Iconography is an identity-oriented theory in political geography that emphsizes ideational forces in a sates's survival more than other forces, and it is more reperesented in the weakness eras of a country. Iran in 19th centry as a weak country did not have required instrumnets to guarantee its own survival, and had been directly threathened by superpower countries (Russia and Britain). The rivalry of these two superpowers in the great game covered all Iran's territory, and finally because of wars, imposing contract, social, economic and geopolitical pressures of superpowers most part of the territory was seperated from Iran. In this research, based on Nasekhottavarikh as a valid work of Ghajar era, in addition to the investigation of the relations of frontiers and central government, some of their request to be a part of homehand is investigated. Research findings show that Iran’s terrotories were seperated because of powers' rivalries and expansionism sentiments, not their tendency to separatism.