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ghanbari somaye

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    1 (61)
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Even if the theories of international relations (IR) do not explicitly address international law (IL), they are implicitly linked to it which is reflected in utilizing different approaches, language and terminology to international law including norms, institutions and regimes. Meanwhile, the International Society Approach (English school) has more capacities in connecting the two disciplines of IL and IR. Therefore, the main question of this study is: “ What is the the most important reason behind the success of International Society Approach in the transplantation of IR with IL? ” The hypothesis that the present essay seeks to test is that “ The most important reason for the success of the International Society Approach in establishing compatibility between IL and IR is to adopt a middle position between realism with the emphasis on IR and idealism, as well as its focus on the concept of the International Society as an objective representation of applying normative issues of interest of IL in the area of IR” . This study utilizes descriptive-analytical methods, deductive methodology and interdisciplinary approach. The findings of this research confirm its hypothesis.

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    1 (61)
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Israeli Lobby is one of the most powerful and affective political groups in the US political structures which has a significant influence on the political structures of the United States. AIPAC (The American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) is one of the largest and most powerful lobbying groups in the US. Since Georg W. Bush presidency, the above-mentioned group with Israel support has tried to put pressure on the US to confront Iran. In this regard, the group together with the Israeli government has begun propagation against Iran and magnification of its danger to Israel, the region and the world in order to build an atmosphere of Iran-phobia for future actions. This lobby of the Israeli government's policy of magnifying Iran's threat and limiting Iran's power has also strongly pursued a policy of boycotting the Islamic Republic inside the United States which ultimately resulted in "comprehensive US sanctions" against Iran. In this article we seek to answer this question of what is the difference between the Israeli lobby in the two administrations of Barack Obama and Donald Trump over Iran's nuclear deal. The research hypothesis is that the Israeli lobby had had less power in Obama administration than Trump in order to affect the Islamic Republic of Iran’ s Nuclear Deal. Therefore, in this article we will compare the Israeli lobbies efforts in Barack Obama and Donald Trump administrations (with an emphasis on the nuclear agreement with Iran) by using a descriptive-analytical approach and a library method.

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    1 (61)
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Education and the right to health and public health are interrelated topics that one cannot be imagined without the other. Under Article 14 of economic, social and cultural rights states are committed to take necessary measures to fully implement human rights education and if not implemented, would be committed in breaching of international obligations. So, given the importance and place of education in international human rights system, it can be acknowledged that enjoyment of other fundamental human rights, such as the right to public health, would be possible in the fruition of human rights education. This research is a case study and its purpose is to explain the concept and dimensions covered by human rights education in the field of public health. The main question this study seeks to answer in light of recent developments in the process of the entry of this right into the international human rights, is that the states approach to this right should be right-centered or treatment-centered? Our hypothesis is that governments approach to public health and education is right-centered. Therefore, failure to pay attention to public health education can lead to severe social harm in human societies. Therefore, governments should increase their executive capacity to benefit individuals in societies by using international cooperation. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical with the collection of resources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (61)
  • Pages: 

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Since the emergence of the Non-proliferation Treaty, the nuclear powers by ignoring two pillars of “ disarmament” and “ transfer of peaceful nuclear technology” have simultaneously preserved their nuclear arsenals and posed serious challenges to the NPT by focusing only on its non-proliferation dimension and putting pressure on non-nuclear states. These discriminative behaviors have resulted in disagreement between the member states and seriously jeopardized the integrity of the regime. Therefore, some scholars by expressing concern about its legitimacy are looking for a way to survive it. Therefore, the present article by using a descriptive-analytical approach aims to analyze the nature, objectives and pillars of this treaty as well as present the pros, cons and challenges of the NPT. It would also try to evaluate whether imbalances in equal attention to the three pillars of the treaty will ultimately lead to its decline or there is still hope for improvement and expansion of this regime? The results of this paper reveals that despite the failure of complete nuclear disarmament due to the heavy consequences of its termination, it seems unlikely that by ignoring some of its achievements, efforts to reform this regime be abandoned and eventually lead to the downfall of the treaty.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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DORJ HAMID | Altiami Nia Reza

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (61)
  • Pages: 

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Israel is a strategic alley of the United States in the Middle East. US-Israeli mutual interests have gone so far as to be expressed in the form of special relations. The United States supports the Zionist regime for a series of political, strategic and cultural reasons. These two countries are deeply concerned about the increase in Iran's missile capabilities and in this regard they have turned to arms trade to weaken and reduce Iran's military capabilities. The present article seeks to clarify common interests of the United States and Israel as determining factors in US-Israeli relations in political, military and security dimensions. Therefore, the key question of the paper is what position does Israel have in US arms policy in the Middle East? The paper assumes that since Iran's long-term missile development and capability poses a two-way strategic threat to the US and Israel, therefore the two countries have been cooperating with the aim of controlling and altering Iran's missile power in pursuit of joint strategic interests and increasing missile deterrence against Iran which will lead to a huge arms race in the region. The present research is based on descriptiveanalytic method and will be based on the conceptual framework of special relations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Esmaeil Nasab Hossein

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (61)
  • Pages: 

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In order not to disturb international peace and stability and keep domestic criminals in Yugoslavia safe, the UN Security Council with the experience of setting up Tokyo-Nuremberg International Criminal Tribunals, formed another tribunal in the process of fulfilling the long-term goals of transitional justice, called the Yugoslav international tribunal so that this transitional Tribunal respects the principle of the lawfulness of criminal proceedings and the fairness, respect the rights of the defendants and offenders, the internal laws of Yugoslavia, the accepted rules of international law, the documents accepted by the Government of Yugoslavia and the international custom that has been established before in order to cite and identify the offenders. Therefore, the question of this research is what approaches the Provisional Tribunal used in issuance of its 2002 judgments against four convicts: Konarak, Kwak, Vukovik-Milan Simic-Vasjlovik and Kornojlac using discounts and post-conviction penalties? Have they committed criminal acts? In this article, while reviewing those opinions, we have analyzed and evaluated the defendants views, the theory of the principle of individual punishment, the effect of the defendants personality and co-operation on the exercise of redress as restorative justice in a descriptive-analytical manner. (Reduction of punishment depending on the circumstances of the accused and crime at trial).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (61)
  • Pages: 

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The Persian Gulf region, is an Important and strategic region in the world. Importance of region for more than sixty present of fossil energy of the world is in this region. Therefore, the Great Powers, especially from the beginning twenty century, attention to this region. In this region, have eight beach countries include Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman, that Iran and Saudi Arabia is the Regional Powers, and Iraq has the capacity to become a regional power. The other countries in Persian Gulf region are small powers. Due to attention of the great powers to this region, and existence two regional power in region, that increased competition, the regional security in Persian Gulf is very Important. region countries increasing of their military powers and creating crisis in the Persian Gulf. Therefore, what is military development policies effects on the Persian Gulf regional security? This essay for answer to this question, used cause and effect and analytical methods. Findings of essay are show military development policies by this region countries, cause regional security of the Persian Gulf always under threat.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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