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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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این مقاله، قتلی ناموسی را در بوشهر به سال 1844 م. ] 1260 ه. . ق [*** بررسی می کند و سعی دارد نشان دهد مشکلات پیش روی فرآیند مدرن کردن اصلاح حقوقی این است که نمی توان یک جنبه از حقوق را بدون ایجاد تغییرات در کلّ نظام حقوقی اصلاح کرد. به عبارت دیگر، همان گونه که منتسکیو خاطر نشان می سازد کلّ روح و ماهیّت حقوقی هر عصری باید تغییر کند. به علاوه این مقاله انعطاف پذیری شریعت در خصوص عرف و سنت محلّی از یک سو و ذی نفع بودن جامعه و فرد را از سوی دیگر به تصویر می کشد، اما ثابت می کند که شریعت اسلامی، طبق دلائل ارائه شده با قانون انگلستان همخوانی ندارد.

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اقدامات امنیتی ارتش در عصر رضاشاه در تاریخ معاصر ایران، با دو داوری کاملاً متفاوت و ناهم سو روبروست. طبق دیدگاه اول وی توانست امنیت را به ایران بازگرداند. طرفداران این دیدگاه، بیشتر بر تقویت نیروی نظامی ارتش تأکید دارند که توانست با برخی طغیان های قومی، محلی و راهزنی های پراکنده در کشور مقابله کند. در این دیدگاه، بعد دیگر قضیه کاملاً نادیده گرفته می شود، زیرا عملکرد ارتش رضاشاه، خود یکی از عوامل اساسی ناامنی در جامعه بود و بسیاری از سرکوب های سیاسی رضاشاه از طریق همین قدرت نظامی ارتش جدید اِعمال می شد. رژیم رضاشاه اصولاً کارکرد ضدامنیتی داشت، در حقیقت تمام ابزار نظامی و ارتش مدرنی که وظیفه برقراری امنیت داخلی را بر عهده داشت، در خدمت قدرت فردی وی قرار گرفته بود و با امنیت کشور تا حدود زیادی فاصله داشت. این مقاله بر اساس روش اسنادی و کتابخانه ای درصدد است با تبیین چگونگی برقراری امنیت در دوره پهلوی اول، عملکرد مهم ترین نهاد امنیتی رضاشاه (ارتش) را مورد بررسی قرار دهد. یافته های این پژوهش نشان میدهد در دوره رضاشاه، ارتش از کارکرد اصلی خود بازماند و درعمل، نقش نیروی انتظامی را ایفا می کرد و در ایفای این نقش نیز پس از رفع ناامنی ناشی از راهزنی سارقان و کشمکشهای ایلی، ستمگریها و اخاذیهای گسترده فرماندهان و مأموران، سرکوب فعالیت های سیاسی-اجتماعی، باعث ناامنی عمیق تر و گسترده تری در میان اقشار مختلف جامعه شد.

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The researchers of the history of military studies hold the belief that the Cossacks brigade and later on the Cossacks police are regarded as the first modern military forces in the modern-day Iran. This police force in almost 1879 BC, during the reign of Nasereddin shah and at his request on his second journey to Russia was established. The Cossacks brigade right from the outset of it’ s establishment, till the October’ s revolution in which it was no longer under the influence of the Russians was a subservient and a strange force. This paper is dedicated to this police’ s establishment, leadership, structure and organization, possessions and expenses, talents and rank and file and it’ s equipments and some other unknown aspects of it. This paper apart from the aforementioned issues, points out that this military force which was financed by Iran, not only was the means of furthering the Russian diplomacy, which was vividly manifested in parliament’ s shelling, and in spite of all the equipments and the money spending, and also by comparison to the non Cossacks forces like Gendarmerie didn’ t exhibit a satisfactory performance. The research approach in collating data and documents include first-hand sources (itinerary) and second-hand sources (the previous researches, organizational evidence and documents, official and unofficial statistics).

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the presence of the board of advisors in Iran dates back to the beginning of the country’ s modernization period in Abbas Mirza’ s time. Since the necessity of confronting the colonial invasions and ensuring the security and the order, guaranteed the durability of the ruling power, among the board of advisors, having military advisor’ s board has been of a paramount importance. Therefore advisors from France, England, Austria and later on from Italy and Sweden made it to Iran. After the second war till the end of Pahlavi regime, American board’ s presence in Iran was more conspicuous. These boards which had made it to Iran on military modernization and organization purposes right from the time Iran was occupied by the allied, differed with that of their previous ones in terms of nature and responsibilities. This paper using the library-based techniques aims to analyze the nature of the American board’ s operations. The findings of this research suggests that the analysis of these board’ s presence and the nature of their operations in Iran should be based on Iran and America’ s relation and their foreign macroeconomic policies. The modernization of economic, military and social systems in these countries were based on modernization theories and Iran’ s dependence on shah and supporting him had been the main objective. Therefore the operations and plans of the American military boards in Iran should be regarded as a part of their foreign macroeconomic policies.

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martin vanesa

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This Article discusses an honour killing in Bushehr in 1844. It seeks to demonstrate that one of the problems of modernizing legal reform is that it is very difficult to reform one aspect of the law without changing the whole. In other words, Following Montesquieu, the whole spirit of the age must change. The article further demonstrates the flexibility of the shari'a both with regard to local custom and to seeking the benefit both of the community and of a particular individual, but illustrates its in compatibility with British law on the subject of evidence.

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One of the major issues in urban societies and political systems is to provide full-scale security for citizen’ s peace and well-being. Such obsession has long been a part of Islamic governments and therefore organizations and institutions are setup to achieve so, alongside with people and agents to carry the duty. although there were shortcomings along the way and securing it’ s governors took precedence, they were forced to take measures to ensure the stability of their and securing their stand. In Safavid era( 906-1135 AH) measures were taken to ensure the peace and security throughout the country. In this essay, determining the know-how of establishing discipline in Safavid era, duties and responsibilities of associated officials and the way in which these are carried out will be subjected to scrutiny. The findings of this research shows that a range of judicial, military and security officials were instrumental to these changes and though the focal point revolved around the urban sheriffs, implementing those laws was exclusively on the part of organizations and institutions that carried out the duty at hand as part of their job.

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The following article is to investigate the social security of Qajar era as one of the major historic issues on the grounds of developments of the aforementioned dynasty and to cast light on the external and internal reasons that have brought up such disruption and to figure out what factors have been at play to form its concept? Based on historical data analysis, social security can be held responsible for socio-economic improvement which has acted as a contributing factor linking individual security as well as the national one. In Qajar era, the most significant threat posed at social security of that period of time as a community which has been the traditional epitome of safety, takes root in internal reasons (biological pattern, Eco-economic crises, tribal political constructure and it’ s associated culture, diminishing of governments responsibilities to securing the borders in the mainstream’ s idea, the lack of development in military institutions for providing security, the dominance of traditional approach to security the cities i. e. gates and thresholds ) and external means (Iran & Russia ’ s Tsar wars, Iran & England‘ s disputes over Harat, heightened influence of big powers in Iran‘ s socio-political affairs) on account of analytical-historical patterns, the findings of this research show that the concept of social security in constitutional era by the passage of time and the introduction of new concepts such as pursuit of law, social rights, the establishment of new military and judicial institutions, the growth of city dwelling and the betterment of education and it’ s citizen’ s understanding of urban rights was empowered to an extent and the social elites decided to change the political social and educational infrastructure with a view to a better improvement in national-individual and social security. The newborn constitutional system along with the development of urban social institutions and empowering of public setting made an attempt to facilitate the development process in the concept of social security.

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Barsoltan Seyyedeh Roya

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The army’ s security-based measures in Reza Shah’ s period in the current history of Iran, is subjected to two diverse judgements. According to the first attitude, he could retrieve the security in Iran. The proponents of this attitude mostly base their judgement on the police force which could confront some of the tribal and local rebellion and the widespread banditry. having approved of this attitude, the other aspect of it will be left neglected; since Reza Shah’ s army was itself one of the key factors in the country’ s chaos, and most of the political suppression was applied using the very military power of the new army. Basically, Reza Shah’ s regime had an antisocial approach. In fact all the military elements and the modern army which were responsible for the internal-security establishment were privately serving to his own interests. This article based on documents and librarywise attempts to scrutinize the function of the most important security agent of Reza Shah’ s army by expressing the security establishment in the first Pahlavi era. The findings of this study demonstrates, In Reza Shah’ s period, the army failed to fulfill it’ s prime function and in reality, it functioned as a police force and in doing so, after combating the insecurities caused by bandits and the tribal conflicts, cruelties and the widespread corruption of the officers and leaders, still caused more profound and widespread insecurity among a diverse number of people in society.

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