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Gholami Dehaghy Ali

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Recognizing the Shiite Imams histories and conducts should be carried out by using specific presuppositions and principles. Ignoring these presuppositions and principles would face problems for the study of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct. The main problem to be stated in this research is to investigate the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct presuppositions and principles. The main intent of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conducts studies is to reach unified and fixed principles to prevent from the opinions' chaos and diversity. Thus, before studying of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct, it is vital to state these presuppositions and principles to make the reaching of the fixed principles easier. Some researchers are either ignorant of these presuppositions or they consider wrong presuppositions by not paying attention to the Shiite legacy. Deploying a theological and historical analysis, this research has introduced the presuppositions and principles of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct studies among which we may refer to not comparing the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) to the politicians, avoiding exaggeration and understatement, not sufficing to narrate the virtues, knowing the philosophy of the imamate, considering the position of the imamate and differentiating it with political leadership, having a linear study of the imams' lives, and having an affirmative view to the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct.

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Tabrizizadeh Raziyeh

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Hadith is one of the significant Shiite sources of for extracting and deducing religious rules. Some hadiths differ from each other in appearance. Therefore, disregarding these apparent differences is among the pathology of hadith research. Most of the apparent differences and contradictions of hadiths are resolved according to the content, the place of issuance and the narrator. Paying attention to the style of expression of the Infallibles (peace be upon them) can also resolve some of the differences and contradictions of the narrations. The main question of the research is that what effect does the hadith expression method of the Infallible (AS) have on resolving the apparent differences of the narrations? In this article, it was shown that paying attention to the two styles of "fatwa" and "teaching" in the expression of Imam (AS) in the form of issuing a ruling and the type of addressee will be effective in resolving the apparent differences between the narrations. The method of education belongs to the jurists and muftis of the companions. Considering the gradual nature of the explanation of the sentence, changing the sentence due to abrogation and being free to choose any of the sentences expressed in the style of education will resolve the conflict. In the style of fatwas, the addressee of Imam (AS) is people who refer to the Imam to ask detailed and personal questions. Focusing on the conditions, characteristics, language and dialect of the questioner can be effective in resolving the apparent contradictions of the narrations.

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The spread of Shiism in Andalusia was very slow compared to other Islamic sects. In spite of the growth of various religious and academic thoughts, the situation for developing Alawid thoughts was not created. However, there are a number of monographs about the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt were written by the Sunni scholars in Andalusia. The book entitledDorar al samt fi khbar al sabtis one of the virtuegraphies penned by Ibn-e Abbar Andalusia (deceased in 658) emphasizing on the Ashura tragedy. Studying such works would be useful in know the viewpoints of sunnis about the Ahl al-Bayt in Andalusia. The main question addressed in this research is that what role had the book Dorar al samt fi khbar al sabt played in introducing the Ahl al-Bayt in Andalusia? As this work is written in a space and time far from a Shiite atmosphere, it seemingly reflects the influx and influence of the Ahl al-Bayts' thoughts to people who have been affected and governed by opposition and fanatical governments. Likewise, this work has been influential in softening and modifying the Sunnis' fanatical views towards the Ahl al-Bayt.

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The pathology of historical studies of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) lives is one of the research priorities for their high position in the history of Shiism. Pathology states the factors or processes and procedures that impede doing research and gaining the truth. The main question of the research is what are the problems in studying the life history of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)? And what can be done to fix it? Using content analysis method and documentation of scientific experiences, this research is to examine some of the problems in the historical studies of the life of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) such as source studies, lack of attention to documents, populism, sanctimoniousness, sentimentality, hadithism, akhbarism, petrification, dogmatism, rigidity and infallibility and has shown that in studying the lives of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in addition to explaining the truth of Islam and Shiism, by identifying and eliminating the above harms, the events of this period should be rationally and scientific studied to reach a comprehensive and scholarly study of the lives of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS).

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The Shiites have always been eager to know the Ahl al-Bayts' history and lifestyle. However, they have confronted with repeated historical data. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this paper is to investigate the solutions for reducing the vulnerability of the historical studies scope limitations about the Ahl al-Bayts' lives. The research findings show that development of cultural, civilizational and exemplary approaches, as well as temporal and spatial developments for investigating the effects and roles of Ahl al-Bayts beyond their era, investigating their thoughts history and their theoretical and civilizational and considering a stylistic approach in political, economic, and social areas could develop the scope of studies about the Ahl al-Bayts' conducts. Therefore, the vulnerabilities identified from the historical studies scope limitations about the Ahl al-Bayts' lives could be reduced.

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Like other topics of the history of Islam, the Prophet's life has been invariably noticed by Orientalists. Studying the Prophet's history with colonial, political, evangelistic, and often with negative and wrong presuppositions about Islam, the Qur'an, the Hadith and the prophet's conduct, they have approached this topic. The main research question is that what presuppositions about the Prophet's conduct have the German scholar Carl Brockelmann had in the first half of the 20th century in writing his book of History of Islamic Peoples and States? Having analyzed the content of this book, the researchers have focused on the negative and skeptic approaches adopted by orientalists which have become more complex and implicit by the pass of the time. Having a counterfactual view, Brockelmann has downgraded the Prophet's position and actions. Therefore, it is essential for Muslim historians to understand the views of Orientalists in order to use these sources more carefully and to take action to solve such problems.

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