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Calligraphy has been one of the most important positions of the Qur'an. This position has been of significant importance in the era of caliphs namely Imam Ali (A. S). The main research question here is that what significance has the issue of calligraphy had in the era of Imam Ali (A. S) and what play had Abu Rāfi' clan played in calligraphy in the era of Imam Ali (A. S)? Having studied the historical and traditional sources, the current research has investigated the position of calligraphy and calligraphists in the era of Imam Ali (A. S). Among the key figures of this era in Abu Rāfi' clan, specially the role of Ubayd Allah ibn Abi Rāfi'' has been analyzed in Imam Ali's (A. S) calligraphy era. The present has attempted to state the duties and features of the position of calligraphy using the sayings of the Imam. With respect of the Imam's sayings, it seems that calligraphy had had a specific position. To do so, the most significant calligraphist of that era, Ubayd Allah ibn Abi Rāfi' and his clan, has been studied.

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Proper nutrition plays a key role in the peoples' health. The main purpose of eating is to provide the health of body and mind, and merely satiating and enjoying the food are not the ultimate goal. There are recommendations in Islamic tradition and namely in Imam Ali's (A. S) conduct to have a healthy nutrition and the kind of the meal so that one may have a healthy body and mind. Having analyzed Imam Ali's (A. S) narrations and conduct, the present paper is to answer this question that what is a good model for a healthy nutrition based on Imam Ali's (A. S) conduct? The research findings prove that the Imam have provided many recommendations about nutrition. Eating less, dividing the meals to some divisions, eating calmly, observing individual sanitation, and not speaking while eating are among the most important principles for a healthy nutrition recommended by Imam Ali (A. S). According to the Imam and based on the individual's temper, eating soft foods such as nutrients, vegetables, honey, and chicken should be preferred to hard foods. Having fruits such as apples, pears, and pomegranate gladdens the heart and lifts the spirit. As the Imam's conduct show, healthy nutrition needs knowledge of foods nature, observing food rites and proper timing for eating. Therefore, if one has a healthy nutrition, it leads to have a good temperament and healthy body and mind, and finally it improves lifestyle.

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fallahzadeh ahmad

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The construction of Samarra and the movement of the Abbasid capital from Baghdad to this city in about the year 223 (lunar) caused that the demographic combination and its intellectual context discriminate this city from other cities of the Islamic world. Rule of Turkish originated militaries, formalization of people of narration trend and the existence of Banu Hashimi traditions are of the factors of the intellectual and cultural context of Samarra. Accordingly, this question is raised that what effects has Imam Hassan Askari's presence in this city had on his socio-political conduct? This research, based on the effect of time and place theory on the lifestyle, has investigated conduct of Imam Askari and has shown that the cultural and intellectual conditions of Samarra has led to the realization of his life beyond time and place. As shown in the beyond-the-time aspect, the Imam has behaved as his previous counterparts in affairs such as servitude conduct, while in the modern aspect, the Imam's conduct shows a change in the elements of time and place.

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Abul-Khattab (died in 138), the leader and founder of Khatabiyah group, is the most important exaggerator who ignored the Islamic teachings in the era of Imam Sadegh. This group is the most well-known and lasting exaggerators in the eras of imams. Like Abul-Khattab, Khatabiyah group is ignorant to Islamic teachings and apostate. Using a descriptive-analytical research method, this research is to answer this question that what hypotheses formed Khatabiyah's apostasy and how Imam Sadegh (A. S) confronted with this group? By investigating the early historical, narrative, and sectarian sources, it was revealed that Abul-Khattab and his followers proposed that knowing the Imam would relieve the obliged person's burden from fulfilling their religious duties and they imagined that the religious obligations and prohibitions are interpretable. Thus, they became apostate. Imam sadegh questions their false speculations critically and prohibited people from being in touch with them. On occasions, Imam Sadegh had cursed and disgusted Khatabiyah.

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Saeedian Jazi Maryam

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Investigating the sources of the history of Islam is among the interesting topics by the orientalists. However, some of them have ignore this and refer to and exaggerate some fake reports from falsifiers such as Sayf ibn Umar and try to portray a fake and unreal illustration from the Shiite. The main research question here is that what position do Sayf ibn Umar's reports have taken in the westerners' Shiite studies? This writing has investigated and evaluated some orientalists' research and their citations to Sayf ibn Umar reports. It is proven that these research are in contradiction with each other in using Sayf ibn Umar's reports and the influential factors on his historical directions. Thus, orientalists have not acted the same in citing Sayf ibn Umar's reports. They have been doubtful some times and have denied these reports in whiles or have approved them on some occasions. However, they have deemed valid Sayf ibn Umar's reports on the advent of Shiite and accordingly have believed that Shiite ideology has been the cause of division and sedition in the Islamic community. Likewise, they have introduced it as the result of religious change of thought which is affected by the environmental and cultural factors of Iraq.

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Analyzing the personality of Prophet Mohammad (P. B. U. H) is among the most significant topics of Islamic historiography which has been considered by historians and narration scholars in issues of conducts and battles. This topic attracted Islamic authors' attentions from the second half of the second Islamic century independently bearing the title of "dala'il Al-Nabowah" book. This book states the miracles and signs of the Prophet aiming at defending the Prophet's personality against the raised misgivings about him. The main research question is that what is writing reasons and what criteria does it have? Having studied the position of these works in Islamic historiography using a descriptive-analytical research method, the researchers investigate the quality of their advent and the content of this book. Accordingly, the most important signs of the Prophethood of the Prophet of Islam as mentioned in writing reasons works are the previous prophets' enunciation to the Prophet Mohammad's coming, his wonder works, and his miracles.

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