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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Cliches or linguistic stereotypes are slang language features which are widely used in everyday conversations. The frequency of the use of stereotypical expressions and propositions in literary texts (poem or prose) is directly related to the colloquial speech. Therefore, by examining texts from the perspective of such applications, they can measure the extent of colloquialism of speech, and discover the purposes of the use for such a language. In the forthcoming research, the stereotypical structres in Molavi's Ru'ba'iyat have been investigated and its effect on the colloquialism of his speech has been determined. The statistics show that irony, the most commonly used figure, has resulted an ironical language for the text; the way of reasoning and expressing Rumi's content is based on allegory, which is highly consistent with the teaching dimension of his personality and his attempt to convey the subject. Another proposition is the compliment associated with the relationship between the lover and the beloved of the traditional Persian poetry; the threat, in addition to its educational application, has shown the appearance of a violent expression of the beloved in the Rubaiyates, while the teaching of insensible disciples or the tendency to mystical epic has also forced Rumi into exasperation (from subspecies of threat). The use of cliché titles has also been the source of the poet's social typical characters. Prayer and curse were respectively in the lower ranks of Mowlavi's attention, and each of them was used for a certain purpose in his quatrains.

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Pantheism is one of the dominant concepts in mystical thought, and it is said that this concept is basically originated from mystical experiences of mystics. Attar Neishabouri as a Muslim mystic (Sufi) was influenced by the concept of Pantheism and tried to express the concept in the form of literary images in his verses. In this article, Authors intended to discover how images in Attar’ s verses are employed to illustrate Pantheism. As a result, it is known that Attar used four images including ‘ Hidden Apparent’ , ‘ Ocean’ , Sun’ and, ‘ Simorq’ in high frequency in his verses to depicting the abstract notion of Pantheism. Also, as there are three approach to Pantheism, i. e. Identity, Metaphysics of levels and Manifestation, the Authors tried to demonstrate the connection between images and these three approaches to Pantheism. One of the common characteristics between these images are being paradoxical especially when it comes to realm of mystical experience.

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    3 (41)
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The mythical concepts, due to their wide extension in the depths of human mental structures, form a large part of our existential infrastructure. Hunting also constitutes a fundamental and long-standing ritual, due to mythical features in the circle of mythical concepts. In a way, this masnavi is a mysterious mystery symbolic that in some cases hides a link. From the point of view of the mythological approach, Mars in seven bodies is only seeking to achieve super-manly status because of the components of the mythical predator's personality. In addition to hunting as a mythical concept, this paper also illustrates the hidden aspects of the story and its deeper recognition based on the myth of hunting, and suggests that whenever a fundamental message or massive incident occurs, Through the myth of hunting, the message is transmitted. In the direction of the most fundamental myth that makes the story more conspicuous, mysterious and mysterious, is the myth of hunting.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Hassan Mashreghi Shirazi is one of the Shia mystics and speakers of last 10th and first half of 11th AH century. there are no trace of he in biographies. Mashergi Shirazi's works; gathered in a Divan but never published; include 9 books reaching 23000 verses. The main subjects of his poems are mysticism, wisdom, preaching, morality, eulogy of Imams and etc. composed in ghazal, mathnawi, qasida, rubaʿ i, piece. Hakim Hassan Mashreghi Shirazi composed Shabestan-E-Ons like Boustan Saadi and Shams-ol-Mashreghain like Khaqani's Tohfat-ol-Araghain with moral and mystic content. In this paper, using documentary study method, an overview of life and ideas is presented. At first, his life and then his works are introduced, and after which his thoughts, linguistic characteristics and style, and specially his mystical viewpoint, In theoretical mysticism, influenced by Ibn Arabi's thoughts, has been reviewed and recognized. this research can open the way for the literary value of Masherghi's Divan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (41)
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In the science of narration in every text narrative there are two levels-the world of narration and the world of narration-and the manifestation of these two worlds in Elahi Nameh of Attar has created a certain narrative form. In this regard, in the narrative of this book, the tangible writer initially narrates the story of the world through narration, and the narrative of the story is inward. Then, suddenly, his address to the world of narrative and storytelling is interrupted into the story, and in the dress of adventure, he realizes the narrative Hear a story. The narrative of the listener is an integral part of any narrative text. Also narration, relying on the narrative levels of the story, is divided into two kinds of narrative narratives in the narrative and the narrative of the narrative, when the tangible writer addresses the tangible singer), So that in the fictional literature, no text can be found that is empty of the narrative. The present study is descriptive-analytic and uses library resources to study the narratives and the narrative basis of hearing in Elahi Nameh of Attar. The results of this study indicate that the passage from the narrative of the story through the narrative in the narrative of the story is in the Elahi Nameh of the letter due to the specific type of literature and the existence of ethics by the tangible writer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (41)
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In the school of mysticism, the epiphany of the divine spirit in the true human being is interpreted as the love of the essence. In this school, the spirit of human is ascending and conducting to the right. A true human being, on the last step of demeanor, find a divine truth such as sī murğ by Attar or achieved peripatetics in mystical works. In jung's psychology, sage is someone like a father, a master or a sheikh in mysticism, who with the help of peripatetics’ insight, enlightenment and perspicuity, in general invite people to the refinement of the soul, preservation of character, and morality. Thus, this study attempts to express the features of a sage, comparing its similarities and differences with a true human being and a Master in mysticism and philosophy. Also, it seeks to identify the aspects of sage’ s wisdom and guidance in terms of archetypal and psychoanalytic features of him, moreover, its role is highlighted and analyzed in Hod Hod (Manṭ iq-uṭ-Ṭ ayr), Pir (Muṣ ī bat-Nā ma) and Father (Ilā hī-Nā ma) characters; however, sage’ s wisdom, spiritual nature of the unconscious psyche, identification, and his thoughts in Hod Hod and Pir’ s characters are more visible in terms of spiritual manner and guidance.

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    3 (41)
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Mir Sayyed Ali Moushtag Esfahani is a poet of the twelfth century and is a follower of the school of return. A romantic Indian style, which coincided with the Safavid period, provided a platform for enthusiastic friends and friends to recreate the way of the past poets. He became enthusiastic about the caravan and a group of her contemporary poets joined him. He has been influenced by Iraqi style poets in Ghazal, Ode, Ruba'i, Prehistory and Composition. Correction that Hussein Maki was in 1320. It has been published, the only text is correcting his poems. Corrected the three versions, including the version of the late Saeed Nafisi and Iqbal Ashtiani, while there are more than twenty copies of this Divan that did not consider their correctors. In this research, we tried to critically evaluate the effects of weights, grammatical and print errors that were obtained from the version of the editions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (41)
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Using schema theory in cognitive stylistic, this paper on one hand, tries firstly to point out to some of the contemporary modern poetry stylistic variations through showing deviations and schema changes in Babachahi's poetry works, and on the other hand, by reading and analysis of two of Babachahi's poetry works, proceeds to scrutinize some schema so that considering the modality of schema disruption and/or creation of new designs in Babachahi's poetry works we could reach out to some of his stylistic components. Nevertheless the aim of the paper is not only reading Babachahi's poetry work but also more importantly it's about obtaining the criteria for studying verbal poetry works which in the writer's point of view the traditional stylistic is unable to analyzing and knowing characteristics of such poetry works.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (41)
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Shafiei Kadkani is one of the representative of contemporary political and social poetry. In this research relaying on Althusser’ s theory the social-economical state in Shafiei’ s poetry has been state. In Althusser’ s opinion, the real art is not on ideological discourse, but allows us to see the ideology (that) this art refers to it, so this art is related to the ruling ideology of the social and its reflection. The basis of this research is the book “ The mirror of the voices” containing Shafiei’ s prerevolutionary poems, by discussing and deciphering of the symbols of Shafiei’ s poetry it has been shown that his poetry contains two types of conflicting and different ideologies: One is dominant and the other one is un-dominant. The structure of Shafiei’ s poetry is influenced by contradictions of Iranian society of the decade 50 has been changed into a bipolar structure. Since, the resolving of this conflict is impossible unless one part of it is eliminated, so the nature of his poetry is revolutionary, protesting and in following of it is challenging and idealist.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (41)
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One of the major difficulties of the garden is how to read the compositions as well as the multiple meanings of the meaning. This is the case of a bit of a "witty woman like a hand on the shoulder / Go bane paw on the man", whose investigators and interpreters of the garden have been more concerned with the dubious recording of the first travesty and have tried to understand what it means, unaware that the second travels are more ambiguous. has it. In this study, while proposing the meaning of "women's slavery" based on reading this word as "cloak" that has come up in various cultures and texts and can be a step to unravel the meaning of the first utterance of this difficult bit of gardening, about the confusion of dictionaries in meanings and Various recordings of the word "claw" are discussed. In order to get the notion of Saadi in the earliest times, it has also been pointed out the combination of "slaughter-eaters" in cultures that was left out by exponents.

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