitions geotourism. Destruction of phenomena, lack of knowledge about phenomena and shortage of facilities are the most important problems in geotourism in Iran, which are addressed to in the articles. Regarding the research methodology, about 43 percent of the articles had followed a combination research method (quantitative and qualitative) and 78 percent of the articles have practical goals. The nature and extent of the study area in research are included a variety of range from the catchment basin and landform till county and province that East Azerbaijan provinces with 10 articles was studied more than other areas. Geotourism articles were published in 42 journals that Geosciences Quarterly and Physical Geography Quarterly with seven articles had published the most articles. Researchers from 53 universities and institutions have participated in publishing article and developing the literature related to geotourism and the universities of Tehran and Tabriz published the most articles, In other words, 33 percent of geotourism article authors were related to these two universities. Discussion and Conclusion: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the geotourism articles published in a period of ten years from 2007 to 2017. The following results were obtained.  The publishing trend of the articles in the research period was ascending, which indicates the increase in researchers’ attention to this new branch of tourism.  Definitions of geotourism are often provided by foreign and domestic authors and the closeness of the components of the presented definitions indicates the geotourism researchers’ attention abroad to contiguity the international scientific literature.  Considering the significance of the fundamental and developmental articles, more attention has been need given to such articles.  Most of the studies were conducted in mountainous regions in the West and North West of Iran, while no studies were conducted on eight provinces.  Geotourism development calls for an investigation of geotourism problems and challenges and most important problems of geotourism in Iran, which were addressed to in the articles, include destruction of the phenomena, lack of knowledge about the phenomena and shortage of facilities.  Geotourism articles were published in 42 journals that Geosciences Quarterly and Physical Geography Quarterly with seven articles had published the most articles. Researchers from 53 universities and institutions have participated in publishing article and developing the literature related to geotourism and the universities of Tehran and Tabriz published the most articles.

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Introduction: Understanding and interpreting the response of geosystems and their changes to processes is one of the most important components of geomorphological knowledge. These damages may be the result of the omission or disregard of the geomorphic indices affecting these structures when choosing a route or not respecting their privacy. In the context of this study, the underlying issue is the multiplicity and sometimes contradiction of the experts' perceptions and insights. One of the differences in these interpretations is the challenges associated with the different attitudes and perspectives observed in the area of geomorphological hazards, including slope systems and rock fall on the roads. Generally, knowledge based on positivism emphasizes the importance of the method versus the nature of the research conclusions and results. This means that in this view, the research method is more important than the research result. Whereas, in transactional ways, understanding and its relevance to other topics, especially interdisciplinary studies, is given priority. This paper attempts to analyze quantitatively stable and unstable areas and then to qualitatively interpret the designated zones in order to apply the geomorphological hazard arena in this domain by analyzing the effective elements in the domain hazards using the network analysis process. The range is in sync with environmental sustainability. Materials and Methods: The study of area Given the climate of the on the western slopes of alborz can be considered as a semi-arid mountains. Geographical scope of the research section of freeway Rudbar-Rostam abad Valley Sefidrud geomorphological units located in the western Alborz form. In this paper the method of network analysis in order to analyze the occurrence of rock fall. in the first phase to measure and characterize the clusters and the elements. And 8 of the main elements involved in the thematic similarity of two clusters of environmental features and natural hazards were in place. Next, establish relationships and connections and dependencies between the elements. Other elements associated with elements which have an impact on them and they will work. The next phase of this model of communication in these clusters and the elements. Results and Discussion: After determining the norms of international relations through the questionnaire and the initial coefficients of each element of the paired comparisons were based on questionnaires, Coefficients of all elements in a compiled the Greats s matris and finally the use of mathematical operations in software, Non-weight initially and then the Greats matris of weight was formed. Finally, using this the Greats s matris, the Greats s matris partially was formed. This the Greats s matris a uniform rate for all elements in the show. After obtaining the final coefficients of each element with the ANP, These coefficients should be applied to each element of the data layer and the final map to be achieved in ARC GIS software. After preparation of the relevant raster layers, the layers based on the amount and type of influence were classified on the subject and the region. Finally, combining all the layers and all the coefficients obtained from the ANP Raster Calculator in the software ARC GIS, the final map was the grit. Conclusion: In general, applied topics in geomorphology knowledge, especially geomorphological hazards, have been strongly influenced by the mapping of zoning models, statistics and figures, the spirit of innovation, imagination, and theorizing. Therefore, the mere reliance on statistical methods and techniques of modeling makes it possible to replicate the position of this knowledge on issues such as landslide zoning and analysis, floods, wind erosion, etc. using decision making models of network analysis, fuzzy, etc. Has been. Because of geomorphology knowledge, interpretation of concepts and maps is a priority and this practice is being undertaken by researchers. In this study, we attempted to provide a more organized case study of geomorphological hazard management studies by providing case examples of interpretation and by applying hermeneutic levels and approaches. Because in examining the various levels of hermeneutics, the art of a geomorphologist is to turn passive texts into active ones for the use and application of geomorphic phenomena in other disciplines and trends of geographical sciences such as urban, rural, political and geographical studies. Also, a geomorphologist within the context of hermeneutics knowledge must have specialized interpretations of maps and diagrams that a non-expert cannot have a similar understanding of. In this regard, in order to make the active text more applicable than the interpretation of the geomorphological map of rock fall hazards zoning in Rudbar-Rostam Abad freeway, in order to link the findings of this knowledge with the findings of other geographical sciences from the perspectives of experts in these fields and to interview them.

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Introduction: Taleghan River is considered as one of the most important water resources for the irrigation of agricultural products in Qazvin plain. The construction of Taleghan dam and new roads and population deployment along the Taleghan River and landuse change have made it subject to alteration so that there is no awareness of Taleghan River morphological quality. It is located in west of Tehran located within 36° 00' 30" to 36° 15' 15" N latitude and 50° 30' 00" to 51° 15' 12" E longitude. It is 52 km long and originates from Asalak Ghaut in the west of Kandovan and flows into the west. After receiving numerous branches, the river finally joins the Alamut River, and then, along with Shahroud River flows into Sefidroud Lake Dam. Methodology a)-Field Survey We determined 6 river reach using field survey and satellite imagery. Sampling of the river reach was based on the impact of physical and human factors affecting river alteration. Data analysis was conducted using revisited morphological quality index (rMQI). The methodology was as follows. Satellite imagery in two different time intervals (2006-2016) as well as field survey indicators related to Change/Trend of Channel Adjustment Indicators (AI) and Human Pressure (PI) were identified. Next, we measured and calculated these indicators. Then, we scored them using revisited Morphological Quality Index (rMQI). Finally, the morphological quality of the Taleghan River between 2006 and 2016 was obtained using revisited Morphological Quality Index. b)-Revisited Morphological Quality Index rMQI method is based on 12 human pressure indicators, 10 indicators of channel adjustments, 10 indicators of functionality of a river's meandering style. It is a scoring system by which one can quantify river alterations which can be compared with the initial conditions. Using this method, it is possible to classify river alterations as very good, good, moderate, poor and extremely poor by human and physical actions. In this method, each index is assigned a point (0) a lack of alteration or pressure, and (9) the intense point for significant alteration or pressure. Finally, each indicator is calculated as the sum of points for each index obtained. Thus, if rMQI lies within the range of 0%-14%, the morphological quality of the river is in a very good physical state. For rMQI = 15%-% 29, it is in a good morphological quality. For rMQI = 30%-49%, it is moderate; for rMQI = 50%-69%, it is poor, and if rMQI is within 70%-100%, the morphological quality of the river is extremely poor. Results and discussion: Studies for 2006 showed that reaches 2, 5 and 6 had extremely poor quality and reaches 1, 3 and 4 have moderate quality, whereas in 2016, reaches 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 had very poor quality and reach 3 had poor morphological quality. It can be inferred that in 2016, human factors, besides the construction of bridges and rectifications activity to protect the river bank, wood removal and removal of riparian activity, have played a major role in the degradation of reach 1. Therefore, physical factors have not played a role in the degradation of reach 1 for 2016, but in 2006, the role of physical factors on river degradation is proven. In the second reach, for 2006 and 2016, both physical and human factors through meandering and human interference in upstream's basin, wood removal and removal of riparian activity have played a role in the degradation of reach 2. In the third reach, for 2006 and 2016, increased human interference in upstream's basin has played a major role in the degradation of the second reach and physical factors did not play a significant role in the third reach. In the fourth reach of 2006, the meandering indicator has played a major role in the degradation of the fourth reach, and human factors did not play a significant role in degradation of the reach, while in 2016, the impact of human interference is the greatest. In the fifth reach, for 2006 and 2016, human factors were overcome by increasing human interference in upstream's basin, wood removal and removal of riparian activity, and, as a physical factor, the meandering has played a major role in the degradation of the fifth reach. Studies carried out in the sixth reach showed that in 2006, in the human activities, increasing human interference in upstream's basin, wood removal and removal of riparian activity, among the physical factors, meandering is one of the main reasons for the degradation of the reach, and in 2016, in addition to increasing human interference in upstream's basin, meandering is one of the main reasons for the degradation of the sixth reach. In fact, we can conclude that river meandering, as human interference in the form of river morphological alteration and landuse change has the greatest role in poor and extremely poor morphological quality of the river. Not only is it an extremely poor morphological quality affecting the quality of drinking water, but also in terms of environmental point of view, it will create morphological crises such as soil erosion as well as more sedimentation in the dam reservoir, and most importantly, the river is about to be destroyed, which can degrade the environment and endangers the life of biodiverse species in Taleghan area. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the Taleghan River's reaches do not have a good quality. Considering the extensive land use change in the river's banks, it seems that solutions such as prevention of land use degradation in upstream's basin as well as protecting and improving native vegetation and its spreading are the best options.

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Introduction: Cities are always affected by various factors and expansions. As cities expand, their coming across various topographic units increase. Therefore the importance of knowing the characteristics of the natural environment, in order to identify suitable zones for the construction of buildings, is identified. Urbanization leads to widespread land use and adverse environmental impacts. In some cases, the expansion of urban spaces also results in environmental hazards and threats to human societies. Geomorphological studies are needed to identify most of the characteristics of the natural environment. Through this awareness, it is more feasible to take effective steps in choosing the most suitable place to create and expand cities and it's possible to lower the risk of natural processes and to counteract them. The present study, thus, attempts to use the LCM model with a geomorphological approach, evaluate the evolution of Paveh settlements during 1998 to 2013 and predict the future development of these areas by 2030. The purpose of this approach is to plan and organize the movement of the settlements towards the less risky areas. Methodology: To predict the expansion of residential areas with a geomorphological approach and environmental management, the following steps are taken. Initially, satellite imagery of 1998 and 2013 was produced. The next step was to pre-process the images where the data were examined for geometrical and radiometric errors. After preprocessing the images, the land use map of the area was prepared using a supervised classification method. Teaching examples are defined in 5 classes of agriculture, gardens, rangelands, residential areas, as well as unoccupied lands. By designing training samples using the maximum likelihood method, land use maps of the study area for 1998 and 2013 were prepared. The next step was to detect changes using LCM which was modeled in four stages. Initially, the changes in 1998 and 2013 were examined. Then using the MLP method, transition potential maps were prepared. Then, land use change forecasts were prepared for 2030. Finally, the predicted LCM map was compared with the existing reality map. The results indicate the acceptable accuracy of the prepared maps. Discussion: The city of Pave, located on the high Zagros zone and along the northwest-southeast, has shown the characteristics of the Zagros Mountains well. The geomorphological study of Paveh and its surroundings indicates the existence of a mountainous geomorphologic unit with active slopes as well as valley systems with active river systems as well as an active fault system at its surface. A combination of the above factors indicates that one of the most important challenges of Paveh city is limitation of topography and lack of suitable land for urban expansion. The land use map of the study area in 1998 showed that 4. 2 km2 of the entire area had been residential areas. It is estimated that the settlement area of Paveh has reached 6/5 km2 in 2013. Spatio-temporal comparison of Paveh city expansion trend shows an increase of 2. 5 km2 in this period and these results indicate significant spatial variability and consequently greater interference with geomorphological units. The estimated future expansion based on the LCM model for 2030 was 10 km2. The results showed that the transverse as well as longitudinal expansion of Paveh would be significant in 2030. This expansion of the settlement often corresponds to sensitive areas and this results in increased processes and increased risk levels. Conclusion: The results showed that the expansion of residential areas has been increasing rapidly, reaching from about 4. 4 km2 in 1998 to about 10 km2 in 2030. According to the maps prepared and the available information, Gardens and agricultural lands reduced as residential areas expanded. Surveys showed that the existing urban area in 2013 had a transverse and longitudinal expansion compared to 1998. This process, based on the forecast for 2030, will also occur at a much broader level than 2013. The topographical position and the increasing trend of population over the period under consideration have led to the development of residential areas, moving to more risky areas and increasing the risk factor. In other words, based on the geomorphological status of the area and morphological forms, the expansion of urban areas to high risk areas occurs. This study showed that despite the efficiency of this research as a precursor, the necessity of preparing a geomorphological urban plan with form and process approach is essential for Paveh and other Iranian cities.

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. Land use prediction models are essential for planning sustainable land use. This is especially needed in developing countries where activities such as deforestation, development of agricultural lands, and degradation which intensifies the phenomenon of desertification. Since land use changes occur on a large scale over time, the use of remote sensing science is essential in investigating this phenomenon. Using data such as multi-time and large coverage, this data can be used to prepare land use maps and survey them in different time periods at the lowest cost and in a short time, and from their ratio, changes can be predicted for the future. The results show that the region has a sensitive ecosystem, land use change is happening rapidly. Therefore, if the current strategy of land use in this region continues without consideration for sustainable development, severe land degradation and desertification of the region in the future is inevitable. In this research, we studied trend of land use change in Sirjan plain that located in the west of Kerman province during period (2017-1990 using Landsat satellite images (TM and OLI sensirs). likelihood maximum method applied to classifying these images. kapa coefficient was used to evaluate the accuracy of the maps and modeling. For predicting land use changes for year 2026, we used CA_Markov automatic cell. studing land use changes trend in Sirjan plain during (1990-1990) showed that the largest area covered by bayer lands with low coverage. this level user has decreased from 88. 04% in 1990 to about 84. 11% in 2017. During the study period, saline, urban area and agricultural lands has been increasing. saline land increased (with 6. 05%) in 1990 to about (6. 91 %) in 2017. The urban area were increasing trend observed with 0. 23% of the total area in 1990 to 0. 85% in 2017. The trend of changes in this use in the first period (2006-1990) has increased from 291. 51 hectares to about 952. 99 hectares in the second period (2017-2006). The results of evaluating the accuracy of the maps produced for 1990, 2006 and 2017 were 86. 7, 89. 7 and 88. 7, respectively, and the Kappa coefficient for these years was 0. 82, 0. 84 and 86, respectively. Simulation of land use changes for 2026 showed decresing trend observed in bayer lands with 2. 15% about 3792. 48 hectares and saline, urban area and agricultural Results increasing trend observed with 2. 62%, 64. 54% and 28. 55 %t, and 155. 74, 291. 51 and 3185. 32 hectares, respective. land use changing has important role in stability ecosystem and its services, and its negative effects are the reduction of the ecological and biological power of the earth, which is also known as the cause of desertification. Land use estimates showed that more than 90% this the area. Based on the prediction for 2026 showed decreasing trend in bayer lands and increasing trend in saline, urban area and agricultural lands. Therefore, if the current strategy of land use in this region continues without consideration for sustainable development until 2026, The rapid changes in land use in different parts of the world have attracted a lot of attention because it has a considerable impact on the physical and economic conditions ecosystems and communities in them. Land use change is a very important indicator for understanding the interaction between human activities and the environment. Land use prediction models are essential for planning sustainable land use. This is especially needed in developing countries where activities such as deforestation, development of agricultural lands, and degradation which intensifies the phenomenon of desertification. Since land use changes occur on a large scale over time, the use of remote sensing science is essential in investigating this phenomenon. Using data such as multi-time and large coverage, this data can be used to prepare land use maps and survey them in different time periods at the lowest cost and in a short time, and from their ratio, changes can be predicted for the future. The results show that the region has a sensitive ecosystem, land use change is happening rapidly. Therefore, if the current strategy of land use in this region continues without consideration for sustainable development, severe land degradation and desertification of the region in the future is inevitable. In this research, we studied trend of land use change in Sirjan plain that located in the west of Kerman province during period (2017-1990 using Landsat satellite images (TM and OLI sensirs). likelihood maximum method applied to classifying these images. kapa coefficient was used to evaluate the accuracy of the maps and modeling. For predicting land use changes for year 2026, we used CA_Markov automatic cell. studing land use changes trend in Sirjan plain during (1990-1990) showed that the largest area covered by bayer lands with low coverage. this level user has decreased from 88. 04% in 1990 to about 84. 11% in 2017. During the study period, saline, urban area and agricultural lands has been increasing. saline land increased (with 6. 05%) in 1990 to about (6. 91 %) in 2017. The urban area were increasing trend observed with 0. 23% of the total area in 1990 to 0. 85% in 2017. The trend of changes in this use in the first period (2006-1990) has increased from 291. 51 hectares to about 952. 99 hectares in the second period (2017-2006). The results of evaluating the accuracy of the maps produced for 1990, 2006 and 2017 were 86. 7, 89. 7 and 88. 7, respectively, and the Kappa coefficient for these years was 0. 82, 0. 84 and 86, respectively. Simulation of land use changes for 2026 showed decresing trend observed in bayer lands with 2. 15% about 3792. 48 hectares and saline, urban area and agricultural Results increasing trend observed with 2. 62%, 64. 54% and 28. 55 %t, and 155. 74, 291. 51 and 3185. 32 hectares, respective. land use changing has important role in stability ecosystem and its services, and its negative effects are the reduction of the ecological and biological power of the earth, which is also known as the cause of desertification.

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Introduction: Rivers are the first environmental forms that show a relatively rapid response to changes in the bedding or fluctuations in the outflow of the bed. Regarding the fixed-effect photos of the rivers relative to the occurrence of abnormal changes-mainly due to tectonics-can be explained by analyzing them using morphotectonic indices in relation to the occurrence of these changes ( Ramiez Heerea, 1998). Exploring the dynamic processes that affect the formations of Earth and its landscape can be achieved by the Active Tectonics or Active Geomorphology Tectonics One proven and widely used technique is the Morphometric analysis, which helps understand the development of the geomorphic features in the young mountain belt. Morphotectonics can be considered as the knowledge of the study of shapes and patterns created on the ground by tectonic processes. )keller and pinter., 2002. ( Mousavi (2006) reviewed the active tectonics in the northwest of Birjand. He points out that structural and morphological factors have been calculated, due to the structural arrangement in the area, the rate of the process of rising in the central part is higher. The principal objective of this study is to Evaluation of active area tectonics using morphometric parameters for the using classification of geomorphological indices considering the geological and physiographic study of watershed and tectonic analysis and geomorphology. Morphometry indicators of active tectonic is concern with the study of the geomorphological conditions of the study area, physical environment and landscape characteristics of the study area which includes drainage pattern, stream order, slope and aspect map. Methodology: In this paper, Birjand plain is divided into 36 sub-basins for ease of computing and comparing the results of using indicators which is from sub-basins 1B to 22B of northern part of plain of Birjand, which includes the mountain Shekarab, and from sub-basins 23B to 36B is the southern part of Birjand Plain, which includes the mountain range of Bakhran The data used in this research includes the topographic maps 1: 25000, geological map 1: 100000, fault map 1: 100000. the digital elevation model data (DEM of 30 meters of the region) for mapping the location of the region. We use the 10. 3Arc GIS software and modules such as 3D Analyst, Editor, Analysis Tools, and also Google Earth software. Result and discussion: The importance of morphotectonic studies is to achieve critical results that are often unavailable through other methods or require a great deal of time and cost. For this purpose, in the course of morphotectonic studies, indicators are being studied that can be of great help in reaching the outcome of the research. The results of calculating the indexes are such that the highest rate of AF in the northwest is the lowest rate of tilting in the north of the area. The T index is the most abnormal case in the northwest of the region. S index is the highest value in the west of the region and the lowest value in the north-central region. The maximum amount of Smf is in the north of the area and its lowest value is in the northeast of the basin. Calculating the VF index in the mountains of Shekarab showed that the highest number of valleys is located in these areas. hypsometric integral is the highest elevation in the northeast and the lowest in the north, the highest is Dd in the north and the lowest in the northwest. The highest value of Te is in the northeast of the basin and the lowest is Te in the northwest. The highest value of C is in the northwest and the lowest in the north. The highest value of Re is in the north and the lowest value of Re in the northwest. The Iat parameter is used to analyze geomorphologic indices and summarize their results in order to determine the relative status of tectonic activities in the region. The Iat parameter indicates that the northern plain of Birjand is morphometric changes in the active class, and in the future will have new changes. Conclusion: The results obtained from the study of geomorphic evidence show a relative classification of tectonic activity that is useful for studying and identifying the region. The geomorphic indicators used in this project reflect the tectonic activity of the region. In general, the results of geomorphologic indexes indicate that the study area of the study is active in the field of nautical construction, one of the reasons for which is the trusted fault and the extension of slip, and the activity level of the newly constructed motions in The waters of the basin are more active in this regard than anywhere else.

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Introduction: Flood is considered as one of the most common and costly risk, which results in harsh physical, social and economic damages and causalities in urban and rural areas. Hence, evaluation of flood risks is of great importance in line with risk management of flood and its potential effects on human, ecosystem and natural resources. Flood hazard mapping and risk area delineation is a risk that can be achieved through integrated GIS and remote sensing applications. In this regard, preparing flood risk plans is one of the most important measures for flood risk management, which can be taken in the form of GIS. The main function of GIS is storing and connecting several digital data bases and different subjective layers, graphical representation of such data in the form of maps and examining connection way of the layers. These layers are the main key elements needed for flood risk management. The aim of the present research study is to examine flood risk in catchment basin of Zunuzchai. The study area has been located at East Azerbaijan Province (political-administrative zone of Maranad county). The study area is about 323 square KM, being located at geographical coordinates of 380 and 32’-380 and 46’ northern width and 450 and 40’-450 and 59’ Eastern length. Materials and Methods: The ultimate goal of the present study is spatial evaluation of flood risk at Zunuzchai catchment basin. The data employed in this study are: topographical maps at scale of 1: 500000, geographical maps at scale of 1: 100000 (ref. Geology Organization of the country), area soil maps (ref. Regional Water Organizational of East Azerbaijan Province), Height Digital Elevation Model image obtained from ALOS-PALSAR satellite with spatial isolation power of 12. 5 m, Sentinel-2 satellite images with spatial isolation power of 10m, Google earth satellite images, meteorological data along with data of registered spate (hyetograph) and hydrometric data along with floods hydrographs. In the present study, HEC-HMS along with HEC-GEoHMS hydrological modeling methods were used for evaluation and identification of flood-prone areas or areas with higher potential of changing rainfall to runoff. After entering the spatial data into the HEC-HMS model, other parameters of the model were determined. In this study, SCS curve number for losses, SCS unit hydrograph method for conversion, monthly constant for base flow and Muskingum method for flood routing were used. This model is a mathematical model, which can restore amount, peak flow, and time of reaching peak flow through simulation of the catchment basin behavior. Moreover, for spatial evaluation of the study area flood potential, fuzzy overlay technique of subjective layers was used in GIS. Results and discussion: Results of rainfall-runoff and fuzzy zoning of flood risk at Zunuzchai catchment basin might be summarized as follows:-Although sub-basins with higher area have higher peak flow, there is not significant correlation between sub-basin area and peak flow amount. This shows that the role of other basin factors in runoff generation amount and its transfer manner is of great importance. In this regard, slope, land use, plant coverage and sub-basin form is of great importance due to higher influence on parameters such as permeability, rainfall loss, delay time and concentration time.-Most of the downstream sub-basins have lower runoff generation power. Lower slope, higher permeability and plotted agricultural lands and gardens are among the main reasons of increased loss and decreased runoffs resulted from rainfall.-Flood peak of Zunuzchai catchment basin for rainfalls with return period of 2 years (about 15 mm) is about 42 cubic meter per second, which increases to 129 cubic meter per second for rainfalls with return period of 10 year (30. 4 mm). Such amount of flow does not cause such flood risk for residential areas in the floodplain. However, peak flow of flood for rainfalls with return period of 50 year and above reaches 200 cubic meter per second and even more. In case of not observing river privacy, especially in the downstream area, this might result in serious risk. The origins of such floods are upstream and middle-stream of the study basin.-About 3. 5% of the Zunuzchai catchment basin is in too high risk class, 7. 3% is in high risk class, 10. 4 is in normal risk class, 17. 9% is in low risk class and 60. 9% is in very low risk class. In fact, the major part of the study catchment basin in the upstream is at low and very low risk classes. This mainly can be related to high altitude, steep slope, higher plant coverage density, higher bulge, lower drainage density and less depth of valleys. The zones prone to flood have been distributed mostly at the downstream areas and also around main waterways in the middle parts of the study basin. Conclusion: Findings of the study indicated higher efficiency of the employed approach in identification of flood-prone zones. The flood prone zones are in sub-basins of middle stream of Zunuzchai catchment basin. Presence of geological formations, soils with lower permeability, higher slope, lack of plant coverage or weak plant coverage, concentration time and less delay time are among the most important reasons of much runoff and rapid lead of runoffs caused by rainfall in this basin. Flood prone zones of the study area are mostly accordant to floodplains adjacent to the main waterways and Alluvial fan of Zunuzchai. From this point of view, about 11% of the study basin is in too high risk and high risk classes. Adjacency to river, gentle slope, higher drainage density, lower values of the land bulge index, and higher values of valley depth index and joining the two main waterways in the study basin facilitate flood spread in these zones. Presence of residential areas adjacent to the main waterways of the area and whole or partial location of them on the floodplains has increased risk of flood, considerably.

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Introduction: The lakes are considered as an instruments for recognition of the past environmental conditions in geomorphology and environmental sciences. They are important because of creating spatial identity for residents of their coastal zone. According to the article of "Lakes of the fourth era, the basis of the growth and expansion of civilization in Iran", the historic city such a Sabzevar has been located on the on the edge of a local lake that there was no trace of that lake today. Therefore, a scientific and field study to find evidence of this claim began with the question of whether Sabzevar was once located on the edge of the local lake? The Sabzevar hole is one of the areas where its social formations are well known in eastern Iran and according to the Tarikh-i Bayhaqi (6th century AH) its formations (with the same old name) still exist despite all environmental incompatibilities. The purpose of this study is to determine the "spatial identity" of Sabzevar and to test the reality of natural history of this city based on geomorphological, sedimentological and archaeological documents in relation to the theory of "Lakes of the fourth era, the basis of the growth and expansion of civilization in Iran" by phenomenological method. This article is a test to confirm or reject this theory in Sabzevar hole. Materials and methods: Phenomenological method from Isfahan school is a new method in geomorphology which has special steps and process. To address this issue phenomenologically, data from three areas of geomorphology, sedimentology and archeology have been used. Their interpretation and analysis have been integrated in 5 steps in Grand Theory. The most important variables used in the field of geomorphology are:-Elevation data and their analysis in spectral classification of lake terraces-Satellite image data for terraces identification-Archaeological data and social formations and analysis of their position relative to lakeside terraces-Sedimentological and gravimetric data, hydrometry and interpretation of sedimentary indices. Discussion and results: By using geomorphological, archeological, and sedimentological data at each step, information on the spatial identity of the Sabzevar hole was obtained. The boundary map of the Sabzevar catchment was obtained using digital data. Field surveys and digital data revealed two terraces in the Sabzevar hole which were plotted on the map. Then the data of 23 ancient hills, historical villages of 6th century AH, and 49 old and new villages with statistical interpretation method were obtained and then analyzed for these terraces, which confirmed the two terraces mentioned in the previous step. The water vector network is also studied in the holes which confirms the existence of a local lake in Sabzevar hole. The data of 5 sediment samples from the study area were also obtained in the laboratory. The result of the analysis of granulometric and their diagrams, calculating the sedimentary parameters of the samples and the hydrometric method of the two samples, all indicated the presence of a lake in the Sabzevar hole. Geological analysis, geomorphology of the Sabzevar hole, topographic line analysis and lake fissure location also confirmed the existence of such a lake in the area. Conclusion: The geomorphic evidence and sedimentological analysis of the Sabzevar hole showed that the Sabzevar hole undoubtedly formed a lake during a period of the Quaternary period. We can generally conclude from this proposal:-The presence of the lake in the Sabzevar hole can be confirmed by geomorphology, sedimentology and historical evidence.-This hole has been fissured in the western part for some reason leading to the discharge of lake water into the central desert.-The largest social formation is the "Sabzevar Ghasabeh", which in historical books it is referred to as a city, but other formations in the area have now become urbanized by population law (for example, the villages of Davarzan and Sheshtamad becomes a city in 1995 and 1998, respectively, or the village of Roudab became a district in 1990). Therefore, it cannot be concluded that the present identity of these areas is similar to that previously determined by the lake.

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Introduction: The watershed is a geomorphologic unit suitable for managing natural resources and achieving sustainable development. The drainage network of the catchment area is a series of streams and rivers that guide and drain the surface water flow. These spatial data play an important role in physiographic studies, hydrology, erosion and sedimentation of a catchment area. The network of canals can be considered as a system that is dynamic in a state of equilibrium, in which dependent variables such as form; the slope and horizontal projection of the river or the amount of data and the coincidence that whenever there is a change in the data, This system reacts quickly with the coordination of their morphological characteristics with the new situation. The drainage network pattern is one of the most prominent landforms of the earth's surface. The order and distribution of hydrographic networks are different. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of balance and imbalance of the right and left side of the research area and which part of the research area has severe asthma and chaos. The basis of this research is the method analysis order matrix of basin Ramhormoz at the beginning of the study. The exact coordinates of basin Ramhormoz boundary from Global Mapper. 20 software were taken in Arc GIS 10. 5 software using the Dem area of the study; for Draw curves, lane lines and line basin s, slope direction, fracture of streams and formations. Arc GIS software has been used to evaluate the Ramhormoz river basins using the Order Matrix method. To set the categories in matrix form. orders 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, and to the last. order that is the main. order, are placed in tables in the two views (right and left) in the array view. In the following, the. order 1, which joins the large. orders r, is calculated separately and the rest of the orders are calculated in this way (order 2 to 3, 4, 5, . . . 3rd to 4th, 5th And other orders). In the study, the split density and drainage density are used. In this study, the number of waterways in the upper reaches of the two sides of the study area with a very significant difference indicates the imbalance in the research area. Erosion, slope changes, channel displacement, channel redirection, tectonic activity of these factors in causing significant differences and effective imbalances on both sides of the research area as well as the manner, extent and stages of changes in the form of the canals affected by time as a The main variable is to create the threshold, and the reason that the canals tend to trigger the chaos process, and even show a slight change, causing them to balance and imbalance. on both sides of the research area, the most balanced average of the lengths of the waterways, the order of waterway 1 falls to the 7th (right 819. 2 km and the left is 819. 1km). Due to changes in the geomorphological parameters of the basin, due to changes in the parameters of the basin, resulting in no change in their form during the period. The correlation coefficient between the longitudinal lengths of the two sides of the research with the coefficient of determination (0. 9932), due to the slope and elevation variations, shortage of the path and length of the branches of the canals, which are located on both sides of the research area, in the right side of the study, correlation relationship Between the length and length of the waterways with the coefficient of determination (0. 929), the left side of the study area, the length and length of the waterways with a coefficient of determination (0. 8821) indicating the presence of the threshold and the chaos on both sides of the research area and these factors Due to the effects of erosion that indicate tectonic activity, side erosion, floor, grooves, and fault systems, especially in the left-hand region of the research, these factors (other than erosion) are more severe. The imbalance and the threshold on the left of the research area are more intense. The right side of the study area, with a branching ratio of 3. 34 and drainage density of 7. 87, the left side of the research area with a split ratio of 3. 50 and a drainage density of 4. 06, due to the split ratio of the two river research areas, has a moderate construction turbulence. The drainage density is correlated with the amount of erosion. In the right zone of the study, the moderate drainage density is equal to the rate of high erosion, which is due to the high percentage of Aghajari Formation in this research area and the greater proportion of branching in the left side of the research area to the right of the research is due to the Bakhtiari Formation. Conclusion: The most evolution of the waterways of both parts of the research, especially the left, is the tectonic research, erosion, and formations, Bakhtiari, Gachsaran and Aghajari formations are more than the Mishan Formation and the terraces and Low level alluvial fan and valley terrace deposits in the creation of chaos, Threshold and erosion. Lateral erosion in the right side of the research is more and less erosion of the floor, while the left side erosion of the research is less and the erosion of the floor is greater, these factors are due to imbalance in the two areas of research. Tectonic activity, albeit moderately, interfered with changing the state of the trenches, eroding, shortening the length of the waterways, and varying the number of waterways. Keywords: Ramhormoz River, Fluvial Geomorphology, Matrix, Order Matrix Model, Threshold.

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Introduction: Urban Change Effects More Than Any Other Human Factor on River Systems. River Channel Changes are very Significant due to Urban Development. So Today, River Geomorphology is the Base for Studying Environmental Changes that are used for River Channel Management. Materials and methods: The Purpose of this Study was to Evaluate the Effects of City's Physical Expansion on Hydrological Characteristics, Discharge and River Sediment and Features of Channel River Including Platform or Spatial Pattern of River, Lateral and Longitudinal Profile, Number of Meanders, Curvature, Width to Depth Ratio and River Geomorphic Forms The Evin Watershed is in the Period of 20 years (1998-2018). This Research was Carried out in Three Steps: the First Step was Hydrological Studies Using the Semi-Distributed SWAT Model in two Sections of the 20 years (1998) and (2018) in the Evin-Darake Basin, the Second Step of the Study of Discharge and River Sediment in the Basin. The Sediment and Discharge Data During the Statistical Period of 1361-1391 was used for the Hafthouz Station. the Changes were analyzed in the Pre and Post Urban Development Period. Finally, the Third Step of Geomorphological Studies of the Basin was studied. Due to Geomorphology Studies, Aerial Photos and Satellite Imagery were used to Document Land Cover, Drainage Network and Urban Extension, and then each Channel was Divided into Intervals. Field Studies in each Range include Measuring Channel Dimensions, Sediment Characteristics, Geomorphic Forms, and other Items Mentioned in this Research. Results and discussion, Conclusion: The Results of the Simulation of Precipitation Process-Runoff Based on the City's Physical Development Scenario indicate that the Average Rainfall in Evin Watershed is equal to 4, 430 mm, of which this amount of Rainfall in the Previous Period is 142. 6 mm and in By 2018, 146. 8 mm is Evaporated in the form of Actual Evapotranspiration from the surface of the earth and plant. Also, the mean Curve Number (CN), which indicates the amount of Water retained on the Catchment, is in the Simulation Process, this amount is 84. 01 in 1998 and (in 2018), this amount has increased to 76. 78 and the Runoff rate The Surface area in the Previous Period (1998), 106. 66 mm and (2018) increased to 126. 88 mm. According to the Results of the Sediment Evolution Process before Urban Development, the amount of Sediment has Risen over time, which subsequently shows an increase in Discharge. On the other hand, the Results of the Study of the trend of Changes in the amount of Sediment in the Post-Urban Development Period compared with the Previous Period, decreased significantly In Discharge and as a Result of Sediment Production. Based on the results of the SWAT Model, the Urban Development Factor and Human interference have shown increased Runoff Production Capability and reduced permeability of the Basin. The results in the discussion of geomorphological studies showed that with the development of urbanization and development of human activities within the studied area, the river system has changed. The survey of aerial photos and Google Earth suggests that changes in the river's path as the river has undergone erosion and lateral changes over the course of twenty years of study, the riverbank on the right bank of the river. In general, in the sections of the route, the rivers are limited by resistant outcrops and formations, the Meander movements are minimized, there is no possibility of lateral displacement and displacement of the waterway bed and limits the river's potential for change. Also, the longitudinal profile of the Evin River in the Upper and Upper Mountain Range has undergone less urbanization and expansion. In the longitudinal profile of the river Darake, there are dysfunctional and uplifting phenomena, which is due to the bending of the river and indicates the sedimentation and erosion in these parts of the river. In the convexity of the sedimentation process and at concave points, erosion is performed. over the course of twenty years, with increasing flow rate and urban development, river profiles in the previous period tend to be submerged and the sections are shaped like V. But in the new period, the profile of the plate has expanded due to increased runoff and lateral erosion of the river bank, and the profiles of the sections have changed in shape U. The largest change in the number of Meanders in range 1 is observed in 1998, with 4 twists and in 2018 it has increased to 10 twists. During the period from 1998 to 2018, the Range of 1 From the direct to sinusoidal pattern, the Range of 2 From the sinusoidal pattern to Meander and the range 4 from the direct pattern to the sinusoidal pattern. In the range of 5, the pattern change was not observed due to direct channeling and fixation of the channel and river bank walls using concrete walls. In range 1, the Curvature of the channel increased from 1. 7 in 1998 to 1. 13 in 2018. In range 2, the Curvature from 1. 24 in 1998 to 1. 31 in 2018, shows an incremental trend. Also, in the range of 3, the Curvature increased from 1. 25 in 1998 to 1. 29 in 2018, but the pattern pattern did not change over the course of twenty years and was observed as a Meandering. Due to the presence of natural obstacles (outbreak of resistant formations), in range of 3, the pattern is dominant. In the ranges of 4 and 5 of the river, the difference in Curvature is not very different. The results of the measurements of the depth-to-width ratio indicate that the width of the river has increased over the course of twenty years by the width of the Channel in the range of intervals due to the erosion of the banks. No variation in the width of the river has been made at range of5 (urban area). The area around Watercourse and river in the form concrete channels is restricted and restored.

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Irregular extraction of materials from riverbeds has many short and long-term negative effects on the river for instance; decreasing river water levels, decreasing river natural capacity to absorb nutrients, changing water infiltration and river water quality, decreasing oxygen concentration in the floor and increasing water temperature. There several models which are used for determination of effects on gravel extraction from the rivers. One the most popular of these models is the River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model. It was Developed in 1995 by the US Army Corps of Engineers, this model calculates stream bed changes due to erosion or bed sedimentation by solving flow equations (Saint and Nantes equations) as well as solving the sediment continuity equation. River materials can be harvested from the floor or from the bed, which can have both detrimental effects. In this study, the effect of uneven sand extraction from the banks of Fars River in Fars province (Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province) on hydraulic river flow was investigated using HEC-RAS model. The reason for the choice of the Kharich River is that in the recent years, the sand extraction from this river has increased dramatically and this has caused the river bed to be over 4 meters in length over a 3 to 4-year period and the debris greatly degraded. Damage to fields and this has caused problems in the region. The dredging of the riverbank causes water diversion to the area and erosion along the riverbanks, which will have adverse effects on the bridge and monuments built on the river. Materials and Methods: The study area is Khashke-Rud River located in Farsan, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province. The studied river is one of the sources of Karun River and is considered as a part of Beheshtabad basin. In this study, the effects of extrication of sand and gravel on canal morphology were investigated using HEC-RAS model. To determine the study area of the river and also to obtain a general overview of the area, a map of 1: 10000 sections from the Regional Water Company of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province prepared in 2002 was used. In addition, approximately 3 km (2917. 8 m) of the river were identified based on the map. Section mapping and extraction operations were performed using the Distomat Survey Camera and GPS device were used for etermination of the location of the study sections during river dehydration in October 2009. Field studies were carried out in 20 sections during the interval from IssaAbad Bridge to the first extraction area with 2917. 8 m. Roughness coefficient values were calculated using different grading equations. Flood discharge was measured at three different floods each for 3 hours at selected inlet and outlet sections. Due to the natural nature of the river and the irregular shape of the riverbed to determine the discharge, it was necessary to have accurate information about the area and wetland environment, which was obtained by drawing sections in Auto cad software. Results and Discussion: The results showed that during the whole study period, the shear stress increased with increasing return period and its amount in post extraction was higher than pre extraction. In addition, as shown in Fig. 8, some shear stress decreases due to the decrease in slope and hydraulic radius. One of the most important parameters affecting the change of bed longitudinal profile and erosion phenomenon in the river is shear stress. The incremental value obtained on the average return period (5, 10, 25, 50, 100) is equal to (0. 5, 0. 37, 0. 15, 0. 15, 0. 16) percent, with an average of about 26%. Comparing the longitudinal profile of the bed in the post-extraction condition compared to the pre-extraction condition, it is found that in the first half of the study period the upstream phenomenon occurred while the second half of the study period was downstream. There has been an uplift of the river floor. Conclusion: In this study, the amount of shear stress in all return periods in post-extraction was higher than pre-extraction, which could be due to an increase in slope in the riverbeds. Another reason for this change is the amount of hydraulic radius of the river. The incremental value obtained on average (5, 10, 25, 50, 100) is equal to (0. 5, 0. 37, 0. 15, 0. 15, 0. 16) percent with an average of about 26%. In comparing the bed length profile in post-extraction compared to pre harvest time, it is found that in the first half of the study period, the upstream phenomenon occurred while downstream in the second half of the study period. There has been an uplift of the river floor. This comparison was carried out during different return periods and showed that the water surface profile also follows the process of riverbed longitudinal profile changes. The decrease in general slope of the river also confirmed this, although in some parts of the first half of the study period there was an increase in the longitudinal slope of the river. The average rate of general slope reduction was 0. 14%. Accordingly, the amount of flooring performed in the studied period (2002-2009) is at least 0. 05 m (in section 17) and maximum is 4 m (in section 6) with an average of about 2. 2.

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Introduction: Tectonic geomorphology is the study of the influence of active tectonics on the landscape. Geomorphic indices are known as a useful tool in active tectonic studies, and they have been tested in different areas around the world. The aim of this research is to examine tectonic activity in the eastern slope of the Talesh (Baghrodagh). Some geomorphic indices such as hypsometric integral(Hi), asymmetry factor (Af), valley floor width-to-height ratio (Vf), stream length-gradient index (Sl), transverse topographic symmetry factor (T), mountain-front sinuosity (Smf), sinuosity (S) have been used to evaluate neotectonic activity for study area. Karganroud basin is located in the west of Gilan, between eastern longitudes 48°-34Ê ¹ to 48°-58Ê ¹ and northern latitudes 37°-42Ê ¹ to 57° to 37Ê ¹ . Methodology: The method used in this research, is a combinational of, descriptive and analytic method with field and library studies. The geomorphic indices are used to evaluate the neotectonic of the region. This research used topographic maps on a scale of 1: 250000, geologic map on a scale of 1: 100000, digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 30 meters and in combination with aerial photos. These data were then analysed in GIS10. 1 to calculate the geomorphic indices and prepration river profiles and needed maps. The following geomorphic indices were determined: the asymmetry factor (Af) was used to detect possible tectonic tilting in the karganroud basin. In order to discriminate between V-shaped and U-shaped flatfloored valleys, the valley floor width-to-height ratio (Vf) has been calculated for the selected mountain fronts of the region. The hypsometric integral (HI) is controlled by lithological and tectonic factors. A simple way to characterize the shape of the hypsometric curve for a given drainage basin is to calculate its hypsometric integral-HI. The integral is defined as the area under the hypsometric curve. Mountain-front sinuosity (Smf) has been employed to evaluate tectonic activity along mountain fronts, apart from its dependence of climate and lithology. In active mountainfronts, uplift will prevail over erosional processes, producing straight fronts with low Smf values. The SL index shows the variation in stream power along the river reaches and it is very sensitive to changes in channel slope. For this reason it allows the evaluation of recent tectonic activity and/or rock resistance. The sixth geomorphic index is the transverse topographic symmetry factor (T). The transverse topographic symmetry factor (T) estimates the amount of asymmetry of a river basin and the variation of this asymmetry in different segments of the valley. The seventh geomorphic index is sinuosity(S). Straight rivers will show low values of S and indicate active regions. Finally we used (lat) index for final evaluation of active tectonism of the rigion. Results and Discussion: Geomorphic analysis carried out by GIS techniques is considered to be a useful tool for evaluating the effects of active tectonics in an area. The asymmetry factor (Af) value of the karganroud basin is (Af=42/8). It indicates that the left of the basin has uplifted and the karganroud River has shifted to the right (to the west ) of the downstram of the drainage basin, which according to the classification of El Hamdouni et al. (2008) is primarily of class 2 with moderately active tectonic. The mountain-front sinuosity (Smf) value of the karganroud basin equals 1/53 (smf =1/53) that belongs to class 2 with moderately active tectonic according to El Hamdouni et al. the valley floor width-to-height ratio (Vf) has been calculated for the selected mountain fronts of the region. The mean value of vf for the basin equals 0/27 (vf = 0/27) that belongs to class 1 with the highest active tectonic according to El Hamdouni et al (2007) and Keller &Pinter (1996). The mean value of SL shows high value (sl = 627/29) that belongs to class 1 with the highest active tectonic according to El Hamdouni et al (2007). The mean value of T for the basin equals 0/20(t = 0/20) that belongs to class 2 with moderately active tectonic. The hypsometric integral (Hi) value of the karganroud basin is (Hi =0/49) that belongs to class 1 with with highest active tectonic according to El Hamdouni et al (2008) and Strahler (1952) that shows mature topographic. Finally, the value of the seventh geomorphic index ( sinuosity) for the study area equals (s = 1/2) that shows the karganroud river is straight and it still does not reach to its equilibrium, indicating the influence of tectonic activity in the study area. Conclusion: The calculated geomorphic indices in this research indicate that the Karkaganroud basin is tectonically active. The lat index was used for final evaluation of tectonic activity of the region. According to results of Lat index, the karganroud basin belongs to class 2 with high active tectonic. Also, Geomorphologic evidence rectifies the effect of active tectonics.

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